The September Surprise: Uranus in Retrograde
The October Surprise has a venerable history in American politics, dating back more than a century, and referring to a sudden, often shocking, unanticipated turn of events which threatens to upend a presidential election. Perhaps the most famous example is October of 1980, when it was announced that the hostages held at the American Embassy in Tehran would not be released before the election, thus further imperiling Jimmy Carter’s hotly contested race with Ronald Reagan (spoiler alert – Carter lost!).
But this year, the October Surprise may come early, with an astrologic flair, as Uranus, the planet of shocks, surprises and the unexpected, will be coming to its retrograde station on September 1st, perhaps tossing a bombshell into the presidential race. The reason why that may be so is Uranus’ prime placement, occupying 27 Taurus, celestial real estate that strongly impacts both major candidates, as well as VP Kamala Harris and Trump’s running mate, JD Vance. But the most strongly affected will be Joe Biden, with Uranus exactly opposed his Sun at 27 Scorpio. Uranus moves onto the 27th degree of Taurus on August 8th, so the fireworks could ensue as early as that.
No doubt about it, Biden has been under the gun of late, after a disastrous performance at the first presidential debate in June. Democrats are in full panic mode, desperately trying to decide if Biden is the right horse to back in defeating Trump this November, or if other arrangements should be made. Fortunately or unfortunately, Joe Biden is the sole decider here, as an incumbent president with more than enough delegates to give him the nomination. It’s his to accept or decline, and with six planets in Fixed Signs, Biden shows no inclination to budge, seemingly resolved to fight it out to the bitter end, convinced he can beat Trump again.

Polling puts that theory in serious doubt, with some erosion in Biden’s numbers in key swing states since the debate, but the polls have consistently missed the Democrats’ overperformance in races since the overturning of “Roe v Wade” in 2022, with its subsequent erosion of reproductive rights, for which Donald Trump continues to take credit. Biden avers that, should he become convinced that he has no shot at victory, he will hand off to someone else, likely VP Harris, but the Uranus station suggests that the matter may be taken out of his hands by unforeseen circumstances, or could coincide with a decision to withdraw.
With candidates who are aged 81 and 78, it seems quaint to describe a health crisis as “unforeseen,” but that’s a major concern under this type of transit, which can induce stress ailments, stroke, mental collapse, nervous disorders or accidents. We’ve noted that the station exactly opposes Biden’s Sun, but it also opposes natal Venus at 28 Scorpio and natal Mercury at 21 Scorpio. Venus could indicate an issue with the campaign’s finances (with several big-dollar donors currently pressing pause on contributions until Biden proves his capacity for another four years on the job) or Biden’s standing with women, whose support is critical to his reelection. Mercury suggests some issue with Biden’s mental state or speech, both perhaps affected by a stroke or seizure of some kind. As well, the station will square a natal pairing of asteroid Requiem 2254 and Lachesis 120 at 22 and 23 Leo, with Requiem named for the funeral mass for the dead, and Lachesis named for the mythic Greek Fate who determines the span of life. So a sudden, unexpected (Uranus) demise (Requiem, Lachesis) is certainly not out of the question.

For Donald Trump, the station is also impactful, if potentially less dire. Uranus at 27 Taurus conjoins his 24 Taurus Midheaven, also squaring his Ascendant at 29 Leo and natal Mars at 26 Leo. The Midheaven rules career, and represents status, reputation and one’s place in the world. It’s hard to imagine something controversial or shocking (both Uranus traits) which could determine the race’s outcome, that Trump hasn’t already been accused of, been convicted for, or has outright copped to. But the universe is a very creative place, so we’ll leave that possibility open. Similarly, a square to the Ascendant would affect how others see him, but again, if you haven’t been shocked and revolted by now, you’re not likely to be.
It’s Mars that offers the most peril here, as witnessed by the failed assassination attempt on Trump on July 13th, just days before the Mars/Uranus/Algol station. It’s certainly not out of the question that similar “copycat” attacks could be made, prompted by the Uranus station. But Mars carries other dangers with it beyond mortality. If something concrete emerges on the Mars-ruled sexual front (like that Moscow pee tape, for example – Russia, if you’re listening…), that could make waves. But Trump as a misogynistic, philandering pig isn’t news either. Physically, Mars could indicate a health issue with the head (as opposed to the mind), the reproductive or eliminatory organs (prostate or colon cancer?), or a blood disease (such as leukemia); something which unexpectedly emerges (or is suddenly revealed) to shake up Americans’ sense of his ability to do the job.

Kamala Harris’ chart may provide the best evidence of a major shakeup in the political sphere, involving her career in highly personal ways. Born 20 October 1964 at 9:28 PM PDT in Oakland, CA (Rodden Rating AA), the Uranus station sets off a major Grand Cross for Harris, conjoined Jupiter at 24 Taurus with asteroid Kamil 14124 (one of five possible celestial stand-ins for Kamala, for which there is no exact match) at 27 Taurus, opposed asteroid Whitehouse 4036 with Camelia 957 (another Kamala surrogate) at 24 and 28 Scorpio, squared Mars at 21 Leo and Saturn with asteroid Victoria 12 at 28 and 25 Aquarius, respectively. Jupiter rules politics and promotes “luck” and positive outcomes; Saturn rules career and also represents the chief executive; Mars governs campaigns, from a political perspective; Victoria is named for the Roman goddess of victory; and Whitehouse indicates the presidency.
With Uranus exactly conjunct Kamil, the station impacts Harris very personally, and given the remaining contacts, we can expect something sudden and shocking (Uranus) in the political sphere (Jupiter) with repercussions to the presidential (Whitehouse) campaign (Mars) and perhaps a dramatic change (Uranus) in her career (Saturn), based in a win of some sort (Victoria). A sudden shift to the top of the ticket, perhaps to the presidency itself, due to a Biden withdrawal, resignation or demise would certainly qualify.

Ohio Senator JD Vance, Trump’s anointed running mate, is also under the gun of the Uranus station. Since completing my profile of him, Vance’s birth time has been uncovered; born 2 August 1984 at 8:11 AM EDT in Middletown, Ohio (time not yet confirmed by Rodden), Vance’s Ascendant at 27 Leo and MC at 2 Taurus closely mimic Trump’s own (making him the perfect Trump Mini Me), and his Mars at 22 Scorpio also ties to the station degree, as does Trump’s, at 26 Leo. Their issues from Uranus’ fallout will be similar, and for Vance, could further highlight his extremely disturbing and controversial (Uranus) views on reproductive rights (he’s against them) and domestic violence (he supports women remaining in abusive marriages), both Mars venues.
Whatever transpires, it’s likely to be a major upset, and likely involving all four, to one degree or another. By examining the chart for the station itself, we might glean clues about who will be most affected. The station occurs at 11:18 AM EDT, and I have set the chart for Washington DC, as the nation’s capital and the hub of political activity and power.
Looking first to the contacts Uranus makes to the rest of the chart, we find a square to an exact Moon/Mercury conjunction at 22 Leo. This suggests that the surprise (Uranus), whatever it is, causes the public (Moon) to reappraise its decisions (Mercury) about the vote (also Mercury). This could also indicate news (Mercury) about a health condition (Moon) for a candidate. With asteroid Achilles 588 also here, at 26 Leo, the sense is of a weakness or vulnerability which has been exposed (the Achilles heel, as it were).

With Uranus conjunct asteroid Washingtonia 886 at 20 Taurus, which exactly opposes asteroid Camelia at 20 Scorpio, the decision would seem to involve the current Vice President (Camelia for Kamala) and the federal government (Washingtonia), confirmed by asteroid Harris 2929 at 1 Gemini, also conjoined Uranus. Asteroid Donn 4689 at 21 Aquarius forms a T-Square with Uranus and the Moon/Mercury conjunction, so Trump (Donn) is also a factor in the surprise, and on people’s (Moon) minds (Mercury). The close Camelia/Donn square suggests the antipathy (square) between them is very personal, more like directly opposed candidates, rather than a supportive running mate defending her boss.
Asteroid James 2335, for James David “JD” Vance, appears at 15 Leo, outside the Uranus square, but still within orb of the Moon/Mercury conjunction. Something unexpected could occur on the GOP side of the ledger at this time that causes the public (Moon) to reappraise (Mercury) his candidacy. James is also in square to asteroid Washingtonia at 20 Taurus, which is conjoined by asteroids Davida 511 (feminine form of David, his middle name) and Bowman 2996 (his birth surname) at 14 and 15 Taurus, linking him directly to events about to unfold at the nation’s capital (Washingtonia). With both presidential candidates well into their senior years, it’s not at all inconceivable that both men could be forced out of the race for health reasons, and their running mates forced to step into their shoes. It would be an extreme situation for sure, but that’s just what Uranus specializes in.

The Sun at 9 Virgo conjoins asteroid Whitehouse at 3 Virgo, defining the presidency (Whitehouse) as the field of action most obvious or highlighted (Sun) at the moment of the station. Harris’ square to Whitehouse reiterates the sense that she is representing the presidency, or in direct contention for the Oval Office.
And what of Joe Biden? Where does he factor into all this? Asteroid Bida 32014 (our celestial referent for Biden) at 12 Gemini conjoins Jupiter at 19 Gemini and squares the Sun at 9 Virgo so he’s still in the thick of the political fray (Jupiter), but Bida’s exact square to asteroid Nemesis 128 at 12 Virgo suggests some roadblock or hindrance, possible ruin or destruction, perhaps linked to the actions of an archenemy or opponent (all Nemesis). A T-Square with Saturn at 16 Pisces doesn’t help matters, as this ancient lord of death can also indicate restriction, limitation or loss.
There’s no exact asteroid match for Joseph, but a number of substitutes exist. Asteroid Jose 1423 (Spanish variant) appears at 8 Cancer, conjunct asteroid Troemper 28130 (our celestial referent for The Donald) at 11 Cancer, something to be expected, as a cosmic marker of their political proximity. What does suggest a major shakeup of some sort is this duo’s square to dwarf planet Makemake 136472 at 9 Libra. Sue Kientz, resident dwarf planet expert at AAA, likens Makemake to “unexpected and high-soaring experiences,” something “electrically charged” which is Uranian energy of “a whole new order.” Again we get the sense that something truly shocking will occur, affecting both candidates.

This is supported and reinforced by another dwarf planet, Haumea 136108, and again we turn to Sue for guidance. She describes Haumea as “consistently represent[ing] dramatic and awful change; Haumea events sweep away the past and usher in the vastly different.” Like Biden giving way to a new generation of progressive politicos? Haumea at 0 Scorpio forms a precise T-Square with Pluto at 0 Aquarius and asteroid Guiseppina 6533 at 0 Leo, the Italian feminine variant of Joseph. Haumea is change and transformation, again of a higher order than Pluto, which also rules these energies as well as being the modern lord of death. Sue suggests that the Biden asteroids connected to Haumea reflect the intense pressure in the Democratic Party to make a change, an impulse bordering on the existential. If we factor Biden’s natal 0 Taurus Moon into the equation, we see a precise Grand Cross, and a plausible motivation for his withdrawal from the race due to health concerns (Moon-ruled). Given that Haumea is also within orb of three more Biden markers – asteroids Josephina 303 at 22 Libra, Josefa 49 at 29 Libra, and Old Joe 10515 at 9 Scorpio – it could play a pivotal role in how the Uranus station plays out for the 46th president.
Some level of contention or dispute between Biden and Harris is also hinted at, in an exact square (symbolizing stress or conflict) from asteroid Camillo 3752 (another Kamala clone) at 9 Leo to Old Joe. There’s friction there, it seems, a circumstance that is reiterated by an opposition from Josephina and Josefa to asteroid Camilla 107 at 26 Aries, indicating potential antagonism, with asteroid America 916 on the fulcrum of a T-Square at 29 Capricorn, as the bone of contention between them. Who will head the ticket, and potentially lead the nation? Asteroid NOT 2857, a general disqualifier or symbol of negation, at 22 Libra, exact with Josephina, suggests it may not be Joe Biden.
Yet another pattern repeats the sense of pending generational change and subsequent friction. Asteroid Jungmann 40441 (pronounced “young man”) at 11 Cancer is trine to Old Joe at 9 Scorpio, in a Grand Trine Kite pattern, with the String formed by Saturn at 16 Pisces opposed the Sun with asteroid Nemesis at 9 and 12 Virgo. The implication is of a young person (Jungmann) and an elder one (Old Joe) as opponents (Nemesis) who vie for the spotlight (Sun) in the contest for the presidency (Saturn).

Jungmann also exactly conjoins Troemper, for Donald Trump, who, though certainly not “young,” by any stretch of the imagination, does indeed appear more vigorous than Biden, despite the bare three years’ difference in their ages. So the same pattern also describes Trump and Biden as opponents for the Oval Office, with a nod to Trump’s lesser tally of years, albeit miniscule.
I’d be remiss not to mention the impact the Uranus station will have on the founding chart of the United States, at this crossroads between two such disparate choices, and the sundered paths they represent. Freedom or restriction? Democracy or autocracy? The US asteroid Pandora 55 at 26 Taurus will take a direct hit from the station, which also exactly squares the US Moon at 27 Aquarius. Pandora represents the unleashing of unexpected or unintended consequences, a torrent of ills and hardships, emptying her Box of evils until only Hope remains. The square to the Moon suggests it’s the American people who will reap the whirlwind of the Uranus-released toxicity and trauma. Far from pouring oil on already troubled waters, the station is likely to provoke further agitation, anxiety and restlessness in the population, promoting radicalism and volatile, extreme responses. Not a pleasant thought.
The Uranus station will reverberate until the planet turns direct in January, but its window of greatest effectiveness is about 2-3 weeks on either side of the station date. This would include both the Democratic National Convention, opening August 19th in Chicago, and the second presidential debate, to be held September 10th. There is much yet to determine in this presidential election, including Kamala Harris’ astrologic credentials for the office, which will be addressed in future articles. For now, we can rest assured that with this Uranus station in the offing, we can be assured of nothing.
[Author’s Note: Special thanks to Sue Kientz for her help in researching this article. Her book, “More Plutos,” is an excellent guide to the new dwarf planets available to 21st-century astrologers.]
4 comments, add yours.
Great post, Alex. So much to think about here. I love the idea of a September surprise and thanks for pointing out that the Uranus station is likely to be consequential for these political leaders and the US itself. (Not to mention Prime Minister Justin Trudeau here in Canada who will have the station on his MC.) I also notice the day after the station that Pluto ingresses back into Capricorn where it will still be at the election as if returning to deal with unfinished business. Thank you also for highlighting the Haumea-Pluto square that will hit Joe Biden’s Moon. It does seem as if he is in for a rough ride if not in mortal peril. You have done a good job of covering the many possibilities although as you point out, with Uranus you never know what to expect. I have Sue’s book More Plutos sitting on my desk but just need to get time to read it! I also enjoy her site of the same name. Thank you for the asteroid Jungmann which I will add to my list. BTW I think Trump just appears more vigorous because of his Mars-ASC conjunction but he is still making a lot less sense than he used to and I think that is how he is showing his age. I’ll stop there. Thanks again for a thought-provoking post! It’s a great time to be a mundane astrologer!
With breaking news that Joe Biden has dropped out of the presidential race, it looks like the September Surprise may relate to who his replacement is! The next few months may be a wild ride! I feel sorry for him today but I think history will treat him kindly. He accomplished so much during his term and it is a sign of his statesmanship that he heeded calls to step aside before it was too late. He can stand proud on his record when he hands over the presidency in January, hopefully to another Democrat.
I thought when it happened that Trump was thinking both “fuck!!” and “HOW DARE THEY” but can’t recall right now if he even said “fight” out loud at the time: I too am long in years (79 next week).
Something that’s been niggling at me since I first heard about it: according to the Human Design people (and I think there are one or two extended versions of their methodologies (Gene Keys?) as well now) seem to think that something hyperdramatic will happen round about 2027. It sounds very Neptunian to me. My little pension won’t won’t stretch to lectures and classes. so, maybe this will fit in – somehow – with the Uranus retro station though I fail to see how…