Salacia 120347
Salacia was a sea nymph, known as goddess of salt water, who became the wife of the Roman god the sea, Neptune.
Initially Salacia wished to preserve her virginity and remain unmarried, but Neptune’s courtship was determined, and eventually she accepted him as her husband. Despite this mythic accent on chastity, Salacia’s name has come down to us in corrupted form as the root of our word “salacious”, meaning to titillate or convey undue sexual interest with explicit erotic content, or having crude sexual desires. It can also refer to any sensationalized thing. The name Salacia was given to a TNO (Trans-Neptunian Object) in the Kuiper Belt region of the solar system, near Pluto.
Astrologically, Salacia represents extreme erotic fascination or interest; crudely expressed sexual intent; and socially unacceptable, often illicit, sexual activity.