Guilty! Justice Comes for Trump
At last! Some level of accountability for the biggest criminal scofflaw ever to infest the Oval Office. Fond of setting records, on 30 May 2024 Donald J. Trump entered the history books yet again, as the only former US President, and presumptive GOP nominee, to be convicted of a felony. And not just one – the jury returned a unanimous guilty verdict on each of the 34 criminal counts against him.
When the trial began on April 15th, I highlighted the upcoming conjunctions of asteroids Themis 24 and Justitia 269, named respectively for the Greek and Roman goddesses of justice, with Trump’s natal 22 Gemini Sun as probable tension points in the case. Themis, with its exact conjunction May 9-10, seemed a bit early for a resolution, but Justitia batted clean-up for her associate, exactly conjunct the Sun May 28-30, a more likely timeframe, so that was when I estimated an end to the trial.
And so it was. Closing arguments commenced right on cue on May 28th, on the 29th the jury was given its instruction and began deliberations, and on the 30th rendered their verdict. By the time they had decided late that day, Justitia had moved off to 23 Gemini, as if to say, “Mission accomplished, justice has been served.”

The verdict was made public at 5:06 PM EDT 20 May 2024 in Manhattan, but I’ll be predominantly focusing on a slightly earlier chart, at 4:20 PM, the time when the jury sent a note to Judge Juan Merchan to inform him they had a consensus. This represents the moment of decision, and its Angles well reflect the situation.
But before taking a deep dive on the chart for the verdict, I’d like to take a quick look at another, the moment when those deliberations began. The case was consigned to the jury at 11:38 AM EDT on May 29th, and at that moment, the Ascendant was 27 Leo, with the MC at 20 Taurus. These degrees comport with Donald Trump’s natal Ascendant at 29 Leo, and natal MC at 24 Taurus, marking the time as resonant with all the natal potential imbued by the birth chart.
Briefly recall that among those potentialities symbolized are a stationary direct asteroid d’Arrest, signifying an important role to play in his biography for an arrest, detention or indictment; an exact conjunction of asteroids Nemesis 128 and Bilk 4425, which encapsulates self-created ruin (Nemesis) due to illegal or unethical financial dealings (Bilk); and an exact Saturn/asteroid Karma 3811 conjunction, also conjoined Venus, suggesting punishment (Saturn) and accountability (Karma) for a financial matter involving a woman, possibly a lover (all Venus).

Note also that a cluster of the Moon at 24 Aquarius with asteroids Donn 4689 and Truth 249521 at 29 and 22 Aquarius align with the 27 Aquarius Descendant, while Mercury and asteroid Troemper 28130 (our celestial referent for The Donald) at 21 and 22 Taurus align with the 20 Taurus MC. The people (Moon) are about to receive the truth (Truth) about Donald Trump (Donn, Troemper) in this verdict (Mercury).
So that sets the stage. When the final denouement came a day later, we see a remarkable correlation of these Angles to the birth chart potential pointing us to this outcome. The Ascendant at 23 Libra highlights natal d’Arrest at 24 Libra and squares the Nemesis/Bilk conjunction at 16 Cancer; the MC at 27 Cancer focuses on the Saturn/Karma conjunction at 23 Cancer and Venus at 25 Cancer. Trump is locked into his destiny, with no hope of escape.
By now, that incipient Troemper/Mercury conjunction has become exact, at 23 Taurus, just one degree off his natal MC. Push has come to shove, and the Trump (Troemper) verdict (Mercury) is in! Also here is Uranus, exactly on his MC at 24 Taurus. Uranus indicates the shocking and groundbreaking nature of a convicted former US President, as well as the controversy the verdict will doubtless evoke in some quarters. The square to Truth is still in effect, so we can be assured that the verdict is a true one.

Doubling down on its veracity is a T-Square, with asteroid Justitia at 23 Gemini on the fulcrum, squared an exact opposition from Saturn at 18 Pisces, representing punishment, to asteroid Veritas 490 at 18 Virgo, the Latin word for “truth.” Pluto at 1 Aquarius, ruling criminal conduct, is angular on the 27 Capricorn IC, and asteroid Donn, now at 0 Pisces, approaches exact conjunction with Damocles 5335 at 5 Pisces, that point of doom about to descend at any moment.
Let’s turn now to the moment the verdict was revealed, at 5:06 PM EDT, as the first visible sign of the trial’s outcome. The Ascendant is now 2 Scorpio, squared Trump’s natal Pluto, ruling criminality, at 10 Leo. The Descendant at 2 Taurus conjoins asteroid Bragg 11150, for prosecuting Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg; as well as asteroids Pecker 1629, Cohen 23735 and Clifford 4276, for key witnesses David Pecker, Michael Cohen, and Stephanie Clifford (AKA Stormy Daniels, the porn star’s legal name), all major players in the trial. Pluto remains angular on the 9 Aquarius IC, and exactly conjunct the 9 Leo MC is asteroid Nemesis, that point symbolizing ruin and destruction, often self-created.
The Sun at 9 Gemini conjoins Jupiter at 1 Gemini (spotlighting the courts), asteroid Karma at 2 Gemini (paying for our prior misdeeds), and asteroid Manhattan at 13 Gemini (the trial’s venue). Exactly opposed the Sun is asteroid Alvin 13677 at 9 Sagittarius, highlighting the victorious DA, and a Grand Cross is created by the transit Donn/Damocles conjunction and Trump’s natal asteroids Troemper and Veritas conjunction at 1 and 2 Sagittarius.

Justitia at 23 Gemini opposes asteroids Hopi 2938, Storm 12182 and Hicks 2220 at 19, 20 and 25 Sagittarius, representing Hope Hicks and Stormy Daniels, who provided vital testimony leading to the conviction. Daniels’ relation of the particulars of the circumstances of their affair which would have been revealed had her story gone public, gave ample grounds for Trump wanting to suppress it; while Hicks, a Trump loyalist, provided confirmation that Trump knew just how devastating the release of that story would have been to the campaign, again affirming his need to keep Daniels quiet.
Dubbed “the Stormy Daniels” case by the Media, the adult film star’s importance to the public’s view of the trial is seen as asteroid Daniels, embedded at station from 1 Libra, having turned direct May 21st.
In a delicious stroke of irony, Donald Trump’s sentencing hearing is scheduled for July 11th, just four days before the Republican National Convention convenes, which presumably will nominate him as the 2024 GOP presidential candidate, regardless of his status as a convicted felon. Trump could receive jail time, as much as four years per count (with a 20-year maximum combined sentence), but as a first offender of a nonviolent crime, is more likely to receive some form of parole. On the other hand, his fate now rests with Judge Juan Merchan, a man he has been demeaning, disparaging and disrespecting for months, even attacking his daughter.

It will be interesting to see how that plays out…
4 comments, add yours.
Finally! Thanks for the insights, Alex.
Wow, Justitia conjunct his Sun is amazing all on its own! The rest is the icing on the cake! Will be watching what happens in July! Great work on predicting when the judgement would come down! Thanks Alex!
Victoria Kray
You are brilliant-I really appreciate and am sharing with my mailing list. Fantastic!
Sometimes it looked as if all this nonsense would just never end…
But YOU knew, didn’t you, Alex.
Well done!