Tag archive: Memoria

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Paper Chase: The Biden Documents Fracas

Much has been made by the Right of the discovery of several documents with classified markings in Joe Biden’s possession, dating from his time as Vice President in the Obama administration, ecstatically drawing equivalency with Donald Trump’s ongoing document difficulties.  While any breach of security of this nature is a serious matter, the two cases couldn’t be more different.

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The Nashville Christmas Day Bombing

2020 went out with a bang in Nashville, Tennessee, when on Christmas Day 63-year-old Anthony Quinn Warner self-detonated a bomb in his RV in front of an AT&T network hub, killing himself, devastating the surrounding area and causing communications outages across the state.  No motive for his destructive suicide has yet been established for Warner, a tech specialist conspiracy theorist whose writings express concern with “shape-shifting reptilian creatures that appear in human form and attempt world domination.”  But Warner took pains to prevent additional loss of life, with the RV broadcasting warnings of the pending explosion and urging evacuation for 15 minutes before detonation.  Despite these precautions, eight were injured in the blast.

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Mueller Speaks. Again.

On Wednesday, July 24, 2019 former Special Counsel Robert Mueller testified before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees regarding his 448 page Report on investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, Trump campaign officials collusion with Russia, and President Trump’s subsequent attempts to obstruct justice by curtailing or stopping the investigation. Mueller has been a frequent guest on Capitol Hill, testifying there many dozens of times in his thirty-plus year career.

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ryan mallet

Paul Ryan Bows Out

On 11 April 2018, Paul Ryan, 54th Speaker of the US House of Representatives, announced that he would not run for reelection in November. Ryan is not resigning, and will serve out his full term, but his political power and especially his fundraising ability, will be substantially eroded. Ryan stated as his predominant motive for the move that he wanted to spend more time with his family, particularly his three teen-aged children.

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Memoria 1247

Memoria is the Latin word for “memory” or “remembrance.” As such, it functions astrologically
in that capacity, as an indication of a good (or bad) memory, depending on aspects; a harking back to former circumstance, a reviving of the past; the collective sum of remembered experience which makes us who we are.