Tag archive: Nymphe

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Kavanaugh’s Pecker

Astrology is a tricky business. Every symbol has a light side and a dark side. Determining which side the native comes down on in his or her expression of that archetype is no easy matter. And these things are not cut and dried, embedded in psychic cement for all time; sometimes a point will manifest on one end of its continuum at one stage in the life, and then on the opposite end at another stage.


When looking at the sort of turnaround we see in the image of Brett Kavanaugh, currently a nominee for the SCOTUS, we have to assume that both views may be true, at varying periods in his biography. Kavanaugh had, as far as we knew, an unblemished character, albeit an extremely conservative one. Now allegations have been leveled, all of a similar nature, of sexual misconduct, particularly early in life. These range from indecent exposure and lewd conduct to aggressive physical interactions with women, attempted rape, and participation in “gang” or “train” rapes.


How do we determine the likelihood of the veracity of these charges, astrologically? The best we can do is to track the potential for such behaviors in the birth chart, and, when incidents are timed, in the transits operative or in force for that period. In Kavanaugh’s case, we have distressingly little information regarding the dates when these alleged events occurred. And traditionally, the only astrological markers to turn to for sexual issues would be Mars or Pluto, and to some extent, Venus.


But now we have the asteroids.

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AAA Profile: Harvey Weinstein


Poor Harvey Weinstein! He just can’t get a break! You’d think with Donald Trump in the White House, being a crass, bullying, serial sex abuser would be all the rage, but apparently some people still value common decency.

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