Aster-Obit: Martin Landau
On July 15, 2017, stage and screen actor Martin Landau passed away, at the age of 89, of “unexpected complications” after a brief hospital stay.
On July 15, 2017, stage and screen actor Martin Landau passed away, at the age of 89, of “unexpected complications” after a brief hospital stay.
Early on Flag Day, 14 June 2017, the sound of the crack of a baseball bat was superseded in Alexandria, Virginia by the pop of bullets, as James Hodgkinson fired on a group of GOP lawmakers engaged in practice for their annual charity ball game with congressional Democrats.
Atropos was one of the three Moirai, sisters known in English as “the Fates”. The Fates were the daughters of Erebus (“Darkness”) and Nyx (“Night”), and even Zeus was subject to their dictates. Atropos was known as “the Cutter”, for it was her responsibility to determine the means of one’s demise, and to sever the thread of life at death.