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Sean “Diddy” Combs Arrested

On 17 September 2024, rapper and recording mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs (AKA Puffy, Puff, and Puff Daddy, at various points in his career) was arrested on federal charges of racketeering conspiracy, sex trafficking, and transportation to engage in prostitution.  The charges largely stem from Combs’ infamous “freak-offs,” coerced sex acts performed by sex workers which Combs allegedly orchestrated and filmed, in marathon sessions lasting for days, fueled by drugs which kept performers compliant.  Combs has been denied bail as a flight risk, and remains incarcerated.

The arrest came under a Lunar Eclipse at 25 Pisces, opposing Combs’ natal Pluto (noted for sex, scandal and criminal activity) at 26 Virgo (conjoined by the Sun, bringing exposure); and a stationary asteroid d’Arrest 9133, which at 17 Taurus was about to turn retrograde two days later, opposed his 11 Scorpio Sun.  A Grand Cross is formed with the eclipse from asteroids Didymos 65803 (here a stand-in for “Diddy”) at 28 Sagittarius and Fricke 1561 (for the “freak-offs” which prompted the charges) at 28 Gemini.  Also involved, Neptune at 28 Pisces, conjoined the eclipse, a point which relates to prisons and incarceration (as well as the drugs employed, and the fantasies Combs attempted to enact).

I’m not sure if the “pure white, diamond cross” motif really works for Diddy, with asteroid Sean at station, on the fulcrum of a T-Square with centaur Nessus (sexual misconduct) and asteroid Lust (extreme sexual appetites)

Asteroids Sean 7051 at 3 Leo and Karma 3811 at 25 Cancer have been traveling together for some time, suggesting a period of potential comeuppance for Sean Combs, being called to account for prior misdeeds.  Karma is exactly squared asteroid Toro 1685 at 25 Libra, noted for brutish, bullying, bestial behaviors.  Toro further conjoins Venus at 23 Libra, representing females and romantic partners, and asteroid NOT 2857 at 29 Libra, a point which acts as a general disqualifier or symbol of negation or cessation.  The arrest and imprisonment effectively ends (NOT) Combs’ pattern of abusing (Toro) women (Venus), as vividly portrayed by the brutal beating in a hotel hallway of his then girlfriend Cassandra Ventura in 2016, captured by surveillance cameras.  Ventura has since filed suit for Combs’ actions in the freak-offs, in which she was forced to participate.  Sean/Karma also opposes Pluto at 29 Capricorn, conjunct asteroid Kassandra 114 at 22 Capricorn (for Cassandra Ventura), itself also at station, having turned direct on September 11th.  Putting a cosmic bow on the incident, transit Sean exactly conjoins natal Kassandra in Combs’ chart.

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Red might be a better color for Combs, with transit Pluto (sex, scandal, criminal acts) currently stationing exactly on natal Mars (sex, violence), and the recent Lunar Eclipse highlighting natal Pluto and asteroid Nemesis (ruin or undoing, often self-created)

Asteroid Combes 3446 (alternate spelling of Combs) at 8 Pisces conjoins Saturn (the law, punishment) at 15 Pisces and centaur Nessus 7066 at 18 Pisces.  Nessus is named for a mythic centaur who attempted to rape Heracles’ wife as he gave her a piggyback ride across a flooded river, and represents “men behaving badly,” usually in a sexual context.  Nessus is currently exactly opposed asteroid Nemesis 128 at 18 Virgo, also opposed Mercury at 13 Virgo and the Sun at 25 Virgo, with the Sun bringing exposure, Mercury indicating something newsworthy, and Nemesis known as a point of ruin or undoing, often self-created.

Asteroid Combe 9152 (the second Combs variant) at 14 Cancer conjoins Mars (sex, violence) at 7 Cancer, squared TNO Salacia 120347 at 10 Aries, noted for sex scandals, and the root of our word “salacious,” meaning “titillating, intended to arouse sexually, having or conveying undue or inappropriate interest in sexual matters.”  A T-Square with TNO Makemake 136472 at 9 Libra, noted for wild, unpredictable behaviors and shock value, sets the stage for the shocking charges.

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Back in black – Sean struts his fluffy stuff; transit asteroid d’Arrest came to its station opposed his Sun for his arrest, with natal d’Arrest conjoined by transit Mars

Born 4 November 1969 (no time available), Sean Combs’ birth chart reflects many of these same issues.  Asteroid d’Arrest is again at station, as in the arrest chart, turning retrograde October 30th, 1969; at 2 Cancer, d’Arrest is trine the 11 Scorpio Sun with Mercury at 4 Scorpio, suggesting a newsworthy (Mercury) arrest (d’Arrest) as a pivotal moment (station) in Combs’ biography (Sun).  This trine forms a Grand Trine with asteroids Sean and Combes, at 10 and 0 Pisces, with Sean also at station, turning direct November 2nd

Asteroid Combe at 4 Aries is also at station, turning direct November 3rd, while asteroid Didymos at 26 Sagittarius is exactly semisquare the Sun, marking Didymos as a valid referent for “Diddy,” Combs’ self-identifier (Sun) of choice for many years.  Didymos is also exactly conjoined asteroid Beate 1043, for “beat” or “beating,” another reinforcement of Combs’ tendency to use violence when provoked. Note that at the time of his arrest, Combs had just experienced a “Didymos Return,” with both the natal and transit bodies simultaneously energized by the Lunar Eclipse at 25 Pisces in square. 

“Diddy” is just one of the monikers Sean Combs adopted for his rap career, but it was well-chosen, with asteroid Didymos (closest to Diddy) exactly semisquare his Sun, and touched off by the Lunar Eclipse at his arrest

There are several clusters of points which fill in the details of the story; while all points in each cluster are not conjoined each other, they interconnect, carrying the energy along, bridging one set of conjunctions with the next.  Primary to the current situation is a grouping beginning with natal Nemesis at 22 Virgo (that point of self-undoing also highlighted by the eclipse), extending through Pluto at 26 Virgo, (sex, scandal, criminality), an exact conjunction of asteroids Toro (brutality) and Wiener 18182 (popular euphemism for “penis”) at 2 Libra, Uranus at 6 Libra (shocking, bizarre behaviors, often indicating sexual kink when appropriately placed) and Fricke at 9 Libra (for the “freak-offs”).

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Diddy hugs his sole Grammy close; with asteroid Gramme (for Grammy) not aspected by “winning” asteroids Nike or Victoria (Greek and Roman goddesses of victory), but in trine to asteroid NOT (a general disqualifier), there is a hindrance or block on professional accolades

The second grouping involves asteroid Photographica 443 at 20 Capricorn (representing visual imagery of all kinds, including the videos Combs shot of the orgies), TNO Salacia at 26 Capricorn, (sex scandal), Mars at 29 Capricorn (sex, volent behaviors), asteroid Panacea 2878 at 1 Aquarius (named for the Greek goddess of medicines, ruling drugs of all kinds, legal and illegal) and asteroid Karma (comeuppance) at 9 Aquarius.  Note that transit Pluto is currently stationing exactly atop natal Mars, emphasizing the criminal nature of the sexual behaviors.

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Combs with former girlfriend Cassandra Ventura, whom he abused repeatedly; asteroid Beate (for beating) exactly conjunct asteroid Didymos shows a personal propensity to violence, while asteroid Toro (brutality) squared asteroid Ventura directs this energy specifically toward Cassandra

As well, asteroid Sean at 10 Pisces finds itself on the fulcrum of a T-Square with asteroid Johnson 5905 (another penis euphemism) and centaur Nessus (sexual misconduct), at 14 and 15 Gemini, opposed asteroids Pecker 1629 (a third penis euphemism) with Lust 4386 (a German surname, but tracking with its English cognate, “lust,” meaning “very strong sexual desire) at 16 and 18 Sagittarius.  This unfortunate mix funnels a great deal of sexual energy into Combs personally, via his stationary namesake asteroid, something reinforced by the exact conjunction of Jupiter at 21 Libra with asteroid Dong 150520, implying a vastly increased (Jupiter) sexual capacity (Dong, yet another penis euphemism), as well as the potential for an outsized (Jupiter) endowment (Dong).  This pairing opposes asteroid Dick 17458 at 23 Aries, our final penis referent.

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Hotel surveillance footage shows Combs beating Cassandra Ventura in the hallway; at his arrest, asteroids d’Arrest and Kassandra are both at station, with transit asteroid Ventura conjunct Mars and natal d’Arrest, indicating Cassandra Ventura as a prime witness in the case against him

Former girlfriend and current litigant Cassandra Ventura is seen in the natal chart as asteroids Kassandra at 3 Leo and Ventura 4825 at 10 Capricorn.  Kassandra is semisquare Nessus at 15 Gemini and sextile Toro at 2 Libra, acting as a magnet for Combs’ sexual transgressions (Nessus) and brutality (Toro).  Ventura is conjoined asteroid NOT at 12 Capricorn, squared by Toro/Uranus/Fricke at 2, 6 and 10 Libra, opposed d’Arrest at 2 Cancer, in a Grand Cross with stationary Combe at 4 Aries.  Again we see Combs’ (Combe) brutality and kink (Toro, Uranus) focused on Ventura in coercing her compliance in the freak-offs (Fricke), resulting in his indictment (d’Arrest) when Cassandra Ventura finally sad “No!” (NOT) and turned state’s evidence.  Note that transit Salacia (sex scandals) is currently exactly opposed natal asteroid Ventura, with transit asteroid Ventura at 3 Cancer and Mars at 7 Cancer aligned with natal d’Arrest.

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Artist sketch of Diddy’s arraignment; the arrest chart features the Sun conjoined natal Pluto (criminality) and squared asteroid Didymos (Diddy), with an exact opposition from asteroid Nemesis (ruin) to centaur Nessus (sexual misconduct), in T-Square to natal Nessus

Sean Combs remains in prison awaiting trial, or a lawyer clever enough to get him released beforehand.  Given his history of violence and abuse of women, no one will be shocked if he is convicted, least of all an asteroid-savvy astrologer.

Alex Miller is a professional writer and astrologer, author of The Black Hole Book, detailing deep space points in astrological interpretation, and the forthcoming Heaven on Earth, a comprehensive study of asteroids, both mythic and personal. Alex is a frequent contributor to “The Mountain Astrologer”, “Daykeeper Journal”, and NCGR’s Journals and “Enews Commentary”; his work has also appeared in “Aspects” magazine, “Dell Horoscope”, “Planetwaves”, “Neptune Café” and “Sasstrology.” He is a past president of Philadelphia Astrological Society, and a former board member for the Philadelphia Chapter of NCGR.

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Yuck. Ghastly creep.
I can recall few posts by you, Alex, that had so many asteroid and other references. A sterling job, as usual; congratulations.


What a vile person. I may be dating myself but so many rappers and hip hop artists seem to be violent misogynists. It is disturbing that they are rewarded with vast wealth and celebrity status. I hope Diddy goes to jail for a long time. Thanks for covering this, Alex!

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