Trump Assassination Attempt, Take Two
On 15 September 2024, history repeated itself with a second assassination attempt against former US president and current GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, golfing at his Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. Shots were heard on the course at approximately 2 PM EDT, and Secret Service agents quickly whisked Trump out of harm’s way. Details are still sketchy, but it seems the shots fired were from advance Secret Service agents, who noted a gun barrel protruding from a wooded fence line area as they scouted the course two holes ahead, roughly 400 yards beyond where Trump was playing. Shots were fired at Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, who never actually saw Trump or discharged his weapon before he abandoned his AR-15-style rifle in the bushes and fled the course. He was apprehended several hours later.
Reporting states that Routh had lain in wait at his position for more than twelve hours, but the motive remains unclear, beyond obvious dislike of Trump, whom he once supported. It seems somewhat facile to upgrade this incident to an actual assassination attempt, since Routh was flushed before he became an actual threat, but it’s also clear that this was his intent.

And the skies bear this out, with their usual clarity, even if much of the situation remains clouded. A chart set for the approximate 2 PM EDT time of the Secret Service shooting in West Palm Beach yields a 23 Sagittarius Ascendant, closely conjoined by asteroid Assafin 28987 at 24 Sagittarius, that point which approximates “assassin” and was also active in the chart for Round One of attempts on Trump’s life, in Butler, PA on July 13th. More, Assafin opposes asteroid Ruth 798 at 22 Gemini, one of two celestial stand-ins for Routh, conjoined Jupiter (politics, fame, infamy) at 20 Gemini on the 23 Gemini Descendant, all of which conjoins Donald Trump’s natal Sun at 22 Gemini. A Grand Cross is formed with the Sun at 23 Virgo and Neptune, ruling fanaticism and mental health issues, at 28 Pisces (not much is known yet about Routh, who appears to be a conspiracy theorist). Neptune here adds to the confusion and lack of detail on the story thus far, and also raises the possibility that the whole thing is a deception or fraud. But if so, the patsy was well-chosen, with PNAs (Personal-Named Asteroids) for the almost-shooter that fit the celestial patterns perfectly.

Ryan Routh is also seen as asteroid Ryan 21936 at 4 Virgo, conjoined an exact pairing of Mercury and asteroid Whitehouse 4036 at 10 Virgo; and as asteroid Roth 5595, which at 19 Leo exactly opposes asteroid Donn 4689 at 19 Aquarius. The Ryan/Mercury/Whitehouse grouping directly connects the would-be assassin (Ryan) with breaking news (Mercury) about the former president (Whitehouse), while the Roth/Donn opposition indicates antipathy (opposition) from Routh (Roth) toward Trump (Donn). Ryan is also semisquare asteroid Troemper 28130, our celestial stand-in for The Donald, at 18 Cancer, providing another link between them, which is currently conjoined Trump’s natal asteroid Nemesis 128 at 16 Cancer, a point symbolizing ruin and destruction.

Ryan further trines a conjunction of TNO Ixion 28978 at 3 Capricorn, named for the first murderer in Greek Myth, and asteroid West 2022, indicating the West Palm Beach venue, reaffirming Routh’s intent (Ixion) and placing him at the scene of the crime (West). Ixion and West square asteroid Palma 372 at 3 Libra (also for West Palm Beach), aligned with the 5 Libra MC, making the mooted murder (Ixion) in West Palm Beach (West, Palma) the focus of all eyes (MC, the point of highest elevation in the chart). A T-Square is formed with a triple conjunction of asteroid Gunn 18243, TNO Chaos 19521, and Mars at 2, 3 and 6 Cancer respectively. Gunn is a homophone of “gun,” Chaos represents turmoil, disorder and confusion, and Mars rules weaponry and attacks.

A brake on Routh’s ambition may have been supplied by asteroid NOT 2857 at 29 Libra, a general disqualifier or symbol of negation, exactly squared Pluto, planetary ruler of homicide and criminal activity, at 29 Capricorn. With asteroid Donn in square to Uranus at 27 Taurus, ruling shootings and assassinations, and Troemper sesquiquadrate Damocles 5335 at 29 Aquarius, denoting the looming peril hanging unseen overhead, about to descend at any moment, Donald Trump is particularly vulnerable to such attempts at this time.
A Lunar Eclipse on 17 September at 25 Pisces further underscores Trump’s precarious position, exactly conjoined his natal asteroid Gunn, also conjoined natal Chaos at 24 Pisces, and T-Squared his Sun/Moon polarity at 22 Gemini and 21 Sagittarius. This spotlights a potentially chaotic (Chaos) situation involving firearms (Gunn), possibly affecting Trump’s vitality (Sun) or health (Moon).

When we drop the appropriate asteroids into Donald Trump’s natal chart, we find Assafin at 12 Cancer, conjoined Nemesis at 16 Cancer, denoting the latent potential for disaster from an assassination. More to the point, natal asteroid Ryan is also here, at 10 Cancer, conjunct Assafin, specifying the name of Trump’s would-be attacker. Both surname approximations for Routh also appear prominently – natal asteroid Ruth falls at 20 Gemini, conjunct Trump’s Sun, signifying someone with a lead role to play in his biography, for good or ill (and had just received a “Ruth Return,” a period which reactivates the natal potential). Natal asteroid Roth at 26 Aquarius exactly opposes Mars, and was exactly squared by the recent transit Mars/Uranus conjunction of July 15th at 26 Taurus, just two days after the first, far more serious, attempt, with Mars ruling attacks and firearms, and Uranus ruling shootings and assassinations.

With seven weeks left until the election, and two assassination attempts under his belt, the question of whether Donald Trump makes it there alive remains an open one. But the eclipse on his natal asteroid Gunn suggests we might not be done with this issue.
3 comments, add yours.
Mind boggling as usual, starting with Assafin right on the event ascendant! The asteroid analysis is so revealing. Have you ever worked on the JFK assassination? If not, it’s something I’d love to read! Keep up the good work!
Love the way you commented on Ruthless Routh’s “similar hair issues” to The Donald…
The arrest photo looks like a failed semi-porno attempt or do I simply have a nasty mind?
In the photo where Trump is deciding whether to golf or not, my initial thought was “why is there this sudden picture of a pouty, chubby old lady in the middle of a Trump story?” Now I’m thinking he’s sorry he didn’t falsify his score card by enough and is regretting it.
Of course it’s all far from being a joke: why does this unwell man even OWN a gun is not the only issue that occurs to me.
I entirely agree with Laurien that your analysis of the JFK assassination would be very interesting to read.
And not only are you always right, your style of writing is enjoyable. You have such a command of the English language. I still say that Trump will never be president again.