Tag archive: d’Arrest

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And So It Begins: Trump Indictment #1

On 21 September 2022, New York State Attorney General Letitia James won the race to be the first to charge Donald Trump with a crime.  The former US President faces legal jeopardy on a variety of fronts, and the civil suit brought against Trump, his adult children Don Jr, Eric and Ivanka, and the Trump Organization may be the least harrowing, though, if successful, would devastate his business.  A civil suit carries no threat of incarceration, but AG James stated in her press conference announcing the indictment that both state and federal laws were broken, and she will be making criminal referrals to both the US Attorney’s office at the Southern District of New York and the IRS.

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Trump Update: Justice Grinds Slowly

If you’re a regular reader of these chronicles, you may recall that from time to time, I’ve referenced the autumn 2021 Pluto station in exact square to Trump’s natal asteroid d’Arrest as a probable timeframe for him being brought to justice.  Well, the autumn came and went, and while investigations have increased apace and in quantity, no charges were filed.  Astrologers can be purists, and nothing delights the heart so much as an appropriate manifestation exactly on the date in question.

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When Hell Froze Over: The I-95 Backup

Imagine it:  more than 24 hours cooped up inside a cramped metal box, with subfreezing temperatures just a thin glass wall away.  No food, water, medicine or bathroom.  Power, heat and connectivity only as long as the fuel and cellphone power hold out.  Children, pets, seniors, special needs individuals – no one is spared. That was the situation confronting hundreds of motorists caught in a massive traffic snarl on Interstate 95, the primary north/south artery up the East Coast, on Monday, January 3rd

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Joe Biden’s 2021 Solar Return

Joe Biden’s solar year began at 11:31 AM EST on 19 November 2021, in Washington DC, just hours after a Lunar Eclipse with the longest duration in 580 years, which fell exactly opposed his natal Sun.  This is not a positive augur for the coming twelvemonth, and delving deeper into the details, we’re not seeing much to alleviate that.

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Orange Is the New Trump

To be fair, orange was the Old Trump, too, at least in terms of spray tan and hair dye.  But in this next solar year, Donald J. Trump may find himself moving into a more sartorial realm with orange, in the form of a prison jumpsuit.  On May 25th, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance gave The Donald an early birthday present when he empaneled a Grand Jury to look into possible criminal charges to be filed against the former US President (just a day before a Lunar Eclipse which conjoined asteroid Nemesis, noted for ruin and downfall).  Prosecutors have been investigating Trump, the Trump Organization and its officers since at least 2018, and the convening of a Grand Jury signals that they are ready to present evidence and potentially seek indictments.

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Jussie Smollett: Truth or Fiction?

Jussie Smollett is a biracial actor and singer, who came to national attention in the hit Fox drama “Empire”, where he portrays a gay black man caught up in the backstage machinations of the music industry. Smollett is himself gay, and very publically so, coming out on Ellen DeGeneres’ show in 2015. He began his acting career as a child, in such films as “The Mighty Ducks” and “North”, before moving into commercials and guest spots, then returning to a lead role in 2015 with “Empire”. Smollett’s portrayal has received international acclaim as “groundbreaking” for gays of color.


On January 29, 2019, Smollett filed a report with the Chicago Police Department alleging he had been attacked and brutalized by two white men in the street, who hurled fists and both racial and sexual epithets at him, including putting a rope around his neck. According to Smollett, the attackers yelled “This is MAGA country!” as they assaulted him, an apparent reference to Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign theme. Smollett claims he fought them off, and was released from the hospital the next morning with only superficial injuries.

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