Tag archive: Mexico

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Trump the Racist: An Asteroid Indictment

“I am the least racist person that you have ever met,” – candidate Donald J. Trump, interview with CNN’s Don Lemon, 9 December 2015


Donald Trump’s gift for hyperbole and unwitting comic self-commentary may be encapsulated in this quote, given just after the GOP presidential candidate had called for a complete ban on Muslims entering the US in 2015. Trump had kicked off his campaign months earlier with a diatribe against Mexican immigrants, whom he characterized as “criminals and rapists.” I guess the kindergarten taunt “takes one to know one” would be appropriate here, given Trump’s penchant for projection and schoolyard bully tactics.

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Back Against the Wall

Humpty Trumpty promised a Wall,

Humpty Trumpty couldn’t at all;

Not all his lemmings or his sycophants

Could make his Wall real by yelling their chants.



On Friday, February 15th, 2019, US President Donald Trump declared a state of National Emergency after failing again to attain congressional funding for his much vaunted Border Wall with Mexico. The promise to build such a barrier (and have Mexico pay for it) was perhaps the quintessential rallying cry of the 2016 Trump presidential campaign, with thousands of supporters thundering to Trump’s call-and-response urgings at campaign events, “Build the Wall!”

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