Masturbating Teen & Family Murdered
A bizarre story emerged on Father’s Day 2023 in Kellogg, Idaho, where a 31-year-old father of two shot dead his 18-year-old neighbor, for masturbating fully nude in front of his bedroom window. Majorjon Kaylor told police he “snapped” after seeing Devin Smith swinging and stroking his penis in full view of Kaylor’s wife and young daughters. Police were called and interviewed the recent high school graduate after the masturbation incident on June 13, telling Kaylor afterward that charges would be filed.
But when no charges were forthcoming in a few days, and Kaylor’s complaints to the boy’s mother and grandfather didn’t seem to be taken seriously, Kaylor took matters into his own hands. On the early evening of Father’s Day, June 18th, he strapped on a holstered pistol and went to confront the family in the garden of the two-unit rental property they shared. Shots were heard, and a 911 call at 7:20 PM PDT reported several dead. Kaylor had shot Devin Smith multiple times, then also gunned down his 16-year-old brother Aiken, his mother Kenna Guardipee, 41, and her father, Kenneth Guardipee, 65, killing all four execution-style, with a bullet to the head at close range.

No birth data has been made available for the suspect or any victims, but a chart set for that time in Kellogg, Idaho, sets the scene for this bizarre story of a fatal wanking.
The unusual quality of many of the names in this story precludes exact PNA (Personal-Named Asteroids) matches, but some similar names have been utilized to approximate the principals. For victim Devin Smith we do have exact matches, asteroids Devin 333018 and Smith 3351. The Guardipee surname for his mother and grandfather can be farmed out to asteroid Guardi 8124, while both Kenneth and Kenna will react to asteroid Kenny 10107. Brother Aiken is seen as asteroid Akan 4584, a close phonetic match. Shooting suspect Majorjon Kaylor is tentatively represented by asteroids Majorcastroinst 185498, Kayleigh 202614 and Kayor 4421. We’ll be using asteroid Gunn 18243, phonetic match for “gun”, for the pistol; and TNO Salacia 120347, an emblem of lewd and lascivious behavior, for the masturbation itself; as well as penis euphemism asteroids Dick 17458, Dong 150520, Johnson 5905, Pecker 1629 and Wiener 18182.
What stands out at first glance is the points emphasized by placement on the Angles. Straddling the 11 Sagittarius Ascendant are asteroids Requiem 2254 at 11 Sag and Wiener at 13 Sag, directly linking a sexual organ (Wiener) to a death (Requiem, named for the funeral mass for the dead). Opposing this on the 11 Gemini Descendant is Mercury at 13 Gemini and asteroid Nemesis 128 at 15 Gemini. Mercury rules the hands, a necessary component of the sexual act in question, while Nemesis indicates vengeance and retribution, ruin and destruction.

TNO Salacia at 9 Aries conjoins the 6 Aries MC, opposing asteroid Rip 7711 at 3 Libra on the 6 Libra MC, once again linking lewd conduct and sexual scandal (Salacia) with death (Rip as the acronym RIP, “Rest In Peace”, a common tombstone inscription). These angular placements alone give the broad outlines of this story, but as always, there is much more.
Incredibly, asteroids Devin and Smith are conjunct, at 0 and 3 Taurus, with Smith, surname for two of the victims, exactly conjoined asteroid Atropos 273, also at 3 Taurus. Atropos is named for the mythic Greek Fate who severs the thread of life at death, so having both one’s PNAs directly bound up with this energy signals an “at risk” period for mortality, among individuals resonating to those names, let alone both of them. Along for the ride is Jupiter at 7 Taurus, bringing a type of fame and celebrity, albeit for very tragic reasons in this instance. Suspect Majorjon Kaylor appears as asteroid Majorcastroinst at 4 Leo, squared Devin and Smith, showing the conflict between them.
More impactful is the exact sextile from Smith/Atropos to Damocles 5335 with asteroid Gunn, both at 3 Pisces. This portrays a doom hanging unseen overhead, about to descend at any moment (Damocles), related to a firearm (Gunn), leading to the death (Atropos) of Devin Smith (Smith). Also here is Saturn, ancient lord of death, at 7 Pisces (exactly sextile Jupiter) and asteroid Karma at 11 Pisces, representing the results of our actions.

Note that this early Pisces stellium is also interacting with the points across the horizontal axis in Sagittarius and Gemini, forming a T-Square. And filling out a Grand Cross is asteroid Kayleigh, one of our referents for suspect Kaylor, at 11 Virgo, exactly opposed Karma, along with asteroid Child 4580, with the stated reason for the murders being to protect his underage daughters.
The elder generation Guardipees, caught up in circumstances beyond their control, are seen as asteroid Guardi at 7 Cancer, with the Moon (family, domestic setting) at 8 Cancer, lying on the fulcrum of a T-Square with that Salacia/Rip polarity. Another Grand Cross is completed with the addition of TNO Ixion 28978 at 3 Capricorn, named for the first murderer in Greek myth.
Kenneth and Kenna Guardipee are further represented by asteroid Kenny, which at 21 Taurus exactly conjoins Uranus, ruling shootings. This pair opposes asteroid Anubis 1912 at 23 Scorpio, named for the Egyptian deity governing funerary rites, with asteroid Masterman 21561, here acting as a sort of sideways homage to “masturbator,” at 29 Scorpio. A T-Square is formed with a cluster of Leo points on the fulcrum: Venus and Mars at 12 and 17 Leo, asteroids Dick and Johnson, both at 16 Leo, and asteroid Hebe 6 at 19 Leo. Mars rules guns generally, as well as attacks and violent death; here, with Venus, it can also be seen as the champion/defender (Mars) of little girls (Venus), with Kaylor alleging prior suspicious acts and “watching” of his girls by Smith. Dick and Johnson are of course penis euphemisms, and Hebe is named for the ever-nubile daughter of Zeus, handmaid to the gods on Olympus. Hebe lends her name to the psycho-sexual condition hebephilia, sexual attraction for pubescent individuals, which may lend support here for Kaylor’s accusations.

One final major configuration remains to be dealt with. This is a Grand Cross anchored by asteroid Lachesis 120 with Kayor (our other referent for Kaylor), at 20 and 24 Aries, opposed asteroid Akan (for Aiken) at 19 Libra, with the crossbars formed from asteroids Brown 1643 and Dong at 20 and 22 Cancer, and a triple conjunction of asteroids House 4950 and Pecker, both at 22 Capricorn, with Pluto at 29 Cap. Lachesis is named for the mythic Greek Fate who determines the span of life, a role in which Kaylor (Kayor) cast himself, as regards his four neighbors. Dong and Pecker reinforce the penis element of the story; House describes the domestic setting for the shooting, made specific by asteroid Brown (the property is located at 515 Brown Street); and Pluto is the modern lord of death, also with attendant sex/scandal/criminality implications. Akan indicates the hapless brother, caught up in the tragedy through no fault of his own.
Given Kaylor’s statement to police that he “snapped,” a defense of temporary insanity may be used. This is reflected in the exact Sun/Neptune square that day, with Neptune ruling insanity; the addition of asteroid Osiris 1923 at 29 Virgo (named for the Egyptian god of the dead), making a T-Square, brings in the element of death.

Father’s Day 2018 does seem to have had a subtheme of parent/child deaths, with not only father Kenneth and daughter Kenna Guardipee murdered together, but father Shahzada and son Suleman Dawood both lost in the implosion of the Titan submersible that day. Truly, the workings of Fate and the cosmos are inscrutable.
2 comments, add yours.
The whole thing is so tragic…
OMG it really was an awful Father’s Day. Amazing about the conjunction of Devin, Smith, and Atropos sextile the Gunn-Damocles exact conjunction. Sometimes I think the asteroids do their best work in crime and disaster scenarios. Thanks for covering this bizarre story.