Vivat Rex! The Coronation of Charles III
The spectacle of a British royal coronation is something we haven’t seen in 70 years, but there’s one on deck for 6 May 2023, when King Charles III finally comes into his long-awaited inheritance. The United Kingdom may be in financial tatters, made worse by Brexit, but nobody does panoply, pomp and circumstance like the Brits, and the coronation at Westminster Abbey in London promises to be a sight to remember.
Set for 11 AM BST, the chart features a 6 Leo Ascendant, just one degree past Charles’ natal Ascendant degree (born 9:14 PM GMT 14 November 1948, London, UK; Rodden Rating A), locking him into the event with the sort of celestial precision we’ve come to expect. Born to be king, as his Ascendant degree rolls over the horizon, he is king in fact. Leo of course is the Sign of royalty, appropriate for a coronation, and exactly squared the Ascendant is asteroid Koronis 158, meaning “crown,” at 6 Scorpio. Crossing over the horizon as the ceremony plays out are asteroids Britten 4079 (homophone of “Britain”) and Rey 13647 (Spanish for “king”), at 11 and 13 Leo, establishing Britain’s king as the monarch in question.

The Sun at 15 Taurus is highlighting TNO Albion 15760 (an ancient name for Britain) at 13 Taurus, asteroid Carol 2214 (Latin for “Charles”) at 14 Taurus, and Uranus at 18 Taurus, which conveys its patented brand of febrile excitement to the proceedings, and may provide a few surprises as well. A more apt solar activation can hardly be imagined.
The Sun and Moon are just passing out of orb of their full moon Lunar Eclipse from the day before at 14 Scorpio, with the Moon, now at 24 Scorpio, conjoined Charles’ natal Sun at 22 Scorpio. On the solar side of the equation, opposed the Moon, we see asteroids London 8837 and King 2305 at 22 and 23 Taurus, uniting the new monarch and his capital, with asteroid Charleroi 17428 (literally “King Charles” in French) on the fulcrum of a T-square at 27 Aquarius.

In addition to the celestial stamp of approval of the Lunar Eclipse, the coronation occurs just five days after Pluto’s retrograde station at 0 Aquarius, which conjoins the 6 Aquarius Descendant, an ingress which itself marks the start of a new era. Pluto is exactly squared Charles’ natal Moon at 0 Taurus (also the degree of his mother Elizabeth II’s Sun), depicting the total transformation (Pluto) of Charles’ circumstances wrought by the death (Pluto) of his mother (his Moon, her Sun). Asteroid Carla 1470 (Spanish feminine version of Charles) at 1 Taurus squares Pluto and conjoins his Moon, underscoring the transformation from heir to monarch.
The Westminster Abbey venue for the ceremony is seen in various ways, including asteroid West 2022 at 13 Libra on the 15 Libra IC, bringing angular force and momentum; and asteroid Abbe 5224 (phonetic match for “abbey”), which at 14 Sagittarius opposes asteroid Charlotte 543 (closest to Charles in English) at 11 Gemini, directly placing Charles on the scene. This polarity forms a Grand Cross with asteroids Charlier 8677 (another variant of Charles) and Regina 285 (Latin for “queen”) at 7 and 11 Virgo, and Saturn at 5 Pisces. Saturn represents the head of state, which Charles as King now officially becomes with the ceremony in the Abbey. Regina of course stands in for the newly minted Queen Camilla, who will be crowned with her husband in the first dual coronation since that of the old Queen’s parents, George VI and Queen Elizabeth, in 1937.

As well, Regina is at station, preparing to turn direct the very next day, symbolizing the literal “change of direction” for the former Camilla Parker Bowles, once rejected as a suitable match for Charles due to her relatively humble roots. Not to be outdone, King Charles has a referent at station as well, namely asteroid Charlene 5878, which at 9 Capricorn turns retrograde on May 11th, and squares the 15 Aries Midheaven, the focus of all eyes. Both King (Charlene) and Queen (Regina), standing still in the heavens on their special day.
Queen Camilla is also seen as asteroid Camilla 107, which at 23 Aquarius is right beside Charleroi, her “King Charles” husband, as is only fitting. The new Queen is further reflected as asteroid Queen’s 5457, which at 23 Pisces conjoins Neptune a 26 Pisces, perhaps reflecting the longsuffering Camilla’s tortured path to the throne. Neptune/Camilla lies on the fulcrum of a T-Square with asteroid Church 10343 (another referent for Westminster Abbey) at 29 Sagittarius, opposing a pairing of asteroid Thronium 9799 (for “throne”) and Venus at 22 and 28 Gemini. Love (Venus) finally won out for Charles and Camilla, and the throne (Thronium) is her reward. Neptune here also represents the quasi-religious nature of the coronation ceremony in England’s premiere church, as Charles ascends the throne “by divine right.”

It may have taken Charles 74 years to get there, but the outcome of his seemingly endless apprenticeship could never be in doubt, with his 22 Scorpio Sun closely opposed asteroid King at 21 Taurus, and transit asteroid King exactly on his 13 Aries MC (ruling career) when his mother passed on September 8, 2022, and handed him the job. Note that currently transit King had returned to its natal degree just a week prior to the coronation, on April 30th, affording a reset of the natal potential for Charles to become monarch.
There’s no telling how long Charles will occupy the august seat he now claims, but one thing is certain – we won’t have to wait another 70 years for the next coronation!

NOTE: Further details of the day and a series of related events can be found in the companion piece here.
4 comments, add yours.
Irmgard Dering
Fantastic article, white trash in its finery!
Irmgard Dering
Fantastic article! Camilla looks more like a cleaning woman than a Queen…
Irmgard Dering
Fantastic article! Thank you!
Mind blowing as always! I love that the Sun was conjunct Albion and Carol, and King conjunct London, to name just a couple of the asteroid combos that wowed me. Thanks Alex!