The Aaron Rodgers Vaccination Controversy
On Wednesday, November 3, 2021, Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers tested positive for COVID-19, sparking a controversy over his previously unrevealed unvaccinated status. Rodgers had earlier described himself as “immunized” for the coronavirus, parsing his words carefully so as not to expose his actual vaccination refusal. The NFL superstar experienced COVID symptoms Tuesday, and tested positive the following day, triggering a mandatory 10-day suspension from play.
Rodgers has attempted to justify his deception on grounds of maintaining his medical privacy, stating only that he is allergic to certain ingredients of the mRNA vaccines provided by Pfizer and Moderna, and was unwilling to risk side effects associated with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. “I believe strongly in bodily autonomy and the ability to make choices for your body, not to have to acquiesce to some woke culture or crazed group of individuals who say you have to do something.”
Rodgers claims to have undergone unspecified homeopathic treatments to raise his immunity to the virus, and alleges that he followed protocols for unvaccinated team members when on the job. He is now being treated with zinc, monoclonal treatments and ivermectin, a livestock deworming drug that has recently gained traction with the anti-vax crowd as a treatment for COVID infection. Rodgers describes his stance thus: “Look, I’m not some sort of anti-vax, flat-Earther. I am somebody who’s a critical thinker. … I have taken this very seriously, I’m not a COVID denier or any bullshit like that. I just wanted to make the decision that was best for my body. That’s it.”

Which begs the question, why didn’t he state the simple truth when questioned in August?
Born 2 December 1983 at 2:50 PM PST in Chico, California (Rodden Rating AA), Aaron Rodgers’ life in sports was perhaps inevitable with a stunning Sagittarius stellium of Uranus, Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Neptune, all within 19 degrees. In fact, all of Rodgers’ major planetary energies are clustered within 80 degrees of the zodiac, from Mars at 8 Libra to Neptune at 28 Sagittarius. His PNAs (Personal-Named Asteroids) conform to the typical patterns, with asteroid Aaronson (closest to Aaron) at 16 Leo in station, trine to the 10 Sagittarius Sun (it turned retrograde 5 days after his birth); asteroid Rogers (alternate spelling) at 26 Scorpio conjunct the 21 Scorpio Moon; and CNA (Compound-Name Asteroid) Aaronrogers (approximating his full name, with a slight spelling variance) at 24 Capricorn conjoined the Midheaven at 20 Cap and semisquare the Sun.
Aaronrogers had just received the full impact of the recent Pluto station, with the planet ruling viruses conjoining it exactly when it resumed direct motion on October 6th, and still conjunct that degree as his COVID diagnosis was revealed. Venus is sometimes cited as representing susceptibility to contagion, and with natal Venus at 25 Libra conjoined asteroid Panacea at 24 Libra, ruling pharmaceuticals and drugs of all types, in close square to Aaronrogers, there is a strong likelihood that medication reaction could prove significant in dealing with infection. Still within orb of this pairing is an exact conjunction of asteroid Koronis, our celestial referent for the coronavirus, and asteroid Nemesis, a point indicating ruin or downfall, typically self-engendered, at 17 Libra, making a reaction to COVID-19 meds probable. So we can likely credit that portion of Rodgers’ statement, that he was allergic to ingredients of the mRNA vaccines, and the conjunction also indicates Rodgers acting as his own worst enemy (Nemesis) in the choices he makes regarding medications (Panacea), especially as relates to the coronavirus (Koronis) which brings some form of undoing (Nemesis again).

Interestingly, the treatment he is now pursuing, with the livestock deworming drug ivermectin, can also be seen in the natal chart, in the form of asteroid Worms (named for a town in Germany, but cognate to the English term for the creatures ivermectin is designed to control), which at 3 Aries is also at station, having turned direct a week prior to Rodgers’ birth. Stationary points denote energies which have a greater-than-typical impact on the biography or character of the individual, and in this case, Worms is also sesquiquadrate to the other stationary point, asteroid Aaronson at 16 Leo, further personalizing its importance, and also sesquiquadrate the Moon at 21 Scorpio, ruling health generally. With Aaronson squared the Moon, this interlocking pattern constitutes a Thor’s Hammer, a “fated” pattern similar to a Yod, and shows that in some way Rodgers was destined for this health issue, and this particular means of addressing it.
Significantly, the Moon with asteroid Rogers also conjoins asteroid NOT at 28 Scorpio, a general disqualifier or symbol of refusal, which here suggests a natural reluctance (NOT) to publicize personal (Rogers) health information (Moon). And with Koronis/Nemesis conjoined Mars at 8 Libra and in square to asteroid Lie at 13 Capricorn, we can readily understand the desire to deceive (Lie) others regarding the coronavirus (Koronis), particularly in a pro sports setting (Mars), with the attendant blowback (Nemesis) from that decision.

The skies for Aaron Rodgers’s COVID diagnosis are just as telling as the birth chart. On November 3, 2020, the Sun at 11 Scorpio was involved in a Grand Cross, conjunct transit asteroid Worms at 4 Scorpio and Mars at 2 Scorpio, opposed Uranus at 12 Taurus, and squared to both asteroid Koronis at 10 Leo and Saturn at 7 Aquarius. This depicts a focus (Sun) on a sports figure (Mars) controversy (Uranus) related to COVID (Koronis) and a punishment (Saturn), here representing Rodgers’ suspension from playing football (Mars), also highlighting (Sun) the ivermectin use (Worms). Note that transit Koronis is coming to cojoin natal Aaronson at 16 Leo, bringing the virus home to him personally; the Sun is an exact match for natal Saturn, disrupting Rodgers’ career; Mars and Worms conjoin natal Pluto at 0 Scorpio, sourcing the virus; and Uranus still conjoins the 5 Taurus Ascendant, causing others to view Rodgers differently, as controversial and nonconformist (both Uranian keywords).
Transit asteroid Aaronrogers at 16 Libra closely cojoins natal Koronis/Nemesis, while transit asteroid Aaronson at 14 Aries opposes it, doubling down on the personal connection to the virus at that time. Transit asteroid Rogers at 20 Capricorn conjoins the natal MC exactly, impacting Rodgers’ career, as well as transit Pluto at 24 Cap, ruling viruses, and is squared the natal Koronis/Nemesis conjunction, binging all three transit PNAs into direct contact with the natal coronavirus cosmic stand-in and the self-created downfall, just at the time the diagnosis was made.
Rodgers has taken a lot of hits in the media from his decision and attempt at misdirection, but perhaps his most vociferous critic has been former NFL quarterback and Hall of Famer Terry Bradshaw, who disparaged Rodgers’ honesty and flat-out called him a liar on air. Interestingly, natal asteroid Terry at 4 Aries is also at station in Rodgers’ chart, trine the Sun, opposed Mars and broadly squared asteroid Lie. As well, transit Terry at 25 Sagittarius was running with transit Nemesis at 23 Sag when Bradshaw denounced his behavior and pronounced himself “extremely disappointed” in Rodgers, with Terry also squared transit Neptune at 20 Pisces, ruling disappointment and disillusionment, and conjoined Rodgers’ natal Mercury at 27 Sagittarius, ruling the Press and statements.

The incident will likely remove some of the luster from Aaron Rodgers’ public image, but the probability that it constitutes a major professional setback is slight. Whether or not that is justified, is for each to decide.
4 comments, add yours.
Asteroid WUHAN can also be used for the corona virus.
I am not a sports fan but the asteroid connections you uncovered in this post blew me away! Thanks, Alex!
Rodgers used the word “immunized,” not innoculated. Still a liar, though.
Excellent post. Thank you.
Alex Miller
Authorthanks for catching that, Jane – I’ve changed it.