Tag archive: Poseidon

KN nessus

Kavanaugh’s Nessus (& Other Coercive Asteroids)

In the earlier installment of this study, we discussed SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s penis euphemism asteroids, in an attempt to determine how likely some of the alleged sexual misconduct behaviors were. We established that each of these four points, and three related others, have prominent placement in Kavanaugh’s chart, suggesting that sex and sexual issues have a great weight in his life and biography.


The focus of this second part is to examine asteroids specifically related to rape or coercive sexual contact. Unfortunately, there are quite a large number of these, human nature and masculine energy being what it is. Typically, I look for asteroids representing rapists in a man’s chart, and those for rape victims in a woman’s, for simplicity’s sake, but of course the cosmos isn’t sexist, and all symbols apply to both genders. So we’ll be tackling the full range in this article, and that’s gonna take awhile…

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