Tag archive: Nemesis


Eclipse Woes


It’s that time again. Thursday’s Solar Eclipse marks the next phase in the cosmic unfolding of 2018, a year which promises to be, if anything, more volatile than its predecessor. At 27 Aquarius, this eclipse opposes and reactivates the “American Eclipse” of August 2017 at 28 Leo. It also just happens to be exactly on the Moon of the Sibley chart for the US, representative of its people.

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And So It Begins…

On 30 October 2017, Special Counsel Robert Mueller fired the first salvo of his investigation into Donald Trump, indicting former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort on 12 criminal counts, including conspiracy against the United States, money laundering, and making false statements.

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Nemesis 128

Asteroid NemesisNemesis was the goddess of due enactment, a karmic equalizer who ensured that no one had too much good fortune, but paid appropriately for their misdeeds. Known as the restorer of cosmic order, Nemesis was particularly focused on punishing acts of hubris, which is defiant pride or arrogance in one’s place, gifts or fortune.

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