The Texas Church Shooting
Here we go again. No disrespect, but how many of these do we need to experience before we make some substantive changes in this country regarding gun access?
Here we go again. No disrespect, but how many of these do we need to experience before we make some substantive changes in this country regarding gun access?
“It was like an asteroid fell from the sky.” — Eric Paddock, brother of the Las Vegas shooter, on his stunned reaction to the news
Unfathomable. The amount of carnage one determined human being can wreak, in ten minutes of indiscriminate shooting into a crowd, is simply unfathomable. 59 dead, 527 wounded, in the worst mass shooting in US history.
It was one of those moments that grab global attention in unforgettable ways. Like the assassination of JFK, the moon landing or the 9/11 attacks, everyone remembers where they were when they heard that Diana, Princess of Wales was no more.
For those of us of a certain age, it’s hard to believe that Diana, Princess of Wales will be gone twenty years come August 31st.
July 16, 2017 saw the death of horror film director George Romero, often credited with creating the modern zombie.
On July 15, 2017, stage and screen actor Martin Landau passed away, at the age of 89, of “unexpected complications” after a brief hospital stay.