Tag archive: Karma

AAA Profile: Harvey Weinstein


Poor Harvey Weinstein! He just can’t get a break! You’d think with Donald Trump in the White House, being a crass, bullying, serial sex abuser would be all the rage, but apparently some people still value common decency.

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Mass Shooting At Mandalay Bay In Las Vegas Leaves At Least 50 Dead

The Mandalay Bay Massacre


 “It was like an asteroid fell from the sky.” — Eric Paddock, brother of the Las Vegas shooter, on his stunned reaction to the news


Unfathomable. The amount of carnage one determined human being can wreak, in ten minutes of indiscriminate shooting into a crowd, is simply unfathomable. 59 dead, 527 wounded, in the worst mass shooting in US history.

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diana closeup

Diana, Twenty Years Later: Part Three

It was one of those moments that grab global attention in unforgettable ways. Like the assassination of JFK, the moon landing or the 9/11 attacks, everyone remembers where they were when they heard that Diana, Princess of Wales was no more.

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solar eclipse

The American Eclipse

On August 21, 2017, the United States will experience a rare celestial event – a Solar Eclipse whose path of totality cuts a swath straight across the country from sea to shining sea. Entering the US in Oregon, the eclipse sweeps over the Rockies, the plains, through the heartland, and exits via the Deep South off the coast of South Carolina.

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trump putin shake

The Trump-Putin Bromance

Well, it finally happened. After years of coy tweeting and playing hard to get, those two crazy kids have finally hooked up! One of the greatest flirtations of our time has become a reality.

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