Tag archive: Damocles

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Bye Bye Biden?

In olden days an astrologer could be executed for treason if he prophesied the death of the king, but times have changed.  To be clear, the purpose of this article is not to say that Joe Biden will expire in office, but that there is a window opening shortly which could produce that result, and it’s something we should take note of.  Given the pressures of the office and Biden’s status as the oldest serving president, this should come as a shock to no one.

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Death in Boulder

Less than a week after the spa shootings in Atlanta, shots rang out again in Boulder, Colorado, as 10 were killed in a crowded grocery store by a lone shooter wielding an assault-style rifle.  The suspect, 21-year-old Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, is the same age as the Georgia shooter, but this motive is less certain.  We do, however, have a birth date, and victim names which match asteroids, so let’s dig in on this latest atrocity.

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The Georgia Spa Shootings

At approximately 4:55 PM EDT on 16 March 2021, Robert Aaron Long allegedly entered the Young’s Asian Massage in Acworth, Georgia and opened fire with a 9mm handgun, killing 4 and wounding another.  He then drove the half hour to Atlanta and continued his shooting spree at two additional massage establishments, Gold Massage Spa and Aromatherapy Spa, across the street from each other on Piedmont Road.  Long shot three dead at Gold’s Spa, killing one more and wounding 4 others at Aromatherapy Spa.  He was apprehended on the highway at about 8:30 PM, allegedly headed to Florida to continue his murderous rampage. 

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Impeachment Deja Vu

Although removed from office almost a month ago, Donald J. Trump continues to set presidential records.  Only president to lose the popular vote in both general elections where he was on the ballot; only president to never reach a 50% approval rating during his term in office; only president to be impeached twice; only president to be tried after leaving office; and now, the president with the most bipartisan impeachment and majority conviction in history.

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RIP Charcoal

On Tuesday 19 January 2021, I lost my dear fur buddy Charcoal to cancer.  What I thought was a respiratory infection, which Charkey got every winter, turned out to be a mass in his mouth.  While waiting for the biopsy appointment, the faint swelling I had observed on his left side blew up dramatically over the weekend, becoming so large it looked like he had a tennis ball in his cheek.  I dropped him off for his appointment that morning, the vet confirmed the diagnosis a few hours later, and shortly after that, I held him as he passed.

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The Political Deathwatch of Donald J. Trump

“That hymn you hear [playing in Congress] is ‘Just as I Am,’ and we’re open for deathbed conversions.” – Joe Scarborough, former Republican Congressman and MSNBC morning show host

Can you feel it?  Impending political mortality is in the air.  Trusted councilors leave the bedside, rats exiting a sinking ship; former shark allies mass in feeding frenzy, smelling blood in the water; media buzzards circle, waiting to pick the bones.  US President Donald J. Trump is in extremis, with scant days to go before the end of his political career.

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