Senate in the Balance: The Georgia Runoffs
OK, so Dems won the White House in the 2020 election, and kept control of the House of Representatives (albeit with a slimmer majority). What about the Senate?
In this time of political polarization, no administration can be completely effective without controlling all three, and the level of toxic waste Biden will need to clear from the detritus of the Trump administration is staggering. Without the Senate, much progress can be blocked. Take, for example, the last two years of Barack Obama’s second term, when Republicans took charge of the Senate at the midterm elections in 2014. Once Mitch McConnell consolidated this grip on power, Obama never got another judge seated again. McConnell just refused to bring his nominees to a floor vote, the most famous being the SCOTUS seat vacated by Antonin Scalia, which McConnell held open for a full year, but literally hundreds of federal judgeships remained vacant until Trump came into office, and McConnell finally filled them.
Advance polling in 2020 showed the Democrats likely to take as many as six senate seats away from the GOP, but in practice, they netted only one. They knocked off Martha McSally of Arizona and Cory Gardner of Colorado, but gave up Doug Jones of Alabama, a seat they had grabbed in a special election to replace Jeff Sessions in 2017.
It’s looking bleak for a Democratic majority in the Upper House, but there is one slender reed left to pin progressive hopes upon: neither Georgia Senate race was decided on Election Day. Ordinarily both senators do not come up for election in the same year, but in late 2019 Georgia’s senior senator, Johnny Isakson, retired due to health concerns, and Georgia’s Republican Governor, Brian Kemp, appointed businesswoman Kelly Loeffler to the seat.

By Georgia law, appointees can only serve until the following general election, which happened to coincide this year with the reelection campaign of Georgia’s junior (now senior) senator, David Perdue. And if Dems pick up both seats, then they and their allies will control 50 votes in the Senate, with Republicans controlling the other 50. In that case, the tiebreaker is “President of the Senate”, who is the sitting US Vice President, about to be Kamala Harris. President of the Senate is a largely ceremonial title of little importance, except in these cases.
Why neither race was decided on November 3rd is another consequence of Georgia state law, whereby the winning candidate must receive at least 50% of the vote to claim victory. Nobody managed to do that, so runoff elections have been called for January 5th. This is perilously close to Inauguration Day, and the fate of the incoming Biden administration is tied to the outcome.
So what better ground for AAA to investigate? The four contenders form two battling pairs: Republican David Perdue (12/10/49) versus Democrat Jon Ossoff (3/16/87) and Republican Kelly Loeffler (11/27/70) versus Democrat Raphael Warnock (7/23/69); no times of birth were available for any candidate. As an aside here, I’d like to note that three of the four could each be the biological child of David Perdue – the country is in the throes of a generational transfer of power, and that can only be to the good, however this plays out.

What sticks out at first glance is a remarkable symmetry in these charts. Three of the four have natal Sun/Saturn squares (Kelly Loeffler is odd-gal-out here), and three of four have prominent placements of asteroid Georgia (excluding Raphael Warnock), one conjunct the Sun and the other two at station (and Warnock could still qualify if Georgia is angular or in aspect to the Moon, placements we can’t confirm without a birth time). Saturn rules government work and careers, and Georgia is of course the battleground, and an energy with which, as the state’s senator, each is strongly identified.
David Perdue’s 18 Sagittarius Sun squares Saturn at 19 Virgo and Mars at 23 Virgo, conjoins asteroids Washingtonia and Victoria (named for the Roman goddess of victory) at 15 and 19 Sag, and forms a T-Square with asteroid Senator at 20 Gemini opposed the Sun. His career arc is apparent from this configuration, with a winning (Victoria) campaign (Mars) for Senate in 2010 (Senator) propelling his career (Saturn) to DC (Washingtonia). There is actually a Grand Cross formed from asteroid Nemesis at 21 Pisces, a point which suggests ruin or undoing at some point, if cosmic laws are transgressed and retribution is called for; Perdue also has the innate ability to enact this “spoiler” role toward another.
Asteroid Georgia embedded at station from 23 Aries (it turned direct 5 days before his birth) is trine the Sun and forms a Kite pattern with the Sun/Senator opposition and trine to Pluto at 18 Leo. A stationary Georgia indicates a greater-than-typical importance for that state in Perdue’s biography, and Pluto confirms his position as a powerful US senator (facilitated by Georgia), a role which becomes self-defining due to the opposition from asteroid Senator to the Sun. Senator is at the “string” of the Kite, the guiding influence which activates the latent potential of the Grand Trine, making Perdue’s senate run the key element to his success.

Also of note, Perdue’s natal asteroid Davida (feminine form of David) at 2 Aquarius conjoins both Jupiter at 1 Aquarius and Venus at 3 Aquarius, the two primary financial planets, making David Perdue one of the wealthiest members of the Senate (Jupiter-ruled), with an estimated $15.8 million fortune. Davida is also semisquare the Sun, making it an effective expression of Perdue’s core identity.
[Author’s Note: The holiday gremlins are apparently out in full force! Many thanks to reader John who noted that I have inadvertently used the wrong birthdate for Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff. Actual birthdate is February 16, not March, so please disregard data and analysis related to him in this article. My sincere apologies to AAA readers, but a nice reminder that I am certainly not infallible! If time permits, I will rewrite this section with the correct data, but as the election is less than a month away, and this is a very busy season, chances are it won’t be updated. Sorry!]
His opponent Jon Ossoff has the Sun at 25 Pisces squared Saturn at 20 Sagittarius, and asteroid Georgia, also stationary direct, in trine to the Sun from 27 Cancer (technically, it is still retrograde in the birth chart, but turns direct two days later). But that’s where the similarity to Perdue ends. Ossoff’s personal pull to the senate is not as strong, though not without substance.
At 10 Aries, asteroid Senator conjoins Jupiter at 3 Aries and asteroid Jonathanma (closest to Jonathan, Ossoff’s middle name, by which he is known), in a T-Square with asteroid Nike at 7 Capricorn and asteroid Thomas (his first name) at 4 Cancer. Jupiter rules the Senate and generally works to convey positive outcomes, Nike is named for the Greek goddess of victory, and the dual PNA connections provide potential for a successful (Nike) senate run (Senator) for Ossoff (Jonathanma/Thomas). Perhaps the best weapon Ossoff has in his celestial arsenal against Perdue is the fact that his Sun conjoins the sitting Senator’s natal Nemesis, so his challenge could lead to Perdue’s ruin or downfall.
Also at station, and squaring Senator, is asteroid Demokritos at 12 Cancer, closest match for “Democrat.” Ossoff’s progressive bona fides are well entrenched with this placement; Demokritos turned direct two weeks before Ossoff’s birth, at this degree. The Senator/Demokritos connection could point to a pivotal role for Ossoff in altering the Party balance in the Senate. Jonathanma broadly conjoins Ossoff’s Sun, Thomas is trine Mercury (which represents the naming function), as is asteroid Jonathanli at 0 Scorpio (another Jonathan variant).

Kelly Loeffler has the least connection to the Senate of the four, hardly surprising for someone who had no prior political experience, a businesswoman who has held her federal job for less than 10 months before the election. She does have a strong personal connection to the state she currently represents, however, with asteroid Georgia at 4 Sagittarius cojoined both the Sun at 5 Sag and asteroid Kelly at 1, doubly identifying her with the Peach State (that Sun/Kelly conjunction also illustrates a common placement for one’s own PNA, which is typically connected to the Sun, Moon, Mercury or Ascendant). Also here is Neptune at 0 Sagittarius, which could have a debilitating effect or lead to a disappointment; at a minimum, it encourages unrealistic expectations and skewed perspectives.
Asteroid Senator at 1 Capricorn is largely isolated in the chart by traditional measures, but does link in an out-of-Sign square to Pluto at 29 Virgo, and this aspect forms part of a Thor’s Hammer pattern with sesquiquadrates from Senator to Saturn at 17 Taurus (itself conjunct asteroid Kelley at 18 Taurus), and from Saturn to Pluto. A Thor’s Hammer is a “fated” pattern similar to a Yod, and I would suggest this indicates the Senate as the apotheosis of Loeffler’s (Kelley) career (Saturn), the pinnacle of her personal power (Pluto). But with Saturn/Kelley also opposed a pairing of asteroid Nemesis with Jupiter at 19 and 20 Sagittarius, her time in the Senate (Jupiter) may be limited (Saturn), and just long enough to get her in trouble (Nemesis -Loeffler has already been investigated for stock portfolio changes in the immediate aftermath of a classified coronavirus briefing last January, mere weeks after taking office, where she benefited from her privileged information).

Raphael Warnock’s Sun at 0 Leo squares Saturn at 8 Taurus, which also squares asteroid Senator at 15 Leo, though the Sun and Senator do not conjoin each other. Asteroid Washingtonia at 11 Leo is conjunct Senator, but just out of orb of the Sun, the implication being that perhaps a Senate job in DC is just beyond Warnock’s grasp. Asteroid Georgia at 28 Leo is isolated, with only a square to Neptune at 25 Scorpio, so Warnock’s connection to the state he wants to represent is uncertain and tenuous at best, though as he is also an ordained minister, there is a Neptunian contact there that could be somewhat helpful. Georgians may see his candidacy as inspiring, or misguided. Asteroid Rafaelta at 11 Aries (for Raphael) is broadly trine Sun/Mercury.
The conflict between these candidates can also be seen in PNA (Personal-Named Asteroid) placements in their natal charts representing their competitors.
We’ve already noted that Thomas Jonathan “Jon” Ossoff’s Sun ignites the Nemesis arm of David Perdue’s solar Grand Cross, but Perdue’s natal asteroids Thomas at 19 Scorpio and Jonathanli at 21 Scorpio also trine Nemesis, perhaps tapping into his potential for self-undoing with ease (trine). These further square natal Pluto at 18 Leo, which can represent a devastating loss, and appear at the Apex of a Yod, or Finger of Destiny, with inconjunct aspects to asteroids Georgia at 23 Aries and Senator at 20 Gemini, implying that Ossoff may have a fated role to play in Perdue’s career as Georgia Senator.

For Ossoff, asteroid Davida (for David Perdue) at 16 Libra opposes natal Senator at 10 Aries, perhaps blocking Ossoff’s path to the Senate, and T-Squares natal Demokritos at 12 Cancer, which could stymie Democrat’s hopes of regaining the Upper Chamber. As with Perdue, Davida also trines Ossoff’s Nemesis at 9 Gemini, though much more broadly, possibly diluting the effect.
Kelly Loeffler has asteroid Raphaela (for opponent Raphael Warnock) at station, turning direct little more than a week after her birth. From 15 Aries, Raphaela opposes natal Uranus, Nike and Washingtonia at 12, 13 and 19 Libra, perhaps preventing a win (Nike) in her campaign to remain in DC (Washingtonia), and upsetting (Uranus) the race. Remember, Loeffler has never actually run for office before, she was appointed to the seat she now holds, so it’s unclear how popular she will be with voters. But a loss to Warnock would indeed be shocking (Uranus), given the deep pockets Loeffler has to support her candidacy. At an estimated $520 million net worth, Loeffler’s fortune dwarfs Perdue’s, making her far and away the wealthiest member of the Senate; with natal Victoria conjunct Venus at 7 and 9 Scorpio, she finds victory via money, and may be able to buy her seat.
But Warnock has one karmic point in his favor: as with Perdue, his PNAs are involved in a Yod pattern with Loeffler’s natal Nemesis at 19 Scorpio. Both Raphaela at 15 Aries and asteroid Rafaelta at 19 Gemini are inconjunct to Nemesis on the Apex, perhaps indicated a fated role for Warnock in Loeffler’s defeat.

Raphael Warnock appropriately has asteroid Kelley at 0 Scorpio, exactly squared his 0 Leo Sun, displaying the conflict between them. Kelley also forms a T-square with Saturn at 8 Taurus, which can limit, restrict or deny, but regardless, shows their interaction to be in the sphere of career (Saturn-ruled). Asteroid Kelly at 19 Gemini conjoins Nike at 21 Gemini, and both square Pluto at 23 Virgo; this could imply that Loeffler (Kelly) wins (Nike), creating a devastating loss (Pluto) for Warnock.
Which brings us finally to the day itself. What do the skies portend for January 5, 2021?
The day shows the Peach State appropriately in focus, with the Sun at 15 Capricorn conjoined asteroid Georgia at 18 Capricorn, highlighting the importance of the runoff elections. Moving just at the outer edge of orb to the Sun is a Pluto/Mercury conjunction at 24 and 25 Cap, portraying a vote (Mercury) which determines the balance of power (Pluto). The Demokritos/Victoria conjunction which pertained at the general election and signaled a Biden win is still in force, now at 1 and 4 Sagittarius; this could give an edge to Democratic candidates.
Perhaps most importantly, asteroid Washingtonia comes to its station the very day of the runoff elections, suggesting big changes in direction are afoot in the nation’s capital. Given the status quo in the Senate, currently under GOP control, this could presage a Democratic takeover.
The individual candidates all have PNAs active on the day. Asteroid Davida at 27 Libra squares Pluto/Mercury, which could put David Perdue at odds with the electorate, though it does tie him directly to the vote. A T-Square is created by Davida’s opposition to Mars at 29 Aries, which could help Perdue to drive turnout and energizes his campaign.
But his opponent Jon Ossoff may have the advantage regardless, with asteroid Jonathanma at station, trine the Sun from 10 Virgo, about to turn retrograde two days later, which places him in an entrenched, embedded position, about to “change direction” in his life, which could suggest a move to Washington. All the more so, since Jonathanma sits exactly atop Ossoff’s natal Washingtonia, while transit Washingtonia, stationing that day at 21 Virgo, opposes his 25 Pisces Sun.
Perdue squeaked past Ossoff in the general election, 49.7% to 48%, but fell just short of the victory threshold of 50% plus one. Special elections such as runoffs are notoriously low in turnout, and much depends on which candidates’ base is the more fired up; with control of the US Senate hanging in the balance, presumably motivation won’t be a problem for either camp.

Kelly Loeffler also has a PNA approaching station, but asteroid Kelly at 22 Taurus will not turn direct until 11 days later, by which time it will transit to 21 Taurus. This may be far enough removed to negate the station’s impact on the race, but Loeffler is also in the spotlight with asteroid Kelley at 23 Cancer, which opposes the entire Capricorn stellium, Sun/Georgia through Pluto/Mercury, giving her enhanced visibility and focus for the day. Like Perdue, this PNA also interacts with Mars at 29 Aries (by square), possibly energizing supporters.
This second Georgia senate race was actually a special election wrapped up in the general, which saw several candidates from each Party in the running (for a total of 20 on the ballot in that contest), not a previously chosen mascot from each team. So Loeffler split the Republican vote with US Representative Doug Collins, beating him with 26% of the vote to his 20%. Both trailed Democrat Raphael Warnock, with 33% of the vote. But combined, the GOP share easily swamps Warnock’s (though several other Democratic candidates garnered a total of 16% of the vote, bringing the Dems to parity over all), and again the question will be: who can turn out more voters?
Warnock’s PNAs may be the most interesting and complex for the day. Raphaela at 19 Scorpio exactly trines Rafaelta at 19 Pisces, with that Sun/Georgia conjunction lying roughly at their midpoint, sextile to each, with all the benefits of solar activation that conveys for visibility and focus (it’s remarkable that three of four candidates have Sun connections that day). The pattern becomes a Grand Trine Kite with the opposition from Kelley to the Sun, in trine to both Warnock PNAs. Complicating matters is the mixed message of Raphaela conjoined Nike at 14 Scorpio, Greek goddess of victory, while Rafaelta conjoins Neptune at 18 Pisces, encouraging false hopes and disappointing outcomes.
Traditionally, the smart money in Georgia would be on a GOP sweep of these races, but the smart money would also have been on a Trump win in the general election, whereas Biden took the state by some 12,000 votes. Looking at all the celestial evidence, the most likely outcome seems to me that Ossoff beats Perdue, but Loeffler hangs on, keeping the Dems one vote short of control in the Senate. But with Uranus in trine to the Sun from 6 Taurus, also making a station the following week, anything is possible, and this tail-end contest of the 2020 electoral season just may be the biggest upset of all.
One Trackback
[…] With Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto still in Establishment Capricorn, we can appreciate why Biden’s nominees aren’t the disruptors that generated so much buzz in the past, e.g., Elizabeth Warren for Treasury Secretary or Susan Rice for Secretary of State. Biden’s “preserve the status-quo” Moon in Taurus may be a factor. The fate of the Senate is likely at play as well. A Republican-controlled Senate would have howled at — and likely blocked — a Warren Treasury appointment. We won’t know until after January 5th whether Democrats or Republicans will win the two Georgia runoffs. I’m intrigued by Jon Ossoff’s prospects — as noted in a prior forecast. Here’s a fun comparison on the asteroids in all four Georgia candidates’ horoscopes, penned by asteroid specialist Alex Miller. […]