Tag archive: MNA

Hybris 430

Hybris was a goddess of insolence, impudence and outrageous behavior in ancient Greece. She gave her name to our word “hubris”, meaning excessive pride or arrogance.

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Hygiea 10

HygeiaHygiea was a daughter of Asclepius, god of healing, and was herself a minor deity governing health, cleanliness and hygiene, which term derives from her name.

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Iris 7

IrisIris is most noted latterly as the goddess of the rainbow, but originally she was the messenger of the pre-Olympian gods, the Titans like Cronos and Rhea, a function later performed by Hermes and his Roman counterpart Mercury.

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Isis 42

IsisIsis was the chief goddess of ancient Egypt, daughter of Geb (the earth) and Nut (the sky), wife of Osiris (who was also her brother) and mother of Horus. She was a patron of motherhood,  special protectress of slaves and the poor.

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