Tag archive: Nemesis

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Death in Boulder

Less than a week after the spa shootings in Atlanta, shots rang out again in Boulder, Colorado, as 10 were killed in a crowded grocery store by a lone shooter wielding an assault-style rifle.  The suspect, 21-year-old Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, is the same age as the Georgia shooter, but this motive is less certain.  We do, however, have a birth date, and victim names which match asteroids, so let’s dig in on this latest atrocity.

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The Georgia Spa Shootings

At approximately 4:55 PM EDT on 16 March 2021, Robert Aaron Long allegedly entered the Young’s Asian Massage in Acworth, Georgia and opened fire with a 9mm handgun, killing 4 and wounding another.  He then drove the half hour to Atlanta and continued his shooting spree at two additional massage establishments, Gold Massage Spa and Aromatherapy Spa, across the street from each other on Piedmont Road.  Long shot three dead at Gold’s Spa, killing one more and wounding 4 others at Aromatherapy Spa.  He was apprehended on the highway at about 8:30 PM, allegedly headed to Florida to continue his murderous rampage. 

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AAA Profile: Andrew Cuomo

When allegations first surfaced in late February 2021 that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo had been behaving inappropriately with female staffers and others, I took a look at the chart.  We’re hampered in not having a time of birth, so can’t determine Angles, the Moon, or which minor bodies might be emphasized by connection to same.  Still, he has the signatures of a serial abuser, but the acts then alleged – which amounted to inappropriate, flirtatious office conversations and an unwanted kiss – didn’t rise nearly to the level of what these cosmic bad boys are capable of.  So I let things ride for awhile, to see if another shoe would drop.  That happened on March 11th, when an unnamed former staffer accused Cuomo of groping her on the job.  Now we’re getting somewhere!

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Saturn/Uranus Sketchbook: February 2021

A number of stories came across my desk during the third week of February involving the Saturn/Uranus square; none was active enough cosmically (not to say unimportant) to rate a full treatment, but here’s a rundown of the week’s highlights, in abbreviated CliffsNotes style.

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Impeachment Deja Vu

Although removed from office almost a month ago, Donald J. Trump continues to set presidential records.  Only president to lose the popular vote in both general elections where he was on the ballot; only president to never reach a 50% approval rating during his term in office; only president to be impeached twice; only president to be tried after leaving office; and now, the president with the most bipartisan impeachment and majority conviction in history.

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AAA Profile: Marjorie Taylor Greene

Not since Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in 2019 has a freshman congressperson made such a stunning impact in the House of Representatives as Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), quickly emerging as an avatar for the extremist fringe of her Party.  Greene latched onto the Trumpist base with all the furor of a Sarah-Palin-inspired “pit bull in lipstick”, hawking every conspiracy theory to come within range while endorsing the lynching of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and the assassination of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  Not surprisingly, Donald Trump strongly supported her candidacy, calling her “a future Republican star.”  Since his departure from the Oval Office, he and Greene have exchanged phone calls frequently, with the newly minted Representative planning a visit to Mar-a-Lago soon, to kiss the ring:  “Great news is, he supports me 100%, and I’ve always supported him,” tweeted Greene.

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