Alex's Asteroid Astrology - Alex Miller






Hephaistos 2212

HephaistosHephaistos was a son of Zeus and Hera, king and Queen of the Greek gods, who later became the god of blacksmiths, forges, metal workers, sculptors, artisans and craftsmen.

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Hera 103

Hera was the Queen of the Gods, sister and wife of Zeus, Greek goddess of women, childbirth and marriage. Her story is predominantly a continuing cycle of betrayal by Zeus, followed by Hera seeking vengeance on his illicit partners and by-blows.

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Hybris 430

Hybris was a goddess of insolence, impudence and outrageous behavior in ancient Greece. She gave her name to our word “hubris”, meaning excessive pride or arrogance.

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Hygiea 10

HygeiaHygiea was a daughter of Asclepius, god of healing, and was herself a minor deity governing health, cleanliness and hygiene, which term derives from her name.

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