Asteroid Sleuth: The Case of the Cross-Country Cat
After the recent political developments in the US, couldn’t we all use a nice, feel-good story? Such is the tale of Rayne Beau (pronounced “rainbow”), a savvy tabby who, against all odds, was reunited with his family in Salinas, California two months after becoming lost in Yellowstone National Park, some 1100 miles away. Rayne Beau made the vast majority of the return trip, almost 900 miles, under his own steam, though no one knows how, being found and then trapped in Roseville, California, about 200 miles from home.
Pet parents Benny and Susanne Anguiano, with their cats Rayne Beau and Starr Jasmyn in tow, set out for a camping trip in Yellowstone in early June 2024, arriving at the Fishing Bridge RV Park on the 4th. Shortly after their arrival, Rayne Beau became startled and ran off into the underbrush. The family searched for him for four days, trying to tempt him back with his favorite treats and toys, until forced to return home.

Devastated, the Anguianos refused to give up hope. “We were entering the Nevada desert and all of a sudden I see a double rainbow. And I took a picture of it and I thought, that’s a sign. That’s a sign for our rainbow that he’s going to be okay,” said Susanne of a perceived omen enroute.
But of Rayne Beau there was no further sign.
Until … the cat unaccountably surfaced in the backyard of Alexandra Betts in Roseville, California, 900 miles from where he was lost, in early August, two months later. Alexandra couldn’t approach Rayne Beau, who was weak and traumatized from his ordeal, but she gave him food and water, and eventually was able to trap him on the 3rd. She surrendered him to the local SPCA, where his microchip identified him as belonging to the Anguianos. The couple drove the 200 miles to reclaim him on the following day, and Rayne Beau is now home, snuggling with bestie Starr Jasmyn.

During his time AWOL, Rayne Beau lost 6 pounds, 40% of his body weight. With his paws badly damaged and diminished protein levels due to poor nutrition, it seems unlikely that he was cared for during his trek homeward, but how he accomplished the feat remains a mystery.
On June 4, 2024, the day Rayne Beau disappeared, there was a remarkable triple conjunction of the Sun with Venus and asteroid Katz 22981 (German for “cat”), all at 14 Gemini, throwing a spotlight (Sun) on a feline (Katz) loved one (Venus). Venus is also known as “the Lesser Benefic,” providing positive outcomes, and validating Susanne Anguiano’s certainty that all would be well. Also with this cluster is asteroid Kitty 9563 at 9 Gemini, asteroid Susanna 542 (for Mama Susanne) at 11 Gemini, asteroid Beny 101955 (for Papa Benny) at 16 Gemini, and asteroid Losse 340579 (phonetic match for “loss”) at 22 Gemini. I’ll say it again: remarkable! Saturn squared this stellium from 18 Pisces suggests the loss, as well as the hardship and deprivation experienced by Rayne Beau during his homeward journey.

As well, another exact conjunction, of Jupiter (“the Greater Benefic”) with Mercury (ruling pets and small animals, as well as travel) at 2 Gemini includes Kitty and Susanna under its umbrella, further reinforcing Susanna Anguiano’s sense that things would turn out for the best for her cat (Jupiter also rules long journeys).
Asteroid Iris 7 is named for the Greek goddess of the rainbow (so here constituting a valid marker for Rayne Beau), and at 20 Aquarius, it is trine the solar stellium and also squared a conjunction of Uranus at 24 Taurus and asteroid Bridges 4029 at 23 Taurus, with Saturn at 18 Pisces, semisextile Iris and sextile Uranus. This reflects Rayne Beau’s (Iris) sudden, unexpected (both Uranus) loss (Saturn) from the Fishing Bridge RV Park (Bridges). There is a T-Square formed with the addition of asteroid Parks 5585 at 29 Leo, opposed Iris and squared Uranus/Bridges, representing both the National Park setting generally and the RV Park specifically.

Asteroid Yellowriver 110297 suggests the Yellowstone River, which flows through the Park; at 26 Aries it exactly conjoins Mars (strength and adventure), squared asteroids Fellini 5150 (for “feline”) and California 341 (Rayne Beau’s home state and destination) at 20 and 25 Cancer. In addition, asteroid Odysseus 1143 at 14 Cancer (named for the mythic Greek hero whose return voyage from Troy lasted ten grueling years) conjoins Fellini, depicting a protracted odyssey (Odysseus) for a cat (Fellini). Asteroid Child 4580 at 29 Capricorn fills in a T-Square, suggesting the Anguianos’ fur baby. Child’s close conjunction with Pluto at 1 Aquarius indicates a traumatic, transformative, near-death experience; an opposition to asteroid Rainer 16802 (one of two “Rayne” markers) at 3 Leo identifies the traumatized “child” by name.

Asteroid Raine 221019 (phonetic match for Rayne) at 1 Capricorn squares Neptune at 29 Pisces, suggesting that rescue (Neptune) would be forthcoming eventually. We can even see Rayne Beau’s eventual savior (also Neptune) in a sesquiquadrate from Raine to asteroid Alexandra 54 (for Alexandra Betts, who found and trapped him) at 12 Taurus, semisquare Neptune. (Note also that asteroid Alex 3367, another referent for Ms. Betts, falls at 14 Cancer, exactly conjunct Odysseus, making her an integral part of Rayne Beau’s odyssey.) Alexandra squared asteroid Rosa 223 at 10 Scorpio portrays Alexandra Betts’ connection to Roseville, California, where Rayne Beau resurfaced.
When the Anguianos got the call that Rayne Beau had been found, on 4 August 2024, the Sun at 11 Leo is an exact match for asteroid Alex (again reflecting his rescuer), in a Grand Cross, opposing asteroid Iris (rainbow, Rayne Beau) at 15 Aquarius, squared asteroids Yellowriver (Yellowstone) at 10 Taurus and Rosa (Roseville) at 12 Scorpio, uniting the cat with his points of disappearance and reclamation. Also within orb of the Sun are asteroids California and Fellini, now at 19 and 20 Leo, with asteroid Rainer just a bit wide of conjunction, at 25 Leo (but still conjoined California/Fellini). With Yellowriver, squared the Sun, are asteroids Endate 4282 (for “end date”) and Fini 795 (French for “finished” or “done”) at 12 and 14 Taurus, both suggesting a conclusion to Rayne’s Beau’s Yellowstone adventure. Lastly, conjunct the Sun is asteroid Sphinx 896 at 7 Leo, named for the riddling creature of Greek myth, denoting an enigma or mystery, never to be solved, like how Rayne Beau managed the first 900 miles of his journey home.

Asteroid Raine at 21 Sagittarius is now opposing the solar stellium for his loss, most closely opposed that Losse at 22 Gemini; and squared Neptune (rescue) at 29 Pisces. Asteroids Katz, Kitty and Losse at 8, 9 and 12 Cancer conjoin Rayne Beau’s loss chart’s Odysseus at 14 Cancer, further signaling an end to his long odyssey. Asteroid Alexandra at 4 Gemini conjoins the loss chart’s Jupiter/Mercury conjunction, establishing Alexandra Betts (Alexandra) as the benefactress (Jupiter) in this pet’s (Mercury) redemption. Jupiter itself has now moved to precisely conjoin the exact Sun/Venus/Katz conjunction at 14 Gemini, amply fulfilling the promise of “all’s well that ends well.”

For those of us down in the dumps as a result of the 2024 election results, the moral of the story may be that if Rayne Beau the cat can find safe harbor after his period of trial and travail, perhaps so can we all.
5 comments, add yours.
Mystery of love
Irmgard Dering
What a beautiful cat and how lucky she has been! Very happy she got home safely!
Better outcome then the election LOL!
Wow, an amazing story & a welcome distraction from politics right now. The damaged paws suggest he walked at least part of the way…but 900 miles in two months? ‘Tis a sphinx-like mystery indeed! Thanks Alex!
Alex, Loved the ‘kitty’ story. So happy he made it home! I think
he hitched a ride on the camper part of the way! and then the
long trek to Roseville. . .Thankful for a happy ending!
Thank you for your puddy-tat adventure story with a happy ending, Alex. He was found on my birthday, so I feel a special connection with Rayne Beau. I hope he’s recovering well from his ordeal.
When my son (whose middle name is Alexander btw) was little, I used to ‘kiss it better’ when he hurt himself, and I found that worked really well; in fact some scientists found that these kinds of kisses had a positive effect as a healing tool (but I don’t think their research was done on animals).Perhaps Susanna could drop a few gentle kisses on Rayne Beau’s poor little paws every so often.
Some of Rayne Beau’s coat markings remind me a bit of a Siamese cat, and his hind legs are quite long, I wonder if he has a few of that breed’s genes in him? I had a Siamese as a child, and she was quite feisty and more than a little crazy – she thought she was a dog…