Posts by Alex Miller

What I Learned When My Cat Almost Died

Frequent readers of this site will doubtless be familiar with my cat Ashes; my sweet-cranky Tortie has been with me 12 years, since I took her and her two kittens in from the street on Halloween 2007. Her children predeceased her, Hallows in 2012 and Samhain just last year, but despite some ongoing health issues and an unfortunate addiction to string, Ashes has held her own. As a stray, I’m not sure how old she is exactly, but at least 14, which puts her at about 73 in human terms, an age when mortality begins to assert itself, and even a simple health crisis can prove deadly.

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ICF trump turning point3

Impeachment Update, “Christianity Today”, and That Four-flusher, Trump

Well, we all know the country is going to shit, but for some reason, as impeachment loomed large on the horizon and his evangelical allies began to desert him, Donald Trump felt the need to call attention to the nation’s true crisis – the need to flush toilets 10 or 15 times to gain the desired result. Far from the four-flusher we already knew him to be, Trump has revealed himself as the much more elusive ten-flusher. And so let’s go down this cosmic rabbit hole, from the sublime impeachment to the ridiculous toilet tantrums, and see where it takes us…

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2019 holidays cover

2019 Holiday Asteroids

You know Dasher and Dancer, and Prancer and Vixen, but do you recall that there are asteroids named Rudolf, Santa and Yule? Though none of these were designated for the holiday they have come to represent, they function very well as markers of its importance in the lives of those who have made Christmas a central focus of their biographies.

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TOI cover

The Timing of Impeachment

To some, impeachment has been a long time coming for Donald J. Trump. Manifestly unfit for the job, Trump has proven himself to be incompetent, haphazard, reckless and even dangerous as President. Given repeated examples of his inability to operate effectively on even the most basic levels, with staggeringly obvious lapses of judgment, breaches of ethics, and violations of laws, why did this take so long? As astrologers we have to trust the time, remaining confident that the cosmos knows what it’s doing. A lot of factors needed to converge for Trump to find himself in this fix. And simply put, it just wasn’t time.


Until now.

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gkun cover

New Kid on the Celestial Block: G!kun||’homdima

Don’t even try to pronounce it, but newly minted Trans-Neptunian Object (TNO) G!kun||’homdima could make quite a name for herself as the decades roll on. Named for a mythic character of the Ju\’hoansu (don’t try to pronounce that one, either!) people of Namibia, in southwest Africa, G!kun||’homdima is a beautiful young girl who appears most often as an aardvark (sometimes a python or elephant). Stemming from a click language, filled with more diacriticals than you can shake a walking stick at, G!kun||’homdima is far too much of a mouthful for Western tongues to handle, so, meaning no disrespect, we’re just going to call her Gkun for short. She defends her people and punishes wrongdoers using gamigami spines, a rain-cloud full of hail, and her magical oryx horn.

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