Donald Trump’s 2020 Solar Return: Fate Awaits
Donald J. Trump’s 74th Solar Return occurs at 8:00 AM EDT on 13 June 2020; I’ve set it for Washington, as the normally peripatetic president has been hobbled of late by COVID-19 restrictions, unable to campaign in the traditional mode, though it’s uncertain as of this writing exactly where he’ll spend his birthday. Perhaps at Mar-a-Lago? At 8 AM, however, we can be fairly confident he’ll be in his jammies, tweeting insults at someone.
This may be the most important Solar Return (hereafter abbreviated “SR”) in Trump’s life, determining as it does whether he remains the most powerful man in the world, or is removed from office and translated from the White House to the Big House, no longer immune from prosecution as sitting US President.
So let’s not waste any time in seeing what it says…