Tag archive: Yule 2023

LR overview2

House Diary: Flip Your Lid for Yule!

Hello, my name is Alex, and I’m a tchotchkaholic. 

I’ve been collecting seasonal décor for thirty years, since becoming involved in paganism.  It was a way of celebrating the turning wheel of the year, though ironically, not with natural elements.  I incorporate those as well, of course, but it’s expensive and ultimately wasteful, and sometimes there are supply issues.  Much more satisfying to have it all at your fingertips upon a whim, under my control, says my Scorpio Ascendant, stowed and boxed or binned with Virgo Moon precision and attention to detail.  True, the ofttimes lazy Leo Sun balks at the effort, but does enjoy the applause when I do it up big.

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