Asteroid Astrology: National

SS shooting cover

Slaughter in the Synagogue

Shortly after Shabbat services began at the Tree of Life Synagogue in the Squirrel Hill section of Pittsburgh, PA on Saturday, October 27, 2018, a lone gunman entered and began shooting up the congregation with a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle and two Glock hand guns. He left 11 dead and another six wounded, including several police officers who responded to the 911 calls. The suspect, Robert Bowers, was apprehended after being shot by police and remains in the hospital, though he faces arraignment on 29 Federal charges on the Monday. Bowers had a history of anti-Semitic posts on social media sites, and told arresting officers that he “just wanted to kill Jews”, whom he accused of bringing terrorists into the US to destroy the country.


The rampage is the most deadly act of anti-Semitism in US history, and the 294th mass shooting in the country this year. Obviously, we’ve been down this road many times before; it is wide and commodious, and there appears to be no turning.

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PB cover

Political Pipe Bombs

Between Monday 22 October 2018 and Thursday the 25th, ten explosive devices were found or intercepted which had been sent to political opponents of Donald Trump. Small and poorly constructed, none of the pipe bombs detonated, but were live devices, not hoaxes. Return addresses on the packages falsely identified former DNC Chair and US Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida as the sender. The first package was discovered at the home of billionaire investor and liberal activism funder George Soros on the Monday, kicking off a spate of potentially lethal mailings.

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KN nessus

Kavanaugh’s Nessus (& Other Coercive Asteroids)

In the earlier installment of this study, we discussed SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s penis euphemism asteroids, in an attempt to determine how likely some of the alleged sexual misconduct behaviors were. We established that each of these four points, and three related others, have prominent placement in Kavanaugh’s chart, suggesting that sex and sexual issues have a great weight in his life and biography.


The focus of this second part is to examine asteroids specifically related to rape or coercive sexual contact. Unfortunately, there are quite a large number of these, human nature and masculine energy being what it is. Typically, I look for asteroids representing rapists in a man’s chart, and those for rape victims in a woman’s, for simplicity’s sake, but of course the cosmos isn’t sexist, and all symbols apply to both genders. So we’ll be tackling the full range in this article, and that’s gonna take awhile…

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KP cover

Kavanaugh’s Pecker

Astrology is a tricky business. Every symbol has a light side and a dark side. Determining which side the native comes down on in his or her expression of that archetype is no easy matter. And these things are not cut and dried, embedded in psychic cement for all time; sometimes a point will manifest on one end of its continuum at one stage in the life, and then on the opposite end at another stage.


When looking at the sort of turnaround we see in the image of Brett Kavanaugh, currently a nominee for the SCOTUS, we have to assume that both views may be true, at varying periods in his biography. Kavanaugh had, as far as we knew, an unblemished character, albeit an extremely conservative one. Now allegations have been leveled, all of a similar nature, of sexual misconduct, particularly early in life. These range from indecent exposure and lewd conduct to aggressive physical interactions with women, attempted rape, and participation in “gang” or “train” rapes.


How do we determine the likelihood of the veracity of these charges, astrologically? The best we can do is to track the potential for such behaviors in the birth chart, and, when incidents are timed, in the transits operative or in force for that period. In Kavanaugh’s case, we have distressingly little information regarding the dates when these alleged events occurred. And traditionally, the only astrological markers to turn to for sexual issues would be Mars or Pluto, and to some extent, Venus.


But now we have the asteroids.

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KF cover

Asteroid Anatomy: The Kavanaugh-Ford Hearing

As I write this Judge Brett Kavanaugh is giving testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the allegations of sexual misconduct made against him by Professor Christine Blasey Ford and others, ranging from indecent exposure to sexual assault and attempted rape. It’s too early to know the outcome of this proceeding, but we can anatomize the hearing itself based on the time it convened and significant moments throughout. I’m going to break it down into several sections based on the planetary patterns present in the sky on the day.

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KM cover2

Kavanaugh’s Meteor

When I wrote the initial profile of Judge Brett Kavanaugh at the time of his nomination in July, I suggested that nothing short of a meteor colliding with Capitol Hill during his confirmation hearings could prevent his becoming the next Justice of the US Supreme Court.


Well, I was a few days off in the timing, but enter the meteor: Christine Blasey Ford, who on Sunday September 16th revealed herself to be the woman accusing Kavanaugh of what amounts to attempted rape, 35 years ago at a High School party, when both were in their teens.

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