Posts by Alex Miller

Donald Trump is sworn into office

The Trump Inaugural Chart

As defined by the Twentieth Amendment to the US Constitution, passed in 1933, each administration begins at 12 noon on January 20th of the year following a presidential election. Thus, all US administrations (unless they succeed mid-term due to the death or resignation of a sitting president) have essentially the same structural dimensions: a Sun at 0 Aquarius conjunct a late Capricorn Midheaven and a mid-Taurus Ascendant.

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Carrie Fisher - Astrology of her passing

Asteroid Tales: The Life and Death of Carrie Fisher

We’re rarely gifted with a time of death in the astrological community, but thanks to timely social media we have one for Carrie Fisher, the actress who portrayed the iconic Princess Leia in the original “Star Wars” franchise, and again in the 2015 reboot. According to family tweets, Fisher passed away at 8:55 AM PST on December 27, 2016, in a Los Angeles hospital, four days after suffering cardiac arrest during a flight from London.

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A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Tweets

Trump Inauguration crowdSo what’s behind all the drama about the crowd size for Trump’s inauguration? With the newly-minted president claiming it to be the largest ever, estimating it at “a million, a million and a half” (which in itself is a pretty broad range for an estimate), but the Parks Service suggesting it was closer to 250,000, a tempest in a teapot exploded over the new administration’s first weekend.

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Trump - Healthcare Bill Fails

Trump: The Art of the Repeal

At 3:31 PM EDT on Friday, 24 March 2017, Washington Post reporter Robert Costa’s cellphone rang. The number was blocked, but Costa took the call anyway, and was surprised to find Donald J. Trump speaking on the other end. “Hi, Bob. So, we just pulled it.”

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Trump’s Big Lie

I know what you’re thinking – with such a broad range of possibilities that fits this title, how can we pick just one? How to choose from the thicket of untruths, half-truths, exaggerations, braggadocio, falsehoods and downright lies that have proceeded from the lips of Donald J. Trump, just since the announcement of his candidacy?

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