kamala cover

Kamala Harris: Born to Succeed?

When Kamala Harris announced her run for president in 2019, she looked like a long shot.  And she was, with a troubled campaign that ended before the first primary votes were cast.  But looking at her birth chart then, it seemed to me that she was going to get to the Oval Office at some point, however distant.  When Joe Biden chose her as his running mate a year later, she took a major step towards that goal, and when they won that November, a giant leap was made.

But there were still a number of hurdles to cross in the race to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, such as waiting her turn after a successful re-elect gave Biden a second term (should that even occur), and then fending off Democratic competition for the open seat in 2028, and winning that election.  US Vice Presidents don’t have a compelling track record of succeeding to the office, barring the death of the boss mid-term, and she still faced a strong headwind.

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Shyamala and Donald Harris, Kamala’s parents; with an Indian American mother and a Jamaican American father, Harris’ candidacy is historic many times over; asteroid Whitehouse in a Grand Cross with Saturn, Jupiter and Mars shows a strong drive (Mars) for the Oval Office (Whitehouse) as the capstone of her political (Jupiter) career (Saturn)

Kamala Harris’ path to the White House, however, was just smoothed, and the board cleared of challengers, due to the unexpected late withdrawal of Joe Biden from the 2024 race on 21 July.  With her goal now in sight, Harris has embarked on a 15-week sprint to the presidential finish line, at the top of her form and ready to do battle with Donald J. Trump for the soul of America.

Born 20 October 1964 at 9:28 PM PDT in Oakland, California (Rodden Rating AA), Kamala Harris’ path is laid out for her from birth.  The 27 Libra Sun exactly opposes the Moon at 27 Aries, a Full Moon placement that was reiterated at Biden’s withdrawal by the Full Moon in square to this polarity, at 29 Capricorn/Cancer.  The transit lunation overlaid the crossbars of a Grand Cross in the natal chart, with asteroid Harris 2929 at 27 Cancer (conjunct the transit Sun) and asteroid Camilla 107 (one of several cosmic variants of Kamala, for which there is no exact match) at 22 Capricorn (conjunct the transit Moon).  These placements accord with typical PNA (Personal-Named Asteroids) positions for one’s self-referential asteroids, which commonly interact with the Sun, Moon, Ascendant or Mercury. 

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Kamala Harris (right) at a protest against apartheid in 1981; fighting for justice is a part of her cosmic makeup, with asteroid Justitia (Roman goddess of justice) conjunct her Ascendant, and asteroid Themis (Greek goddess of justice) conjunct her Sun

With Saturn at 28 Aquarius, ruling career, squared Jupiter at 24 Taurus, it’s no surprise to find that Harris, a former prosecutor and California’s Attorney General, gravitated toward work in the field of justice (with Jupiter ruling the courts and the justice system), with an eventual eye to politics (also in Jupiter’s bailiwick), first as Senator, then Vice President, and now as the Democratic presidential nominee.  Saturn is conjoined by asteroid Victoria 12 at 25 Aquarius, named for the Roman goddess of victory, so Harris exudes a “winning” vibe in career matters.

But the Jupiter/Saturn square is just a part of a larger pattern that continues to reveal Harris’ career arc, a Grand Cross that includes Mars with asteroid Nemesis 128 at 21 and 22 Leo; and asteroids Whitehouse 4036 and Camelia 957 at 24 and 28 Scorpio.  With Jupiter squared Saturn, any sort of career in the justice system would do, from court stenographer to Supreme Court Justice.  What set Harris’ mind on prosecuting was the Mars/Nemesis combo, which focuses on bringing criminals and evil-doers (both Mars) to justice, righting wrongs and redressing the balance (all Nemesis).

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Kamala Harris as a young Alameda County prosecutor; with Saturn squared Jupiter, a career (Saturn) in the justice system and politics (both Jupiter-ruled) is not a surprise

The Whitehouse/Camelia pairing is obvious in its intent – a potential to see Kamala Harris (Camelia) in the Oval Office (Whitehouse).  That this isn’t just a deluxe White House tour is obvious from the rest of the pattern, which shows her there in an official capacity, as chief executive (both Saturn), via a political (Jupiter) campaign (Mars). 

Let’s pause to address the intervening stages on Harris’ march to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  As California’s Attorney General, Harris was the top law enforcement officer in the Golden State, charged with the overseeing of justice generally.  Justice is a central theme of this chart, with asteroid Justitia 269 (named for the Roman goddess of justice, and the root of our word) at 18 Gemini, conjoined the 24 Gemini Ascendant, governing our public image, how others see us.  Asteroid Themis 24, named for Justitia’s Greek precursor, appears at 26 Libra, closely conjoined the Sun, making justice a vital part of her core identity.  Also here is natal Mercury at 1 Scorpio, so Harris’ involvement with justice will be an actively verbal one (Mercury), complete with communication skills (Mercury again) such as prosecutors must hone for success. 

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Kamala Harris is sworn in as Attorney General of California, 2011; the Sun trine Saturn conjunct asteroid Victoria (Roman goddess of victory) assured a rapid rise in her chosen profession

The stint as AG, an elected office, marks the beginning of the shift in Jovian emphasis from the judicial to the political for Harris, and that progression becomes complete when she wins her Senate race in 2016.  This career steppingstone is seen in asteroid Senator 8603, which at 13 Capricorn is exactly semisquare Saturn.  California’s prominence in her rise is reflected in asteroid California 341, which at 1 Gemini conjoins Jupiter, is squared Saturn and sesquiquadrate Senator. 

Harris’ seemingly inevitable gravitation to the presidency is reinforced by a second PNA, asteroid Kamil 14124, which at 27 Taurus joins the Grand Cross, opposing Whitehouse; and by asteroid Guiseppina 6533, the Italian feminine form of “Joseph,” identifying Joe Biden as pivotal in her rise.  Giuseppina appears at 19 Leo, with Mars.  The fact of Biden as her political partner is illustrated by asteroid Josephina 303 at 10 Sagittarius, conjunct asteroid Juno 3 at 7 Sagittarius, named for the Roman goddess of marriage, but representing partnerships of all sorts.  (A more traditional reading of Juno’s role as spouse is seen in asteroids Douglas 2684 and Douglass 400796, for husband Doug Emhoff, with Douglas at 10 Leo trine Juno, and Douglass at 21 Cancer in sesquiquadrate.)

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Kamala and husband Doug Emhoff cast their votes for her winning Senate campaign in 2016; asteroid Senator exactly semisquare Saturn, with asteroid California squared Saturn and sesquiquadrate Senator, shows her new job title and the state she represents

Biden’s general importance to her biography is foreshadowed by a quaternity of asteroids that interact with the Horizontal Axis.  Asteroids Bida 32014 and Jose 1423 at 24 and 29 Sagittarius join the 24 Sag Descendant, while asteroids Old Joe 10515 and Josefa 649 at 24 and 27 Pisces square the 24 Gemini Ascendant, from the Tenth House of career.  A presentiment of the withdrawal that would thrust her into the limelight can be seen in a T-Square of these points with asteroid Leavitt 5383 (“leave it” in celestial parlance) at 28 Gemini.  When Joe Biden did finally leave the race, transit asteroid Leavitt at 25 Virgo completed a Grand Cross.  At that degree, Leavitt is also activating natal asteroids TRIUMF 14959 (an acronym of a Canadian research facility, but acting as a phonetic match for “triumph,” a resounding success) and Washingtonia 886 (for the US capital), at 26 and 27 Virgo.  The natal effect is to show Biden (Old Joe, Josefa, Jose, Bida) as opening the door to a successful career (TRIUMF) in DC (Washingtonia), as facilitated by his departure (Leavitt).

Asteroid Camillo 3752, our final Kamala referent, falls at 17 Scorpio, also conjunct Whitehouse at 24 Scorpio, providing a third personal connection to the presidency.  Also here is Neptune at 16 Scorpio, implying that Harris can be an inspirational chief executive focused on compassion and empathy for others and stressing universality and inclusion (all Neptune attributes).

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Kamala grills SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh at his confirmation hearing in 2018, using her prosecutorial skills derived from the Sun conjunct Mercury and Themis, with Mars conjunct Nemesis squared Jupiter

But can she bring the country together?  Can anyone, after nine years of Trump divisiveness exacerbating the growing gulf between us?  It may seem counterintuitive given the sharply drawn cultural battlelines, but Harris has a good shot at it, based on the placement of a few key asteroids that promote goodwill.  Asteroids Harmonia 40 and Concordia 58, named respectively for the Greek and Roman goddesses of harmony and concord (and the roots of our words) both appear prominently.  Concordia at 25 Aries conjoins the Moon at 27 Aries, igniting the solar Grand Cross and making concord a strong element of Harris’ emotional makeup (Moon) and core being (Sun).  Harmonia at 28 Leo conjoins Mars at 21 Leo, feeding into the career-focused Saturnine Grand Cross that includes Whitehouse, perhaps an indication that Harris can, in fact, be a leader (Mars) in this regard, trade consensus (Harmonia) for antipathy (Mars), and pacify the country over time.

We discussed previously how the Mars/Uranus/Algol conjunction of July 15th, and the upcoming Uranus retrograde station on September 1st, both set off the career Grand Cross in Harris’ chart.  So I won’t delve too deeply into these now, except to note the positive effects of this pattern.  Uranus can be unpredictable and volatile, but to this point (and I stress that because the other shoe, the Uranus station, has yet to drop, with unknowable repercussions), its chief effect has been to energize and supercharge Harris’ nascent presidential bid.  In the past few days, I’ve heard the terms “electricity,” “excitement,” “energy,” and their variations (all Uranus) applied continually to Harris and a previously flagging Democratic campaign instantly reinvigorated by the change of candidates.  Shocking and unexpected, even controversial (again all Uranus keywords), the shift certainly was, but the Uranus/Mars conjunction, so hyper-focused on energy, has been like rocket fuel for Harris, with upwards of $100 million raised for the new campaign in its first 48 hours, mostly from small donors, and more than enough convention delegates pledging support for Harris to assure her nomination.  As a mundane astrologer, I most often contend with the negative effects of celestial energies; it’s refreshing to be able to point to a positive outcome, and one which I never anticipated.

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Kamala’s 2020 run for president failed quickly, but her aspirations were revived when Joe Biden chose her as his running mate; his importance in her life is shown as asteroids Jose (Spanish for Joseph) and Bida (Biden) conjunct her Descendant, with asteroids Old Joe and Josefa (feminine form of Joseph) squared her Ascendant from the Tenth House of career

Harris has been fortunate – some might say “fated” – to enjoy planetary aspects that highlight her potential and promote her cause.  We’ve noted the 29 Cancer/Capricorn lunation on June 21st that coincided with Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the race and her elevation to candidate, which shifted focus to her personally, and that pattern of fortuitous activation continues.

On August 19th, the very day that the Democratic National Convention opens in Chicago, a Full Moon at 27 Aquarius highlights her Saturn/Victoria conjunction, emphasizing her “career win” combination and energizing that Grand Cross, including the square to asteroid Whitehouse.  The Full Moon of September 17th, which is also a Lunar Eclipse, falls at 25 Pisces, T-Squared her natal Ascendant/Descendant axis at 24 Gemini/Sagittarius, and in her Tenth House of career, powerfully highlighting her public image.  The Solar Eclipse of 2 October at 10 Libra spotlights her natal asteroid America 916 at 5 Libra and is semisquare Mars at 21 Leo, perhaps further fueling (Mars) her national (America) campaign (Mars).

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Kamala is sworn in as Vice President of the United Sates, January 2021; with asteroids Camelia, Kamil and Camillo (all Kamala surrogates) conjoined or opposed asteroid Whitehouse, the presidency is a strong personal goal

The Full Moon of October 17th at 23 Aries conjoins her natal Moon at 27 Aries and reactivates that solar Grand Cross, once again placing focus on her personally, while the subsequent Full Moon on November 15th, ten days after the election, hits her natal Jupiter at 24 Taurus exactly, also exactly opposed natal Whitehouse and squared Saturn and Mars.   Is this the illustrative celestial coda to a successful presidential run?

While I’m not prepared to fully analyze the November 5th election, I understand everyone is champing at the bit to know the results.  So I’ll offer this brief preview, with the caveat that this is not my final word on the subject.

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The vital working partnership between Biden and Harris is depicted on cover art when they were jointly awarded “Person of the Year” by Time magazine in 2020; celestially, this closeness is portrayed by asteroid Josephina conjunct asteroid Juno, Roman goddess of partners

Kamala Harris’ PNAs are well-positioned on the day, including asteroid Harris at 29 Taurus conjoined Uranus (unpredictable, but thus far producing high energy and excitement for her candidacy) at 25 Taurus, squared asteroid Donn (for Donald Trump) with Damocles 5335 (looming threat of disaster) at 21 and 27 Aquarius.  Asteroid Camillo at 2 Libra conjoins asteroid Whitehouse at 4 Libra, placing her within sight of her goal.  Asteroid Camelia at 10 Sagittarius conjoins asteroid Victoria (victory) at 8 Sagittarius and Mercury (the vote itself, also representing young people) at 3 Sag, squared asteroid Demokritos 6129 (Democrats) at 10 Virgo, with asteroid Nike 307 (Greek goddess of victory) at 1 Virgo.  These contacts are fairly straightforward, and promote high energy (Uranus), winning the vote (Victoria/Mercury) and an Oval Office connection (Whitehouse).

Somewhat more esoterically, asteroid Kamil at 17 Libra is part of a Grand Trine Kite pattern, with trines to asteroid America at 12 Aquarius and Jupiter (politics, luck, beneficial outcomes) at 20 Gemini, the String of the Kite formed by Jupiter’s opposition to Venus (women) at 22 Sagittarius.  This could suggest a massive (Jupiter) nationwide (America) female turnout (Venus) to support Harris (Camillo).  As well, Kamil opposes asteroid Camilla at 16 Aries, itself exactly conjunct asteroid House 4950, possibly an allusion to Harris’ coattails being long enough to shift the House of Representatives back to Democratic control, a vital piece of the puzzle for the progressive agenda to continue.

Looking good…

Although I’m certain this will quickly change, thus far, Republicans are scrambling for a line of attack against Harris, with the best they can come up with being her love of Venn diagrams and the threat she poses to the future of plastic drinking straws.   Attacking her personally, they have criticized the tone and tenor of her laugh, and the fact that she unships it at “inappropriate” moments. 

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Kamala shares a joyful embrace with Joe Biden; Republicans have criticized her for her too-deep, too-ready laughter, but with asteroid Jubilatrix (Latin for “woman who rejoices”) conjunct the Moon and opposed the Sun, joy and laughter are an essential part of her celestial makeup, something voters might find refreshing after the dour days of Donald

Astrology has its answer to that, as well.  With asteroid Jubilatrix 652 at 1 Taurus (from the Latin, meaning “woman who rejoices”) conjunct the Moon and opposed the Sun and Mercury, Kamala Harris is a naturally ebullient, jovial, and jubilant soul, finding it difficult to mask these emotions when they arise.  I somehow doubt that most voters will find an irrepressible cheerfulness to be a political liability.

So let the GOP criticize her for laughing.  Because as we all know, she who laughs last… laughs best!

Alex Miller is a professional writer and astrologer, author of The Black Hole Book, detailing deep space points in astrological interpretation, and the forthcoming Heaven on Earth, a comprehensive study of asteroids, both mythic and personal. Alex is a frequent contributor to “The Mountain Astrologer”, “Daykeeper Journal”, and NCGR’s Journals and “Enews Commentary”; his work has also appeared in “Aspects” magazine, “Dell Horoscope”, “Planetwaves”, “Neptune Café” and “Sasstrology.” He is a past president of Philadelphia Astrological Society, and a former board member for the Philadelphia Chapter of NCGR.

6 comments, add yours.

Kathy Biehl

more fun facts: Her Saturn is conjunct the Moon in the Decl. of Independence chart (exact) and the Constitution signing chart — a connection that’s found in many a president’s chart

also — on Aug 19: Jupiter at 17 Gemini (atop DJT’s 10th house Uranus) is the focus of a t-square from Venus at 17 Virgo and Saturn at 17 Pisces. She has Venus at 17 Virgo. Conjunct Uranus/Pluto.

And on Jan 20, 2025 the planets in that opposition are conjunct. Venus conjunct Saturn, at about in the same degree, in Pisces, opposing her Venus/Uranus/Pluto.



Irmgard Dering

I don’t think she has a chance!
This generation doesn’t think about what happened in WWii, and the Donald is too good a salesman, he would succeed selling the Pope a double bed IMO!


Thank you once again, Alex. Your revelations never cease to amaze! My insomnia also is assuaged!


Thanks for this, Alex. I love that Justitia and Themis make strong connections to her ASC and Sun. And I agree, the Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction on her Jupiter turned out to be a good thing that turbo-charged her political career! Some astrologers think Algol is feminine power. Thanks for the asteroid Jubilatrix which I’ve discovered is conjunct my Sun and I enjoy a good laugh too! I like that on election day retrograde Uranus is applying to her Jupiter and it will be exact just a day or two after the electoral college votes when retrograde Jupiter will also be square her Uranus. Kind of a doubling of that exciting energy. Both will still be in that vicinity on inauguration day. Even better, her natal Uranus is stationing retrograde by secondary progression now and has been at the degree of its station since before the 2020 election. It doesn’t seem to matter whether the station is direct or retrograde. People experience an influx of those energies either way. So this energy could propel her into the presidency. Her progressed Pluto (power) also stationed retrograde when she was 58 a couple of years ago and it was already at the degree and minute of its station when she became VP in 2020 and it’s still at that degree and minute now. Sorry this got so long but I think she has a real shot at become President. Here’s hoping!


FDR said, “America needs a beer.” Perhaps Kamala will tell us in January, “Now America needs a laugh.”

Thank you Alex, for your astute readings that let me dare to hope for the future.

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