2024’s Skipped Stories: Lost in Transmission
Inevitably, it happens. Stories, small and large, are encountered, researched and prepped, and then something – a “bigger” event or a life circumstance – intervenes, and the story never sees the light of day. Until now. Join AAA for a wrap-up of some of those missed stories, as we close out the old year and ring in the new!
Two very disparate stories involving “storm” came across my digital transom in late October 2024, both unfolding as the Sun moved through a sextile to asteroid Storm 12182. On the 29th Spain’s Valencia region was overwhelmed with torrential rainstorms, causing flooding that took the lives of 231 people, and $3.8 billion in property damage. And on the 31st, Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh, King Charles’ sister-in-law, made royalty news when she visited “Guide Dogs UK,” a charity of which she is patron, to meet a golden retriever named “Storm.”

In Valencia, more than 100,000 vehicles were damaged, and 6,000+ businesses damaged or destroyed when more than a foot of rain fell in a single day, almost two-thirds of its average annual total of precipitation. Asteroid Storm at 5 Capricorn was sextile the 6 Scorpio Sun, throwing a bright spotlight on the wet weather. With Storm conjunct asteroid Raine 221019 at 14 Capricorn, we see the type of storm, while a conjunction to centaur Pholus 5145 at 7 Capricorn, signaling mass deaths by whatever cause, suggests the extreme loss of life. Mortality generally is seen in Storm’s opposition to asteroid Lachesis 120 at 11 Cancer, named for the mythic Greek Fate who determines the span of life; a T-Square with asteroid Nemesis 128 on its fulcrum at 4 Libra identifies this storm as a bringer of ruin and destruction as well.

Why Valencia was singled out is apparent from asteroid Valencia 5941 at 27 Scorpio, conjoined Mercury (ruling weather generally, as well as newsworthy events) at 24 Scorpio and TNO Typhon 42355 at 25 Scorpio, named for a Titan who caused sea storms and flooding. This trio opposes Uranus at 25 Taurus, a disruptive, uncontrolled energy noted for going to extremes, and forms a Grand Cross by squares to asteroid Anubis 1912 (named for the Egyptian deity governing funerary rites, leading us back to loss of life) at 19 Aquarius and Damocles 5335 (the looming threat or peril) at 19 and 27 Aquarius; and a pairing of asteroids Sturm 31043 (German for “storm”) and Atropos 273 (named for the Fate who severs the thread of life at death) at 23 and 24 Leo.
Increased levels of hardship, loss and deprivation due to excessive water for Spain generally is seen in asteroid Hispania 804 (Spanish for “Spain”) at 15 Virgo, opposed Saturn (limitation) at 12 Pisces, T-Squared by Jupiter (increasing and inflating whatever it touches, for good or ill) with asteroid Flood 4220 at 20 and 16 Gemini respectively. Jupiter/Flood equals LOTS of water just where it oughtn’t be! And with asteroid Carr 3837 exactly conjunct Flood, autos took the brunt of the damage. Venus at 14 Sagittarius makes this a Grand Cross, and the presence here of this “lesser benefic” may have helped to decrease overall costs, which do not seem exorbitant for a disaster of this magnitude. One final indication of a surfeit of H2O causing mortality can be seen as asteroid Rainer 16802 at 29 Virgo opposed Neptune (ruling water generally as well as floods) at 27 Pisces, with asteroid Requiem 2254 (named for the funeral mass for the dead) on the fulcrum of a T-Square at 27 Gemini.

In a related story, Spain’s King Felipe V and Queen Letizia went to survey the Valencia damage and monitor disaster relief efforts five days later, on November 3rd, only to be met with protests, calls of “murderer!” and literal mudslinging, with locals hurling clumps of sodden soil at Their Majesties. The populace felt that insufficient advance warning of the disaster had been given, followed by inadequate, confused and ineffectual disaster relief.
Valencia and Mercury are still conjunct, now at 29 Scorpio and 1 Sagittarius, still opposing Uranus (which rules protest and rebellion), but also conjoined by asteroids Rey 13647 and NOT 2857, at 20 and 21 Scorpio. Rey is Spanish for “king” and NOT acts as a general disqualifier or symbol of negation. This pairing also forms the Apex of a Yod configuration, AKA “Finger of Destiny,” a fated pattern which here incorporates inconjunct aspects to Jupiter (royalty) with asteroid Philippa 977 (feminine form of Felipe – “Philip” in Spanish) at 20 and 23 Gemini.
The Gemini points figure in a second major configuration, a T-Square formed by opposition to Venus with asteroid Regina 285 (Latin for “queen”), with Neptune (flooding) on the fulcrum at 27 Pisces. The Storm/Nemesis square also remains active, now from 7 Capricorn and 6 Libra, but inflected with asteroid King conjunct Nemesis from 4 Libra, showing the flooding (Storm) as the monarch’s (King) downfall (Nemesis). As well, a Grand Cross with asteroids Laetitia 39 (alternate spelling of Letizia) at 9 Aries and Queen’s 547 at 5 Cancer ropes in Queen Letizia to this situation, also pelted with mud and epithets.

The visit of Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh, to her Guide Dog UK charity on October 31st was considerably less dramatic, with the wife of Prince Edward indulging in a photo op with an adorable golden retriever named “Storm,” to increase her charity’s public profile. The organization raises and trains dog guides for the blind, relying on volunteer foster homes during that process. Photos of “the dog and the duchess” were a smash hit on Instagram and other internet outlets.
The same Sun/Storm sextile remains in effect, now at 8 Scorpio and 6 Capricorn, but asteroid Sophia 251 (alternate form of Sophie) joins the fray from 5 Scorpio, highlighting (Sun) both the Duchess (Sophia) and her charity. Drawing further attention is asteroid Edinburgh 8283 (Sophie and hubby Eddie’s title since his father Prince Philip passed away in 2021), which at 9 Pisces is trine the Sun and embedded at station, indicating increased importance in the timeframe. Edinburgh turned direct a week prior, on October 24th, but remains at its station degree. Storm’s change in status from weather pattern to canine companion is seen by a square from Storm to asteroid Dogen 11064 at 3 Libra, one of two “dog” variations available.

The other is asteroid Doga 10504, which at 24 Gemini conjoins royalty-minded Jupiter at 20 Gemini, in a T-Square with asteroid Duke 20037 (masculine form of “duchess,” Sophie’s title) at 26 Virgo and Neptune (ruling charities) at 27 Pisces.
Two very different stories, manifesting from very similar patterns, tweaked by those crafty, clever asteroids.
Two stories emerged at the solstice which involved vehicles being used as weapons, of sorts, with Mars, ruling weapons, attacks and violent death in sextile to asteroid Carr 3837, a phonetic match for “car,” and representing all vehicles. The first was in Magdeburg, Germany, where Taleb Al-Abdulmohsen intentionally drove his BMW through an emergency exit and into the crowd at a Christmas market, killing five and wounding 200 others.

The second was a rather more ad hoc affair, when John Schultz, being pursued by police for suspicion of drunk driving, drove his pickup into the parking lot of a JC Penney in a Killeen, Texas, mall, and kept right on going when he reached the doors. Schultz’ vehicle penetrated some 100 yards into the building; miraculously, no one was killed, but five were injured, and police shot Schultz dead anyway.
The Magdeburg attack, occurring at roughly 7 PM local time, shows Mars at 4 Leo closely conjoined the 5 Leo Ascendant, sextile asteroid Carr at 5 Gemini and opposing Pluto, modern lord of death, at 0 Aquarius on the Descendant, turning his BMW (Carr) into a fatal (Pluto) weapon (Mars). Mars is also trine Mercury, planetary ruler of automobiles, at 9 Sagittarius, further reinforcing the “violent death (Mars) by car (Mercury)” theme.

Carr’s work isn’t done here, however; additional contacts flesh out further details of the story. Carr is involved in a Grand Cross, opposing asteroid Magdeburg 55735, named for the city where the attack took place, at 2 Sagittarius; and squared the Moon (public spaces) with asteroid Atropos (death) at 5 and 2 Virgo, and asteroid Anubis 1912 at 2 Pisces (named for the ancient Egyptian deity governing funerary rites. Again we’re seeing the celestial inks between automobiles (Carr), the public (Moon), the locale (Magdeburg) and death (Anubis). Cosmic sidebars include Magdeburg’s conjunctions with asteroid Yule 24960 (another term for the Christmas season, with the attack occurring at a Christmas market) at 26 Scorpio and Mercury (also ruling commerce) at 9 Sagittarius; and Anubis’ conjunction with Damocles at 28 Aquarius, noted as the threat or peril hanging unseen overhead, about to descend at any moment.
The incident in Killeen was unplanned, and we may never know why John Schultz took such extreme measures to avoid a traffic stop. But his fate is reflected in the stars as well. Schultz’ truck collided with the JC Penney entrance at about 5:30 PM CST, which puts asteroid Lachesis 120 (named for the mythic Greek Fate who determines the span of life) at 5 Cancer, conjunct the 0 Cancer Ascendant and TNO Chaos 19521 at 2 Cancer, opposed the setting Sun exact on the 0 Capricorn Descendant. The particular chaos created by Schultz’ act thankfully resulted in no deaths (Lachesis) but his own, and there are plenty of indicators of that in the chart as well.

Asteroids Johney 90300 at 10 Pisces and Johnny 3252 at 12 Scorpio (alternate spellings of a common nickname for “John,” for which there is no exact asteroid match) form a Grand Trine with Lachesis, doubly binding him to mortality. As well, Johney is sandwiched between asteroid Anubis (funerary rites) at 3 Pisces and Saturn (ancient lord of death) at 13 Pisces, with Johney also squared a Jupiter/asteroid Requiem (funeral mass) pairing at 14 and 17 Gemini, conferring some degree of fame (or notoriety; both are Jupiter) in death (Requiem). Johney is also drawn into what remains of the prior day’s Grand Cross (sans the Moon), with an opposition to asteroid Atropos (death) at 2 Virgo, and squares to Carr at 5 Gemini and Mercury at 9 Sagittarius.

Not to be outdone, Johnny squares asteroid Osiris 1923 at 17 Aquarius (Egyptian god of the dead), in another T-Square with asteroid Kiliaan 28059 (closest to Killeen, Texas, where the incident occurred) at 10 Leo (also conjunct Mars at 4 Leo). Asteroid Schultz 3524 (driver’s surname) at 28 Capricorn conjoins Pluto (death), opposing Mars and trine Carr.
The fatal police presence is seen in asteroid Copland 4532 (cop-land) at 28 Gemini, conjoined the Ascendant, Chaos and Lachesis; and asteroid Polizzi 31888 (cognate to German, “Polizei” and Italian “Polizia,” both meaning “police”) at 18 Virgo, cojoined the MC at 14 Virgo, the Moon (public spaces) at 20 Virgo, and asteroid Texas 35352 (the state in question) at 22 Virgo, and squared asteroid Rip 7711 (for the acronym “RIP,” “Rest In Peace”) at 23 Sagittarius. Having both indicators of police angular at the time of the shooting is a remarkable underscoring of their importance to the story.

Once more, we see a pair of stories that reflect, in different ways and different cultures, a similar manifestation of the deadly effects of a planetary interaction with an asteroid defining a key element of the story. I didn’t want to let 2024 slip by without taking note.
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Incredible as always. Everybody seems to be playing catchup these days. The pace of life including the news has been overwhelming. Not expecting things to change in 2025. Thanks for making sure these stories saw the light of day. Happy New Year!