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Porn, Pizza & Politics: The Mark Robinson Saga

Well, Trump and the MAGA GOP base have done it again!  In nominating North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson for the Tar Heel State’s top job, they’ve once again picked the most controversial candidate possible, a veritable fount of homophobic, misogynist, antisemitic, Islamophobic, racist statements, a Holocaust denier who called himself “a Black Nazi.”  Already trailing Democratic challenger Josh Stein by double digits in most polls, a bevy of new online statements revealed in a CNN report on September 19th have set Robinson’s campaign into a tailspin, with four key staffers resigning in the aftermath of the story.

Voters had already been treated to a catalog of Robinson’s inconsistencies and transgressions, with the pro-life candidate avowedly paying for an abortion for his girlfriend (later wife), and the “family values” promoter having a standing Friday night appointment at various Adult Bookstores, where he would retreat into a viewing booth with a pizza.  But nothing could prepare them for the CNN report, detailing a series of inflammatory comments on a pornography website’s message board, made more than a decade ago, in which he referred to himself as a “black NAZI!” and expressed support for reinstating slavery.

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Too soon to relax, you’re not out of that tight spot yet! A new parcel of Mark Robinson’s posts on porn site message boards could prove the final nail in the coffin of his candidacy, with asteroid Smuts (porn) conjunct Mercury (statements)

Currently noted for his extreme anti-transgender rhetoric, then-Robinson said he enjoyed watching transgender pornography, and proudly self-described himself as a “perv.”  Robinson, a Trump-endorsed candidate (he was described by The Donald as “Martin Luther King on steroids”) denies making the comments, but they were posted under a username that CNN was able to identify as Robinson by matching biographical details and a shared email address between the two.

Many of Robinson’s comments were gratuitously sexual and lewd in nature and could not be fully reported by CNN.  They were made between 2008 and 2012 on “Nude Africa,” a pornographic website that includes a message board, under the username “minisoldr,” a username Robinson used frequently online.  Further confirmation of his culpability in the statements is the fact that Robinson listed his full name on his profile for “Nude Africa,” as well as an email address he used on numerous websites across the internet for decades.

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Trump and Robinson are linked in more than just podium signage; a stationary asteroid Troemper opposed asteroid Robinson, and a conjunction of asteroids Donn and Marc, show the hyper-identification of the two men

Candidate Robinson has advocated arrest for transgender persons who use bathrooms other than those corresponding to the gender they were assigned at birth.  But Citizen Robinson posted, “I like watching tranny on girl porn!  That’s fucking hot!  It takes the man out while leaving the man in!” Robinson wrote on a porn site forum.  “And yeah I’m a ‘perv’ too!”

And apparently Robinson doesn’t hold Martin Luther King Jr in the same regard as his mentor, Donald Trump.  At the dedication of the MLKJ Memorial in Washington DC in 2011, he posted, “Get that fucking commie bastard off the National Mall!  I’m not in the KKK.  They don’t let blacks join.  If I was in the KKK I would have called him Martin Lucifer Koon!”

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Donald Trump has described Mark Robinson as “Martin Luther King on steroids;” perhaps a logical mistake for the notoriously ill-informed Trump, given the fact of asteroid King conjunct Robinson’s Sun, and asteroid Martin Luther inconjunct it; but Robinson himself has described King as a “koon,” also understandable, with asteroid Koon squared asteroid Martin Luther

But he does seem to have picked up Trump’s habit of referring to himself in the third person, stating when the CNN report was released, “This is not us.  These are not our words.  And this is not anything that is characteristic of me.”  Addressing the voluminous evidence connecting him with the “minisoldr” username on Nude Africa, Robinson said, “I’m not going to get into the minutia of how somebody manufactured this, these salacious tabloid lies,” then suggested AI was responsible.

That Donald Trump should be a formative agent in Mark Robinson’s life is prefigured by the placement of asteroids Donn 4689 and Troemper 28130 in his birth chart.  Born 18 August 1968 (no time available), Robinson sports a conjunction of asteroids Marc 71445 (alternate spelling of Mark) and Donn (for Donald) at 24 and 29 Scorpio, squared the 25 Leo Sun.  This pairing of PNAs (Personal-Named Asteroids) makes cosmic bedfellows of Trump and Robinson, linking them and their destinies, and causing both men to identify personally with each other.  Also here, Neptune at 23 Scorpio, classifying both men as potentially deceptive and fraudulent.

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Robinson’s campaign is imploding with the recent revelations of his rampant porn addiction; natal asteroid Lust (sexual desire) conjoins asteroid Photographica (movies) and an exact pairing of Jupiter (excess) with asteroid Sisyphus, (endless repetition)

As well, asteroid Troemper (our cosmic referent for Trump) at 21 Sagittarius finds itself at station, trine the Sun, indicating someone who has a powerful impact on the individual, for good or ill.  The effect on Robinson’s career (his rise to Lieutenant Governor would not have been possible without the Trump/MAGA corruption of the Republican Party) is seen in a solar Grand Trine Kite pattern with Saturn at 25 Aries, the String of the Kite formed by Troemper’s opposition to asteroid Robinson 3819 at 22 Gemini.  Unfortunately for both men, Robinson also exactly conjoins asteroid Nemesis 128, a point noted for ruin and undoing, often self-created, which the native can share with others in his orbit.  And indeed, Republicans are now worrying that Robinson has become so toxic in North Carolina that a “reverse coattails” effect may apply, with the gubernatorial candidate bringing down the vote count for the top of the ticket in his spectacular implosion.  If Donald Trump loses North Carolina, where he is currently neck-and-neck with Kamala Harris, it could spell the end of his presidential bid.

The former Cheeto-in-Chief, however, was extraordinarily celestially prescient in comparing Mark Robinson to Martin Luther King, Jr.  Asteroid King 2305 at 23 Leo conjoins Robinson’s Sun, while asteroid Martin Luther 7100 at 24 Pisces is closely inconjunct.  Such contacts could have encouraged Robinson to follow a more enlightened political path of inclusion and equality, but the reverse was true, perhaps prompted by Martin Luther’s opposition to asteroid NOT 2857 at 29 Virgo, a general disqualifier or symbol of negation which seems to have created an “off-putting” reaction to King and his legacy.   With NOT is Uranus at 27 Virgo, helping to explain the extreme, shocking (both Uranus) statements Robinson made in reference to King.  (Interestingly, given Robinson’s bastardization of “King” to “Koon” in his porn site post quoted above, asteroid Koon 12242 at 27 Gemini squares asteroid Martin Luther, and is sextile asteroid King.)

Robinson on the stump for his run for North Carolina governor; natal asteroid Carolina broadly conjoins the Sun and is closely conjunct Mercury (speeches), also conjunct Jupiter (politics); transit Carolina on Election Day conjoins Damocles (impending doom), opposed asteroid Robinson

Mark Robinson’s apparently extensive sexual appetites can be seen in various ways in the chart.  Most prominent is a remarkable cluster of points in Virgo, extending over a twenty-one-degree span.  Mercury is the kickoff, at 6 Virgo, followed by asteroid Smuts 1731 at 7 Virgo, an exact pairing of Jupiter with asteroid Sisyphus 1866 at 11 Virgo, Venus at 12 Virgo, asteroid Lust 4386 at 17 Virgo, asteroid Photographica 443 at 19 Virgo, Pluto at 21 Virgo, and Uranus at 27 Virgo.  Breaking that down, we find a boundless (Jupiter), compulsive obsession (Pluto) for pornographic (Smuts) imagery (Photographica) as entertainment (Venus), the kinkier the better (Uranus), requiring frequent repetition (Sisyphus) to sate carnal desire (Lust), likely via a “hand-held” or “hands-on” approach (Mercury). 

As witnessed by several employees of various Adult Bookstores (including an owner), Robinson held a regular Friday vigil, complete with pizza for sustenance in his marathon binges, to confirm the Sisyphus/Jupiter/Smuts/Lust portion of the equation, while his own words affirm the love (Venus) of kinky, extreme (both Uranus) imagery (Photographica).  Jupiter in the midst of this massive grouping inextricably links Robinson’s porn addiction with politics, as well as upping the ante on his sex drive.  As well, much of this conglomeration is squared by centaur Nessus 7066 at 13 Gemini, a point noted for sexual misconduct and aberration, often expressed as “men behaving badly.”

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It’s uncertain whether Robinson combined both his loves, porn and pizza, in his viewing habits at that adult bookstore booth, but he certainly had the option, as witnessed by this search result; his inclination to conflate the two is seen in Mars (sex) conjunct asteroids Pecker (penis euphemism) and Pizzetti (for pizza)

A combination of sex and pizza is suggested by Mars at 8 Leo, conjunct asteroid Pecker 1629 (a common penis euphemism) at 6 Leo and asteroid Pizzetti (for pizza) at 4 Leo.  The square from this trio to a pairing of asteroids Karma 3811 and Achilles 588 at 8 and 10 Scorpio reveals an inherent weakness which creates a vulnerability (both Achilles) resulting in a comeuppance for prior deeds (Karma).  Another indicator of potential scandal relating to sex is seen in a Yod, or Finger of Destiny, with TNO Salacia 120347 at its Apex, the root of our word “salacious.”  Salacia is inconjunct to self-defining points, the Sun at 25 Leo, and asteroid Robinson (with Nemesis, recall) at 22 Gemini.

When CNN broke the story of Mark Robinson’s salacious, extreme, hate-filled posts on 19 September 2024, the Sun at 27 Virgo was exactly conjunct natal Uranus, which had been highlighted two days prior by the Lunar Eclipse at 25 Pisces in opposition.  Uranus evokes the extreme, controversial postings, which the eclipse is drawing to the public’s attention.  The eclipse also activated Pluto at 21 Virgo, known for devasting outcomes, and set off a Grand Cross of asteroids Robinson and Nemesis at 22 Gemini, and Troemper at 22 Sagittarius.  Robinson’s self-defeating (Nemesis) posts have certainly eclipsed Trump’s support for him; although he has thus far not withdrawn his endorsement, Trump has appeared in battleground North Carolina twice since the CNN story broke, and has not had Robinson stage with him, nor so much as uttered his name from the podium.

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With transit asteroid Smuts exactly conjunct his natal Sun, squared natal Neptune and trine natal Saturn when the scandal broke, perhaps Mark Robinson can find his Act Two in the adult film industry

But the link between them is still apparent, with transit asteroid Robinson at 18 Leo exactly opposed asteroid Donn at 18 Aquarius.  With celestial tongue-in-cheek (or perhaps a stuck-out tongue), the cosmos provides transit asteroid Smuts at 25 Leo, conjoined asteroid Robinson, but also exactly conjunct Robinson’s natal Sun!  Transit Uranus at 27 Taurus squares Smuts and the natal Sun, bringing the controversy and volatile statements, while Damocles 5335 at 29 Aquarius opposes Smuts/Sun in a T-Square, suggesting a looming peril (Damocles) for Robinson and his campaign from the porno connection (recall also that natal Mercury/Smuts conjunction at 6 and 7 Virgo, suggesting the posts/Mercury on the porn site/Smuts message board/Mercury).  As well, asteroids Troemper and Marc at 20 and 24 Cancer are conjoined, further binding the two, as with the Marc/Donn conjunction in the birth chart. 

The ongoing dual connections between Trump’s and Robinson’s PNAs will continue to identify the two men in the public mindset, even if Trump should disavow him in the future.  The pair is inextricably linked in the zeitgeist, their destinies combined – if Robinson goes down in North Carolina, so likely does Trump.

The Robinson/Donn polarity aligns, by inconjunct and semisextile, to another exact opposition, from Mercury at 18 Virgo to centaur Nessus at 18 Pisces, with our old friend Nemesis conjoined Mercury from 19 Virgo.  This opposition specifies social media posts (Mercury) with unacceptable sexual content (Nessus), which prove a liability (Nemesis), with Mercury/Nemesis especially focused on the natal Jupiter/Smuts/Lust/Photographica grouping.  Nessus also conjoins Saturn at 15 Pisces, which represents government and chief executives like governors as well as losses), and a T-Square formed with Jupiter at 20 Gemini brings in the political component to the story.

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Trump and Robinson share more than just a handshake, they’re also linked in North Carolina voters’ minds; with asteroids Marc, Troemper and Losse (loss) conjunct on Election Day, what happens to one, will happen to the other

Mark Robinson’s Democratc opponent in November is Josh Stein, currently North Carolina’s Attorney General.  Asteroid Steins 2867 (closest to Stein) appears at 29 Libra in Robinson’s birth chart, opposing natal Saturn at 25 Aries, showing their clash of career goals (Saturn) in the governor’s (also Saturn) race, in a T-Square with TNO Salacia at 25 Capricorn, representing the sex-based scandal that may serve up the race to Stein on a silver platter. 

On Election Day, 5 November 2024, asteroid Steins will be embedded at station, having turned retrograde October 29th at 6 Cancer, trine the Sun at 13 Scorpio.  This signals a pivotal moment for Josh Stein, a dramatic turning point in his biography.  Asteroid Robinson at 4 Virgo, in contrast, opposes Damocles with asteroid Carolina 235, at 27 and 28 Aquarius, suggesting the peril awaiting North Carolina should his campaign succeed.  But never fear – asteroid Marc at 3 Leo conjoins asteroid Losse 340579 (phonetic match for “loss”) at 12 Leo, right alongside asteroid Troemper at 9 Leo.  Just two loser cosmic peas in a rancid GOP pod.

Alex Miller is a professional writer and astrologer, author of The Black Hole Book, detailing deep space points in astrological interpretation, and the forthcoming Heaven on Earth, a comprehensive study of asteroids, both mythic and personal. Alex is a frequent contributor to “The Mountain Astrologer”, “Daykeeper Journal”, and NCGR’s Journals and “Enews Commentary”; his work has also appeared in “Aspects” magazine, “Dell Horoscope”, “Planetwaves”, “Neptune Café” and “Sasstrology.” He is a past president of Philadelphia Astrological Society, and a former board member for the Philadelphia Chapter of NCGR.

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Can US politics get any weirder? How can you support a return to slavery if you are Black? For once I am not just amazed by the asteroids but by the facts themselves. Wake me up when the election is over, please!! Thanks Alex!

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