House Diary: Halloween Returns
“All Hallowtide is now begun, and welcomed in with bells;
and ringing, too, at set of sun, with all our shrieks and yells!
As house to house we begging went, to get ourselves a sweet;
we also pranked, sans ill intent, ran riot in the streets.
With ghost and banshee, witch and cat, we’re happy to cavort;
give thanks to those who fill sacks fat, else “Trick!” is our retort.
On this one night of all the year, the children have the rule;
to banish all that they most fear, like homework, chores and school.
But come the dawn it all returns unto the normal scenes;
then joy and mirth are once more spurned, until next Hallowe’en!”
Due to my 2023 hiatus on Halloween, which came just weeks after knee replacement surgery, it’s been two years since I’ve done things up right here on the property. Halloween is my favorite holiday, ever since I was a kid, and it was a wrench to give it up last year. But that’s behind us, and it’s a brave new day, scary brave!