AAA Profile: Ketanji Brown Jackson
The United States Supreme Court just got a little more diversified, with the history-making confirmation of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as its newest Associate Justice, the first black woman to sit on the bench. Jackson was confirmed by the full Senate on Thursday, April 7, with a bipartisan vote of 53-47, and will replace retiring Justice Stephen Breyer when the new session convenes in October. A native of Washington DC, Jackson was raised in Florida, is a graduate of Harvard University and Harvard Law School (where she edited the “Harvard Law Review”), and previously clerked for the Justice she is replacing.
Jackson served as a district judge for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia from 2013-2021, when she was elevated to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals by this same Senate. Jackson was also vice chair of the United States Sentencing Commission from 2010 to 2014, both earlier appointments by Barack Obama, the two most recent by Joe Biden.

Born 14 September 1970 (no time available), Jackson’s new job title of Justice is foretold in her Sun at 21 Virgo conjoined asteroid Justitia, named for the Roman goddess of justice, at 18 Virgo. The Sun is also conjoined by Mercury retrograde at 17 Virgo, indicating an introspective, detail-oriented, probing mind which regularly revisits decisions and reviews data; Pluto at 26 Virgo, suggesting a powerful inner essence or core, as well as the potential for enhanced personal power; and asteroid Washingtonia at 29 Virgo, representing Washington DC, which is not only her birthplace but has been the center of her career life, and will be her residence for the duration, confirming its importance in her biography.
A T-Square is formed with squares to asteroid Brown, her maiden name, at 13 Sagittarius, and asteroid Jackson, her married name, at 24 Sagittarius; and asteroid America at 23 Gemini, describing a pivotal role to play in her country’s history. Thus the newly minted Justice conforms to the typical placements of one’s own PNAs (Personal-Named Asteroids), commonly in aspect to the Sun, Moon, Ascendant or Mercury. Asteroid Jackson is conjoined exactly by asteroid Schwartz, German for “black”, which in square to Justitia, with Jupiter and Venus at 4 and 6 Scorpio roughly on their midpoint, semisquare to each, identifies her as the first black (Schwartz) female (Venus) Justice (both Justitia and Jupiter, ruling the judiciary). Just to drive the point home, the cosmos also accommodates us with asteroid Black at 13 Scorpio, conjunct asteroid Themis (named for Justitia’s Greek counterpart) at 8 Scorpio, both conjoined Jupiter/Venus, providing the same planetary picture from a different perspective.

Asteroid Whitehouse at 6 Aquarius is one of only two points at station, signaling the White House’s pivotal role in her life, appointed to four successive jobs by two Democratic presidents; Whitehouse turned direct two weeks after her birth, at that degree, and is exactly sesquiquadrate the Sun. A T-Square of asteroid Senator at 17 Scorpio opposed Saturn at 22 Taurus, with Damocles at 17 Aquarius on the fulcrum, portrays the “looming threat” (Damocles) of a Senate confirmation (Senator) for her career (Saturn), borne out in this latest round by GOP members implying she would have defended Nazis at the Nuremberg trials, and supports child pornography. (This after asserting, with straight faces, that they would give her a “dignified” hearing, as opposed to how recent Republican nominees were treated by Dems.)
Joe Biden had made appointing the nation’s first black female jurist to the SCOTUS a prime plank on his 2020 presidential campaign platform, and when Justice Breyer announced his resignation on January 26th, the presence of Ketanji Brown Jackson on Biden’s mind as a potential replacement was easy to read, with asteroid Brown at 7 Aquarius conjoined the Sun and asteroid Whitehouse at 6 and 8 Aquarius, as well as asteroid Themis at 15 Aquarius, while asteroid Jackson was exactly conjoined Uranus, in square from 10 Taurus. The transit Sun was exactly conjunct Jackson’s natal Whitehouse at 6 Aquarius, reiterating the connection.
Sure enough, when Jackson’s nomination was made official on February 25, 2022 asteroids Whitehouse, Brown and Themis remained enmeshed, at 19, 23 and 25 Aquarius respectively, still squared asteroid Jackson, now at 16 Taurus. Announced by President Biden at 2:02 PM EST in Washington, transit asteroid Bida (closest to Biden) at 15 Cancer conjoins the 21 Cancer Ascendant, which closely squares Jackson’s natal asteroid Bida at 20 Libra. Transit Venus at 22 Capricorn on the Descendant makes this a T-Square, identifying the nominee as female, while the Moon (another indicator of a woman) at 1 Capricorn squares the 4 Aries MC, the focus of all eyes, and forms a second T-Square with asteroid America at 5 Cancer, itself conjoined natal asteroid Karma at 2 Cancer, suggesting a fated moment in time. Transit Justitia at 22 Sagittarius is broadly conjunct the Moon, and also conjoins natal Jackson/Schwartz, squaring natal Sun/Justitia.

Jackson’s Senate confirmation hearings began on March 21st, with asteroid Jackson at 22 Taurus now exactly conjoined her career-oriented natal Saturn. Asteroid Senator is within orb from 16 Taurus, reprising Jackson’s position for her nomination. The triple conjunction of Whitehouse, Themis and Brown (representing a person of color as presidential nominee for Associate Justice) remains in force, now at 27 Aquarius, 3 and 6 Pisces, with transit Jupiter, ruling both the Senate and the SCOTUS, conjoined Mercury, providing news and debate, at 18 and 19 Pisces. These oppose the natal Sun/Justitia/Mercury grouping.
The transit Sun at 0 Aries squares transit Justitia at 2 Capricorn, T-Squared asteroid America at 9 Cancer, reigniting the T-Square in effect for her nomination. The Sun is also trine transit Karma at 3 Sagittarius, stationing to turn retrograde five days later, during the hearings, lending its air of predestination. Karma opposes asteroid Schwartz at 10 Gemini, while asteroid Black at 15 Aquarius is exactly semisquare the Sun and squared its natal degree, placing the emphasis on Jackson’s race.

Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation vote came at 2:17 PM EDT on April 7th, with three Republican senators joining 50 Democrats to make judicial history in the US. Asteroids Senator and Jackson remain conjoined, now at 25 and 27 Taurus, squared by a Saturn/Mars conjunction at 22 and 24 Aquarius, with asteroid Black also at 22 Aquarius, and asteroid Justitia at 8 Capricorn in sesquiquadrate. Venus and asteroid Themis conjoin at 2 and 8 Pisces, with asteroid Whitehouse at 3 Pisces, signaling a good day for the administration in its quest to place another female Justice on the court. Jupiter conjunct Neptune at 22 and 23 Pisces opposes Jackson’s natal Sun/Justitia at 18 and 21 Virgo, also opposed by asteroid Brown at 16 Pisces.
The 14 Leo Ascendant squares Jackson’s natal asteroid Senator at 17 Scorpio, as well as natal Themis and Black at 8 and 13 Scorpio, with the MC at 5 Taurus opposing Themis and also the natal Jupiter/Venus conjunction at 4 and 6 Scorpio. The Sun at 17 Aries falls at the Apex of a Yod, or Finger of Destiny, with inconjunct aspects to Jackson’s natal Mercury/Justitia conjunction at 17 and 18 Virgo, and natal asteroid Senator at 17 Scorpio, depicting the focus (Sun) on the Senate (Senator) vote (Mercury) to confirm her as Justice (Justitia).
The three GOP senators who crossed the aisle to support Jackson were Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Mitt Romney of Utah. All have PNAs which interact directly with asteroid Jackson in the confirmation chart: asteroid Collins at 0 Aquarius in trine, asteroid MIT (named for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but standing in here for Willard “Mitt” Romney) at 27 Aquarius in exact square, and asteroid Lise (the German form of Lisa) at 21 Taurus conjunct.

Susan Collins was the first to express her support, earlier in the week, and the importance of her stance in guaranteeing a bipartisan confirmation can be seen in two additional PNA placements, with asteroid Susank at 3 Cancer conjunct the 1 Cancer Moon, and asteroid Susanna at 23 Sagittarius at station, about to turn retrograde conjoined Jackson’s natal asteroid Jackson at 24 Sag, squared her natal Sun at 21 Virgo. The Moon is also exactly opposed its degree of 1 Capricorn for Jackson’s nomination, and conjoined her natal asteroid Karma at 2 Cancer.
The importance of these senators to her biography is foreshadowed in the birth chart by asteroid Lise at 7 Aquarius conjunct Whitehouse and sesquiquadrate the Sun; asteroid Susank at 28 Sagittarius, conjoined asteroid Jackson and squared the Sun; and asteroid MIT at 11 Taurus, the second point at station in Jackson’s chart (along with asteroid Whitehouse), turning retrograde a week before her birth. MIT also opposes Themis and Senator.
Barring any unexpected deaths or resignations, this will likely be Joe Biden’s only Supreme Court nomination, and a fine addition not only to his legacy as president, but to the history of equality in the country.
2 comments, add yours.
Great as always!
It is so VERY COOL that Justitia is conjunct Jackson’s natal Sun! And the other asteroid connections you point out are amazing too–and so are you for demonstrating again and again how asteroids show up in the headlines. Keep up the great work, Alex!