Asteroid Astrology: National

Trump, Harvey and Sheriff Joe

At first glance, this may seem a catchall title, but as always, there is method in my madness. Friday, August 25, 2017 is the linkage between Hurricane Harvey, which made landfall that night, and Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who received his presidential pardon within minutes of that event, and what binds them is Donald Trump, now facing the first national disaster not of his own making.

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trump travails

The Travails of Troemper


If that title seems reminiscent of “The Perils of Pauline”, it’s intended to be. The melodrama that’s been going on in and around 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue of late certainly sounds like some old, over-acted radio drama, full of a cast of one-dimensional characters. Villains, victims, buffoons and bastards abound – all we’re lacking is a hero.

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solar eclipse

The American Eclipse

On August 21, 2017, the United States will experience a rare celestial event – a Solar Eclipse whose path of totality cuts a swath straight across the country from sea to shining sea. Entering the US in Oregon, the eclipse sweeps over the Rockies, the plains, through the heartland, and exits via the Deep South off the coast of South Carolina.

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trump & don jr inaugural

Trump-Russian Collusion: It’s a Family Affair

After almost a year of denying any sort of contact or collusion whatsoever between the 2016 Trump Campaign and Russian agents, actors or government officials, significant documents came to light the week of July 10th which show that, in fact, Russo-Trumpian collusion is indisputable, and stems from the earliest days of the general election campaign.

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trump putin shake

The Trump-Putin Bromance

Well, it finally happened. After years of coy tweeting and playing hard to get, those two crazy kids have finally hooked up! One of the greatest flirtations of our time has become a reality.

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