The 95th Academy Awards
The 95th Academy Awards are now history, and it was a night of firsts and record-setting nominations. Angela Bassett was the first actor to be nominated for work in a film from the Marvel Comics franchise (for “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever”), and sixteen of the twenty nominees in the acting awards were up for the accolade for the first time. Michelle Yeoh became the first performer of Asian descent to win Best Actress, Ke Huy Quan became the second to win Best Supporting Actor, after a gap of nearly forty years, and Daniel Kwan won for Best Director (all for “Everything Everywhere All At Once”). Composer and conductor John Williams became the oldest Oscar nominee ever, at age 91, though he failed to take home the gold statuette.
The Awards were hosted by Jimmy Kimmel and commenced at 5 PM PDT in Los Angeles, California, and a chart cast for that time gives the nod to the actors who rose to the top. We’ll be looking at asteroids Oskar (alternate spelling of Oscar) and Academia (for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Science, which sponsors the awards), Nike and Victoria (named respectively for the Greek and Roman goddesses of victory), as well as PNAs (Personal-Named Asteroids) for the winners. Unfortunately, we can’t examine the winning potential for the night’s big winner, “Everything Everywhere All At Once”, which swept seven awards including Best Picture and Best Director, as well as three of the four principal acting awards, because vis-à-vis asteroid referents, the film has Nothing Nowhere Never.

But the celestial table was set for the banquet of victory by the Sun, which at 22 Pisces conjoined Neptune (ruling films) at 24 Pisces, as well as Nike (victory) and Mercury (the voting process which decided the winners) at 13 and 18 Pisces. From there, this stellium forms a T-Square with asteroid Academia at 17 Sagittarius and Oskar at 24 Gemini, specifying this as Oscar’s night.
Remarkably, all four acting categories were won by first-time nominees, all of whom have been plying their trade for decades, but never before recognized by the Academy. Two of the four have exact asteroid matches which appear at station in the Awards chart, signaling a major turning point in their lives. Best Actress Oscar winner Michelle Yeoh (for “Everything Everywhere All At Once”, hereafter abbreviated EEAAO) is represented by asteroid Michelle, which at 11 Cancer turned direct on February 28th and is trine asteroid Nike. Her co-star Jamie Lee Curtis, winner of the Best Supporting Actress Oscar, is represented by asteroid Curtis, which turned retrograde March 4th at 13 Scorpio, also trined Nike.
Best Actor went to Brendan Fraser (for “The Whale”), represented by alternate-spelling asteroids Brenden and Frazer. Frazer at 7 Virgo is tied to Nike as well, by opposition (which makes three of four acting winners bound up in a Grand Trine Kite pattern with victorious Nike at its Apex), while asteroid Brenden at 29 Libra is trine an exact Mars/Oskar pairing at 24 Gemini. Best Supporting Actor winner Ke Huy Quan (for EEAAO) has no exact matches for any of his names, but asteroid Qian (for Quan) at 13 Gemini exactly squares Nike.

Contacts to Pluto were common amongst winners as well. With its reputation for bringing transformative change, albeit often of a more devastating nature, this is perhaps unsurprising, as Pluto also represents coming into one’s personal power. Asteroid Kuan (phonetic match for Quan) does double-duty for Ke Huy Quan and EEAAO’s co-director, Daniel Kwan, and appears at 29 Capricorn, exactly conjunct Pluto. Asteroid Lee, for Jamie Lee Curtis, also conjoins, from 24 Capricorn, while asteroid Brenden is exactly squared Pluto from 29 Libra.
EEAAO’s other co-director, Daniel Scheinert, is represented by asteroid Schein, which at 23 Sagittarius conjoins Academia at 17 Sag and opposes Oskar at 24 Gemini. Both directors share the same first name of Daniel, and found their place in the sun at the awards, literally, with asteroid Daniel at 6 Aquarius semisquare the 22 Pisces Sun. Also here is asteroid James at 4 Aquarius, for show host Jimmy Kimmel.
If we take a look at the birth charts of the winners, we see a pattern of natal potential fulfilled. Michelle Yeoh (born 6 August 1962, no time available) sports two T-Squares in the birth chart which pertain to her victory. The Sun at 13 Leo lies on the fulcrum of the first pattern, with squares to Neptune at 10 Scorpio and asteroid Academia at 9 Taurus, marking film acting (Neptune) and an Oscar win (Academia), as self-defining (Sun) elements for her. As well, a conjunction of asteroids Michel (masculine form of Michelle) and Nike at 14 and 15 Sagittarius, both at station, lies on the fulcrum of the second pattern, squaring asteroid Oskar at 12 Virgo and Jupiter at 10 Pisces, bringing fame and celebrity (Jupiter) from her statuette (Oskar). Transit Oskar at 24 Gemini for her win conjoined natal asteroid Michelle at 20 Gemini, and widely opposed the Michel/Nike pairing. The role for which she won her Oscar was Evelyn Quan Wang; natal asteroid Evelyn at 26 Libra is semisquare Oskar, and was trined by transit Oskar at the awards.

Brendan Fraser (born 3:28 PM EST 3 December 1968, Indianapolis, IN; Rodden Rating AA) has asteroid Oskar at station at 9 Aries, exactly trine the 9 Sagittarius Sun, and within orb of Saturn (career) at 18 Aries, also opposed Jupiter (fame) at 2 Libra. An Academy Award victory is foreshadowed by asteroid Victoria at 16 Taurus opposed asteroid Academia at 8 Scorpio. Transit Oskar at 24 Gemini was trine natal Brenden at 26 Aquarius and exactly squared natal Pluto at 24 Virgo when Fraser won. The role for which he won his Oscar was Charlie, with natal asteroid Charlier at 6 Aquarius on the fulcrum of a loose T-Square with the Academia/Victoria polarity.
Jamie Lee Curtis (born 8:37 AM PST 22 November 1958, Los Angeles, CA; Rodden rating AA) sports an out-of-Sign Grand Cross, with the Sun at 29 Scorpio opposed Academia at 1 Gemini, with the crossbars provided by asteroid Nike at 4 Pisces and Pluto at 4 Virgo, suggesting a transformative (Pluto) Academy Award (Academia) win (Nike) which would become self-defining (Sun). Natal Oskar at 24 Libra was exactly trined by transit Oskar for her victory. The role for which she won her Oscar was Deirdre Beaubeirdre, with natal asteroid Deidre at 4 Libra, sextile a stationary asteroid Victoria at 6 Leo, exactly inconjunct natal Nike at 4 Pisces, and trine natal Academia at 1 Gemini.

Ke Huy Quan (born 20 August 1971, no time available) has natal Oskar at 23 Capricorn squared Nike at 26 Libra, suggesting an Oscar (Oskar) win (Nike) at some point, with a stationary asteroid Victoria at 11 Capricorn opposing Academia at 17 Cancer, Uranus on the fulcrum at 11 Libra, once again uniting the themes of victory (Victoria) and the Academy Awards (Academia), with an element of surprise (Uranus). Quan’s win was indeed unexpected (Uranus), with the child star (featured during the mid-1980s in “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” and “The Goonies”) retiring from acting after reaching adulthood due to the lack of substantial parts for Asian performers. Quan remained in the industry, but focused his energies behind the scenes, and only returned to acting two years ago. Transit Oskar at 24 Gemini was trine natal Nike and inconjunct natal Oskar for his win. His winning role was as Waymond Wang, with natal asteroid Raymond at 6 Cancer, opposed Victoria and T-Squared Uranus.

The 95th Academy Awards was one for the books, for sure. And as ever, the stars above reflected the stars below.
2 comments, add yours.
Emma Esperanza Acosta
Thank you, the Nike Asteroid was present in all cases.
Gracias, el Asteroide Nike hizo presencia en todos los casos.
Amazing again! Loved Nothing Nowhere Never lol. I scratched my head for asteroid matches for the movie too and came up with nothing. Great job, Alex. If there were Oscars for astrologers you would win the asteroid category! 😄