Posts by Alex Miller

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What the Dickens?

It’s that time of year again; the holidays are upon us, and amidst the lights and tinsel, trees and presents, one enduring emblem of the season remains almost inescapable.  It’s well-nigh impossible to make it through December without at least a glimpse of “A Christmas Carol,” Charles Dickens’ classic 1843 novella that introduced the world to Ebeneezer Scrooge and Tiny Tim, and almost single-handedly created the modern concept of Christmas.  Filmed over 100 times, and adapted into endless variations on TV, radio, the stage, animation, even a ballet, “A Christmas Carol” is surely one of the pillars that upholds yuletide.

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Death at Abundant Life

On Monday, 16 December 2024, shooting suspect Natalie “Samantha” Rupnow, 15, discharged a 9mm handgun in a study hall at the Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin, killing two and wounding six others, before turning the gun on herself.  The incident, sadly, is hardly isolated, but it is unusual.  The vast number of mass shootings are perpetrated by males, using assault-style rifles; women constitute only 5% of mass shooters, and with both victims also female, this becomes an “all-female” cast of characters.

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House Diary: Yule 2024 – Back to Basics

2024 is rapidly drawing to close, and the holidays are upon us!  Here, my TLS (short for Tchotchke Lust Syndrome, an incurable disease common to inveterate collectors) has kicked-in fulltime over the past few years, leading to a circumstance whereby the breadth and depth of the Yule/Winter/Christmas collection has swollen to such a size that it can no longer be displayed all at once.  There simply isn’t room, and the collection has had to be divided into three themes, displayed on a rotational basis.

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2024 Nobel Prizes Awarded

At first glance, it may seem odd that the inventor of dynamite, one of the most destructive forces known to man, should go on to establish one of the world’s most prestigious awards, focused on acknowledging contributions for the betterment of mankind, but Alfred Nobel was many things.  Born 21 October 1833 (no time available), the Swedish chemist, inventor, engineer and businessman, holder of more than 350 patents, was a man of many hats, who on his death in 1896, donated his considerable fortune to a foundation to fund the Nobel Prizes, which annually recognize those who “conferred the greatest benefit to humankind.”  So it’s no surprise to find his 27 Libra Sun is involved in a T-Square, opposed Jupiter (philanthropy) at 0 Taurus and squared Neptune (humanitarianism) at 26 Capricorn.

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Bashing Bashar: The Collapse of the Assad Regime in Syria

On Sunday, 8 December 2024, Syrian rebels occupied the capital of Damascus, effectively overthrowing the government and ending half a century of rule over Syria by the Assad family.  Dictator Bashar al-Assad, in power since 2000, hot-footed it to exile and asylum in Russia, under the protection of bestie Vladimir Putin.  His overthrow also represents the end of a civil war that began in 2011 with a pro-democracy uprising against Assad’s entrenched rule, and cost the lives of half a million Syrians, with 12 million more displaced from their homeland.

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The Mars Retrograde Station: Conflict in Flux

The planet Mars comes to its station retrograde on December 6th, appearing to slow its motion, come to a standstill, and change direction.  Planetary stations are optical illusions, created by the triangulation between Earth, the sun, and any third celestial body (nothing ever actually reverses course in the cosmos), but astrologically, they represent important power points where the energies embodied by that planet imbue a particular area of the zodiac for longer than normal.  Focused and concentrated, these stations become metaphoric “turning points” in how that planet’s energies are expressing, affording opportunities to reassess, make adjustments or change direction in the affairs of that planet.

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