The 2024 Venezuela Election
On 28 July 2024, Venezuela held a national election, voting for a six-year term for president, beginning in January 2025. Nicolas Maduro, the two-term authoritarian president, was running for a third term, and to stack the deck, the administration barred many in the opposition from even running for office, including leading candidate Maria Corina Machado. Edmondo Gonzalez Urrutia ran in her stead, representing the Unitary Platform party, the main opposition political alliance.
Despite these precautions, news outlets and the opposition provided “strong evidence” to suggest that González won the election by a wide margin. To make its case, the opposition released copies of official tally sheets collected by poll watchers from a majority of polling centers, indicating a landslide victory for González.

But the day after the election, the government-controlled National Electoral Council (CNE) announced falsified results claiming a narrow Maduro victory. The CNE’s results were rejected by the Carter Center and by the OAS (Organization of American States), and subsequent analyses by media sources including the Associated Press and The Washington Post found the government’s results to be statistically improbable and lacking in credibility. In the aftermath of the disputed election, protests broke out across the country, and the Maduro administration jailed opposition political figures while refusing to relinquish power; some foreign nations have recognized Gonzalez as the winner and rightful president of Venezuela, others support Maduro.
A chart cast for Election Day on July 28th shows a high propensity for electoral fraud, with all the players’ asteroid referents in key celestial placement. In this analysis, we’ll be relying heavily on asteroid Buysballot 10961; named for Dutch chemist and meteorologist C.H.D. Buys Ballot. While there is no direct association of this historic individual with election interference, the partition of the asteroid’s name into its namesake’s “buys ballot” form in English should be sufficient to understanding the importance of this point for electoral fraud, by whatever means, pecuniary or otherwise.

On Election Day, asteroid Buysballot at 21 Cancer is exactly inconjunct asteroid Venezuela 9357 at 21 Aquarius, and widely squared asteroid Caracas 11082 at 13 Libra, named for its capital city. Further, Buysballot is conjoined by asteroid Nike 307 at 22 Cancer and squared asteroid Victoria 12 at 18 Libra, named respectively for the Greek and Roman goddesses of victory, suggesting that electoral fraud (Buysballot) was instrumental in determining the winner (Nike, Victoria). Buysballot is also trine Saturn at 18 Pisces, representing Venezuela’s president and government. The implication is of an “adjustment” (inconjunct) in the electoral processes (Buysballot) in Venezuela (Venezuela, Caracas), engineered by the administration (Saturn) to affirm its victory (Nike, Victoria).
As well, Buysballot appears at the fulcrum of a T-Square which further explicates the dramatis personae of the event. A close square to asteroid Urrutia 4761 at 20 Aries, conjunct centaur Chiron 20260 at 23 Aries, identifies Edmondo Gonzalez Urrutia as the injured party (Chiron, noted for wounding). A second square to asteroid Madorobin 33343 at 15 Libra, closest to Maduro, in opposition to Urrutia, suggests Maduro as the villain of the piece, opposing Urrutia at the ballot box as well as in the transit sky.

Maduro’s centrality to the day, and the likelihood of mischief being perpetrated, is symbolized by asteroids Nicolashayek 170162 at 10 Leo, Niccolo 6952 at 6 Leo and Loke 4862 at 8 Leo, all conjoined the 5 Leo Sun. Nicolashayek is the only CNA (Compound-Named Asteroid, comprised of both first and last names strung together as one word, which can be separated and used for either) which utilizes Nicolas, the exact spelling for Maduro’s first name; Niccolo is a variant of the root name “Nicholas,” also representing Maduro; and Loke is named for the Norse god Loki, a Trickster Deity. Together, this spotlights (Sun) Maduro (Nicolashayek, Niccolo) as central (also Sun) to the electoral mischief (Loke). Pluto opposed from 0 Aquarius indicates power struggles, manipulation and coercion, and criminal activity (all Pluto) related to Maduro’s “election.”
Venezuela’s preference for Edmondo Gonzalez Urrutia is seen in asteroid Venezuela at 21 Aquarius in square to asteroids Edmond 12533 and Gonzales 15628 at 19 and 29 Taurus (both alternate forms of Edmondo Gonzalez), with Uranus between them at 26 Taurus. Uranus here represents the “shocking,” controversial nature of the election, as well as the protests which resulted from the fraudulent results. Uranus and Gonzales are also sesquiquadrate to asteroid Caracas at 13 Libra, another indication of the country’s preference for Gonzalez.

Saturn at 18 Pisces squared Jupiter at 13 Gemini smacks of a repression (Saturn) of ordinary political processes (Jupiter), while asteroid NOT 2857 (a general disqualifier or symbol of negation) at 7 Libra squared asteroids Nicole 1343 and Nichols 68410 at 7 and 9 Cancer (two more Nicolas Maduro referents) suggests that Maduro is not the people’s choice.
The “ghost” of primary opposition leader Maria Corina Machado, banned from participation in this election, yet appears, as asteroid Maria 170, which at 15 Virgo completes a T-Square with Jupiter and Saturn; asteroid Cori 6175 (for Corina), widely conjunct the Sun from 14 Leo, and asteroid Machado 2543, opposed it from 7 Aquarius.

Venezuela itself labors under the likelihood of government interference in elections. Founded on 5 July 1811 at 3 PM LMT in Caracas (Rodden Rating A), the country was well-timed, with asteroid Venezuela at 27 Scorpio on its 26 Scorpio Ascendant, exactly sesquiquadrate its 12 Cancer Sun, with that Sun also squared asteroid Caracas at 8 Libra. Unfortunately, with asteroid NOT widely conjunct the Sun from 3 Cancer, more closely opposed the Moon at 5 Capricorn, creating a T-Square with Caracas, the wishes of its people (Moon) are often negated (NOT) by the central authority (Caracas).
Worse, asteroid Buysballot at 26 Sagittarius conjoins Saturn at 21 Sag and opposes Jupiter with Mercury at 20 and 24 Gemini, with Pluto on the fulcrum of a T-Square from 18 Pisces. This depicts the government (Saturn) as deeply involved in unlawful practices (Pluto) of a political nature (Jupiter), affecting the vote (Mercury) via electoral fraud (Buysballot). The July 15th conjunction of Mars and Uranus at 26 Taurus rested exactly atop Venezuela’s natal Descendant, opposed its Ascendant, squared the 25 Leo Midheaven, and semisquare its Sun, prefiguring angry (Mars) protests (Uranus) in the country’s immediate future, a celestial promise fulfilled in just two weeks.

Nicolas Maduro is no stranger to this energy either. Born 23 November 1962 at 9:03 PM VET in Caracas (Rodden Rating C), natal Buysballot at 10 Scorpio conjoins Neptune (fraud, deception, illusion) at 13 Scorpio and Venus at 14 Scorpio, in square to Saturn at 6 Aquarius with Damocles 5335 at 11 Aquarius. This suggests an affinity (Venus) with fraud and deception generally (Neptune), and electoral fraud specifically (Buysballot), in the service of Maduro’s career (Saturn), constituting a looming threat or peril (Damocles). An opposition to asteroid Madorobin at 11 Taurus forms a T-Square and connects Maduro (Madorobin) very personally to this energy, while the addition of asteroids Edmond at 15 Taurus and Gonzales at 6 Leo completes a Grand Cross that relates directly to this present circumstance of election interference involving Edmondo Gonzalez Urrutia.
It’s early days yet in the struggle to rectify the election results and install an alternative to Maduro in the presidential palace, but the long history of rigged and fraudulent, but successful, electoral coups in Latin America isn’t an encouraging pattern.
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Brilliant! I think asteroids are underutilized in mundane astrology (I am guilty of that myself) and it’s great that you can identify corruption and abuse of power not just by transit relating to the current situation but in the national chart itself. Had never thought to use Loke for electoral funny business but will do so from now on. Thanks Alex!