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Asteroid Sleuth:  The Case of the Deadly Dessert

A family holiday party in Tores, Brazil on December 23, 2024, turned fatal, resulting in the deaths of three members, and the hospitalization of three others, from arsenic poisoning.  Dead are sisters Maida da Silva, 58, and Neuza Silva Dos Anjos, 65; and Neuza’s daughter Tatiana, 43; a third sister, Zeli Silva, 60, Maida’s husband Jefferson, and Tatiana’s son Matheus, 10, were hospitalized with severe injuries but survived.

Police have arrested Zeli Silva’s daughter-in-law, Deise Moura, suspected of introducing arsenic into the flour used to bake a traditional yuletide confection, a Bolo de Natale, AKA “King’s Cake,” which the family shared at their gathering.  Several guests complained of a bitter taste to the cake, whereupon Zeli, who had baked it, told them to stop eating.  Hours later, three were dead and three hospitalized, the only ones unaffected being the suspect and Neuza’s husband Joao, who did not partake of the dessert.  The investigation has been broadened to include the death of Zeli’s husband Paolo the previous September, supposedly from food poisoning.

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A cake baked with arsenic formed the deadly dessert course of a family Christmas celebration in Tores, Brazil; the Sun conjunct TNO Ixion (murder) and asteroid Arsinoe (for arsenic), in a T-Square with asteroids Lachesis (lifespan), Brasilia (Brazil) and Poisson (poison) tells the tale

Authorities have ruled out accidental poisoning – the victim whose body contained the lowest concentration of arsenic still registered 80 times the amount permitted in food, and much higher than could occur naturally; and the victim with the highest concentration had 350 times that level.  Police also confirmed that the poison in the cake was mixed into the flour used in its preparation, ruling out the possibility of food poisoning.  Analysis of samples revealed that the largest amount of arsenic found in the flour used to make the cake was 2,700 times higher than the permitted limit.  Police are uncertain of the motive, which may stem from a decades-long family dispute, or an attempt to remove competitors for an inheritance.

In cases of poisoning, three asteroids have proven their efficacy:  Poisson 12874 (for “poison”), Velenia 21660 (with veleno the Italian word for poison), and Yada 23241 (with yad the Russian word for poison).  In this case, arsenic was the poison of choice, represented by asteroid Arsinoe 404.  For location, we have asteroid Tore 97186 for Tores and Brasilia 293 for Brazil, named for its capital.

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Deise Moura, daughter-in-law of one of the victims, is suspected of having introduced arsenic into the flour used for the confection, called a “King’s Cake”; asteroid Mourao opposes an exact pairing of asteroids King and Nemesis, known as the bringer of ruin and destruction

The deadly Bolo de Natale (literally, “Christmas Cake” in Portuguese) is seen as asteroids Boll 7873, Bolin 42177 (close approximations of “bolo”) and Tortali 2687 (after torta, Italian for cake).  Also of note, asteroids Yule 14960 (for the Christmas season), Natalie 448 (cognate of Natale, also meaning “Christmas”) and King 2305 (for the dessert’s alternate name of King’s Cake).  We’ll deal with PNAs (Personal-Named Asteroids) for the suspect and victims as they arise in the interpretation.

Let’s start with the Sun.  At 2 Capricorn, the Sun is conjoined by TNO Ixion 28978 at 5 Capricorn and asteroid Arsinoe at 6 Capricorn, opposing asteroid Lachesis 120 at 5 Cancer.  Ixion is named for the first murderer in Greek myth, Arsinoe is our placeholder for arsenic, and Lachesis is named for the mythic Greek Fate who determines the span of life.  In and of itself, this is a remarkable configuration, given the circumstances, with the Sun spotlighting homicide (Ixion), the poison in question (Arsinoe), and mortality (Lachesis).  This polarity becomes a T-Square when we include asteroids Poisson and Brasilia at 4 and 6 Libra, again referencing poison (Poisson) and the country where the incident occurred (Brasilia).

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Six family members were poisoned by the Bolo de Natale (literally, “Christmas Cake) in Tores, three of whom died; asteroid Tore exactly conjunct Damocles, squared asteroids Yule and Velenia, depicts a looming threat of disaster (Damocles) in Tores (Tore) due to a Christmas (Yule) poisoning (Velenia, for veleno, Italian for “poison”)

A precise union of Damocles 5335 and asteroid Tore at 28 Aquarius speaks to a looming threat of disaster or destruction (Damocles) in Tores (Tore), while a conjunction with asteroid Anubis 1912 at 3 Pisces and an opposition to asteroid Atropos 273 at 3 Virgo reveals the threat to be a mortal one, with fatal results (Anubis named for the ancient Egyptian deity governing funerary rites, and Atropos named for the Fate who severs the thread of life at death).  A second T-Square is formed with asteroids Yule 14960 and Velenia at 27 Scorpio and 0 Sagittarius, designating a Christmas-related (Yule) poisoning (Velenia). 

Another exact union, of asteroids King and Nemesis 128 at 21 Libra, is joined by asteroid Bolin at 28 Libra, squared asteroids Boll and Tortali at 22 and 24 Cancer.  Indeed, it was the “King (King) Cake (Bolin, Boll, Tortali)” that was the ruin and destruction (Nemesis) of so many family members. 

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Victim Maida la Silva is represented by asteroid Maedatoshihisa squared Pluto, modern lord of death

Speaking of families, three of the victims shared the last name Silva, in some form or other, as reflected in asteroid Silva Nortica 22618 at 21 Gemini, squared a wide conjunction of asteroid Yada (Russian yad, “poison”) and Neptune, planetary ruler of poisons and toxins, at 18 and 27 Pisces.  Conjunct Silva Nortica is asteroid Requiem 2254 at 16 Gemini, named for the funeral mass for the dead, and opposing, forming our third T-Square, is an exact pairing of asteroid Rip 7711 and Apophis 99942 at 23 Sagittarius.  Rip symbolizes the acronym RIP, “Rest In Peace,” a common tombstone inscription, while Apophis is named for the ancient Egyptian personification of pure evil, certainly an energy which seems to apply in this case.

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Neuza Silva dos Anjos is just one of three poison victims who share the name Silva; asteroid Silva Nortica opposes a pairing of asteroids Apophis (pure evil) and Rip (RIP), in a T-Square with Neptune (poisons)

Deceased Maida da Silva is also represented by asteroid Maedatoshihisa 22480, a CNA (Compound-Named Asteroid, consisting of first and last names strung together as one word, which can be separated and used for either), which at 3 Scorpio squares Pluto, modern lord of death and planetary ruler of homicide, at 0 Aquarius.  Deceased Neuza Silva Dos Anjos has no additional referent, but her deceased daughter Tatiana can be seen as asteroid Tatianina 4786, which at 11 Capricorn is widely conjunct the Sun/Ixion/Arsinoe grouping.

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Zeli Silva dos Anjos was poisoned but survived; the baker of the cake, she is seen as asteroid Zelia squared asteroid Baker, with Zelia’s conjunction with “Lesser Benefic” Venus offering protection from death

The remaining victims, who were severely injured by the poison but survived, all have asteroid referents making connections to asteroid NOT 2857, a general disqualifier or symbol of negation, which may have worked to override the poison’s effects.  Maida’s husband Jefferson is seen as asteroid Jefferson 30928, which at 6 Virgo squares NOT at 14 Sagittarius, also conjoined by asteroid Mathieu 1592 at 10 Sagittarius, for Tatiana’s 10-year-old son Mateo (respectively, the French and Spanish versions of “Matthew”).  The third sister, Zeli Silva Dos Anjos, the baker of the cake, is also seen as asteroid Zelia 169, which at 16 Aquarius is sextile NOT, and also conjoined Venus at 18 Aquarius, known as “the Lesser Benefic,” another positive influence which may have been a mitigating factor.  Zelia is also squared asteroid Baker 2549 at 8 Scorpio, reflecting her role in the tragedy.

And what of the suspect?  Deise Moura is represented by asteroid Denise 667 (for Deise) at 26 Leo, opposed Damocles (hidden source of doom) at 28 Aquarius, in a Grand Cross with asteroid Yule (Christmas) at 28 Scorpio and Uranus (shocking, unexpected acts) at 23 Taurus.  Asteroid Mourao 2590 (for Moura) at 13 Aries opposes asteroid Nemesis, the bringer of destruction, at 21 Libra.

Another stunning example of how the Above is reflected in the Below.

Alex Miller is a professional writer and astrologer, author of The Black Hole Book, detailing deep space points in astrological interpretation, and the forthcoming Heaven on Earth, a comprehensive study of asteroids, both mythic and personal. Alex is a frequent contributor to “The Mountain Astrologer”, “Daykeeper Journal”, and NCGR’s Journals and “Enews Commentary”; his work has also appeared in “Aspects” magazine, “Dell Horoscope”, “Planetwaves”, “Neptune Café” and “Sasstrology.” He is a past president of Philadelphia Astrological Society, and a former board member for the Philadelphia Chapter of NCGR.

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Wow, what a bizarre story! Great job of delineating the relevant asteroids! It will be interesting if the motives come out at a trial. Thanks Alex!

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