Posts by Alex Miller

trump & don jr inaugural

Trump-Russian Collusion: It’s a Family Affair

After almost a year of denying any sort of contact or collusion whatsoever between the 2016 Trump Campaign and Russian agents, actors or government officials, significant documents came to light the week of July 10th which show that, in fact, Russo-Trumpian collusion is indisputable, and stems from the earliest days of the general election campaign.

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trump putin shake

The Trump-Putin Bromance

Well, it finally happened. After years of coy tweeting and playing hard to get, those two crazy kids have finally hooked up! One of the greatest flirtations of our time has become a reality.

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An All-American Shooting



Early on Flag Day, 14 June 2017, the sound of the crack of a baseball bat was superseded in Alexandria, Virginia by the pop of bullets, as James Hodgkinson fired on a group of GOP lawmakers engaged in practice for their annual charity ball game with congressional Democrats.

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Donald Trump’s Solar Return: Let Trump Be Trump


trump bday inviteDonald Trump will be 71 on June 14th, but his Solar Return actually falls a day earlier, at 2:39 PM EDT on 13 June 2017. It’s not at all unusual for the Sun to return to its birth degree a day earlier or later than the official birthday, but what is unusual is having other points exactly conjunct the Sun at the time of its return.

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