Asteroid Astrology: Trump

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Mueller Speaks

At precisely 11 AM EDT on May 29th, 2019, former Special Counsel Robert Mueller finally spoke publically about his investigation of Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election, Russian contacts with the Trump Campaign, and Donald Trump’s efforts to hamper that investigation, more than two years after it began. It was Mueller’s first public statement on the matter, and it fell into the body politic with a resounding boom.

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Trump Entrenched: Troemper Turns Retro

On Wednesday, May 22nd, a White House meeting on proposed infrastructure legislation between Democratic leadership and Donald Trump imploded in under five minutes when the President berated Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, taking them to task about ongoing congressional investigations into his conduct, motivations and finances. Trump threatened a total lack of legislative action so long as the investigations continue, then proceeded to the Rose Garden for an open-air airing of his grievances before the Press.


The President’s latest meltdown in an ongoing series was well timed celestially, as the 22nd was the very day that his cosmic referent, asteroid Troemper, came to its station, turning retrograde in the company of Saturn and Pluto, a combination focused on exacting punishments and penalties (Saturn) for criminal acts (Pluto). Adding fuel to the fire was Troemper’s exact conjunction with the USA’s natal Pluto at 27 Capricorn, highlighting the fast-developing power struggle between the executive and legislative branches, as Trump attempts to stonewall Congress by ignoring or undermining their legitimate oversight role, constitutionally mandated.

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For Donald Trump, a New Milestone

On April 29th 2019 The Washington Post, whose Fact Checker database has been tracking Donald Trump’s lies, misrepresentations, and false or misleading claims, announced that the 45th President had reached a new milestone, with 10,000 falsehoods uttered. Apparently it took Trump some 601 days into his presidency to make 5000 such statements, an average of 8 per day, but only an additional 226 days to double that figure, raising his rate of deception to 23 per day over the ensuing seven month period, which included the buildup to the 2018 Midterms, the government shutdown, and the release of the Mueller Report.

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Troemper Transits: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

What happens when the irresistible force meets the immovable object? More to the point, what happens to the poor schmuck caught between them? That’s the current position of the 45th President of the United States, whose celestial referent, asteroid Troemper, is caught in the vice of the forming Saturn/Pluto conjunction.   Between Saturn’s rock and Pluto’s hard place, Donald J. Trump’s cosmic moniker finds itself in its own “place of little easement”, with wiggle room so slight that Trump can neither sit, stand, nor lie down.

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Mueller Report Submitted

News broke at 5 PM EDT on March 22nd that Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller had finally submitted his report on Russian interference and collusion with the Trump Campaign in the 2016 US Presidential Election to Attorney General William Barr. It may take weeks, even months, for the full contents of the report to become public, if they ever do. AG Barr is only required under current law to submit a precis of the findings to Congress, which will likely lead to subpoenas and protracted legal battles, possibly rising as high as the US Supreme Court before they are resolved.


But in the meantime we can see the astrological groundwork for the report mirrored in the skies at the moment of its delivery. As ever, the stars say it all. Mueller was appointed Special Counsel on 16 May 2017, and we’ll reference that chart as well.

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From the Horse’s Mouth(piece), About the Horse’s Ass

“I’m responsible for your silliness because I did the same thing that you’re doing now for 10 years. I protected Mr. Trump for 10 years. The more people that follow Mr. Trump as I did blindly are going to suffer the same consequences that I’m suffering.”

  • Michael Cohen, Congressional testimony, 2/27/19


That was Trump lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen warning GOP congressmen at his public testimony for the Oversight Committee in the House of Representatives on February 27th that their continued support of the President would lead to disaster. Of course the plea fell on the deafest of ears, but it’s significant that none of the Republican legislators questioning Cohen even bothered to defend Trump, merely attempting to discredit Cohen instead.

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