Tag archive: Sphinx

Clash of the Mini-Titans: Trump and Kim to Meet


The White House announced Thursday evening, March 8th that President Donald Trump had agreed to meet face to face for talks with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, tentatively in May 2018. The decision, apparently made on the spur of the moment without resort to advisors or experts, will, if adhered to, lead to the first personal meeting of an American President and a North Korean leader, since that state’s establishment in 1948.

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trump schumer pelosi

Trump Realigns?

On September 6th, 2017 a stunned congressional GOP leadership exited the White House in the wake of their theoretical leader’s apparent dissing of their goals and adherence to the Democratic leadership’s plans for resolving an upcoming fiscal crisis.

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Donald Trump is sworn into office

The Trump Inaugural Chart

As defined by the Twentieth Amendment to the US Constitution, passed in 1933, each administration begins at 12 noon on January 20th of the year following a presidential election. Thus, all US administrations (unless they succeed mid-term due to the death or resignation of a sitting president) have essentially the same structural dimensions: a Sun at 0 Aquarius conjunct a late Capricorn Midheaven and a mid-Taurus Ascendant.

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Sphinx 896

Asteroid Sphinx, astrological meaningThe Sphinx was a composite creature with the head of a woman, the body of a lion, the wings of a bird and a serpentine tail.

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