Tag archive: Apophis

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No Stone Unturned

In a pre-dawn raid of his Florida home on Friday, January 25, 2019, FBI agents at the direction of Special Counsel Robert Mueller arrested Roger Stone, charged with seven federal counts of obstruction, making false statements and witness tampering. Stone, a long-time GOP political operative who traces his roots to the CREEPs (the Committee to RE-Elect the President) around Nixon in 1972, is perhaps the closest Trump associate to be targeted by the Mueller probe. Like Dante’s Inferno, we’re into a lower level of Hell now, and getting close to Lucifer himself.

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Of Charities and Children

Two Trump-related stories came into focus in mid-June, just as the President celebrated his 72nd birthday. On the day of, June 14th, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood gave Trump a rather unusual present, charging his charitable organization, the Trump Foundation, with state and federal charities law violations extending over a decade.


Meanwhile, controversy mounted over the Justice Department’s “zero tolerance” policy on immigration, which has been the cause of children being separated from their parents and held in detention. The debate came to a crescendo over the Father’s Day weekend,

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Mass Shooting At Mandalay Bay In Las Vegas Leaves At Least 50 Dead

The Mandalay Bay Massacre


 “It was like an asteroid fell from the sky.” — Eric Paddock, brother of the Las Vegas shooter, on his stunned reaction to the news


Unfathomable. The amount of carnage one determined human being can wreak, in ten minutes of indiscriminate shooting into a crowd, is simply unfathomable. 59 dead, 527 wounded, in the worst mass shooting in US history.

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An All-American Shooting



Early on Flag Day, 14 June 2017, the sound of the crack of a baseball bat was superseded in Alexandria, Virginia by the pop of bullets, as James Hodgkinson fired on a group of GOP lawmakers engaged in practice for their annual charity ball game with congressional Democrats.

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Apophis 99942

Apophis is the ancient Egyptian personification of pure evil, depicted as a huge serpent with a head of flint, with no redeeming quality whatsoever. An enemy of the solar deity Ra, bringer of light, who supported the truth and order represented by Maat, Apophis was an embodiment of chaos and disorder, fundamentally opposed to all they stood for.

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