Tag archive: Lachesis

Donald Trump is sworn into office

The Trump Inaugural Chart

As defined by the Twentieth Amendment to the US Constitution, passed in 1933, each administration begins at 12 noon on January 20th of the year following a presidential election. Thus, all US administrations (unless they succeed mid-term due to the death or resignation of a sitting president) have essentially the same structural dimensions: a Sun at 0 Aquarius conjunct a late Capricorn Midheaven and a mid-Taurus Ascendant.

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Lachesis 120

Asteroid LachesisLachesis was one of the Three Fates, sisters who determined the destinies of gods and men. Lachesis, known as “the Allotter”, determined the span of life, as represented by the thread woven by her sister Klotho, and instructed Atropos when to cut that thread with her shears.

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