Asteroid Astrology: Trump

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Trump Update: Justice Grinds Slowly

If you’re a regular reader of these chronicles, you may recall that from time to time, I’ve referenced the autumn 2021 Pluto station in exact square to Trump’s natal asteroid d’Arrest as a probable timeframe for him being brought to justice.  Well, the autumn came and went, and while investigations have increased apace and in quantity, no charges were filed.  Astrologers can be purists, and nothing delights the heart so much as an appropriate manifestation exactly on the date in question.

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Stationary Stationery

We’ve known for years that, as President, Donald Trump was shredding the Constitution, igniting division, and generally flushing the country down the toilet.  We just didn’t know it was literal.

But on Friday, 4 February 2022, as Mercury came to its direct station conjunct Pluto, news (Mercury) broke that while in office, Trump routinely destroyed (Pluto) papers (Mercury) relating to the presidency.  In doing so, he violated the Presidential Records Act of 1978, which establishes that all such papers, from rough notes and memoranda to correspondence and drafts of Executive Orders, are public property of the United States, to be retained by the National Archives, and not the personal possessions of the president, subject to his whim.  Apparently the most common method of destruction Trump employed was to tear papers and toss them into the waste can, after which staffers would retrieve the pieces and tape them back together for preservation at the Archives, although some were in such a state of confetti as to be irretrievable.

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Orange Is the New Trump

To be fair, orange was the Old Trump, too, at least in terms of spray tan and hair dye.  But in this next solar year, Donald J. Trump may find himself moving into a more sartorial realm with orange, in the form of a prison jumpsuit.  On May 25th, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance gave The Donald an early birthday present when he empaneled a Grand Jury to look into possible criminal charges to be filed against the former US President (just a day before a Lunar Eclipse which conjoined asteroid Nemesis, noted for ruin and downfall).  Prosecutors have been investigating Trump, the Trump Organization and its officers since at least 2018, and the convening of a Grand Jury signals that they are ready to present evidence and potentially seek indictments.

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Impeachment Deja Vu

Although removed from office almost a month ago, Donald J. Trump continues to set presidential records.  Only president to lose the popular vote in both general elections where he was on the ballot; only president to never reach a 50% approval rating during his term in office; only president to be impeached twice; only president to be tried after leaving office; and now, the president with the most bipartisan impeachment and majority conviction in history.

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The Political Deathwatch of Donald J. Trump

“That hymn you hear [playing in Congress] is ‘Just as I Am,’ and we’re open for deathbed conversions.” – Joe Scarborough, former Republican Congressman and MSNBC morning show host

Can you feel it?  Impending political mortality is in the air.  Trusted councilors leave the bedside, rats exiting a sinking ship; former shark allies mass in feeding frenzy, smelling blood in the water; media buzzards circle, waiting to pick the bones.  US President Donald J. Trump is in extremis, with scant days to go before the end of his political career.

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Trumping Death

Given Trump’s disdain for science, fact and expertise, coupled with a complete inability to take direction or follow sage advice and a propensity for reckless action, it was perhaps inevitable that he and the coronavirus would become personally acquainted at some point, sooner rather than later.  So Trump’s 12:45 AM EDT Tweet on October 2, 2020 confirming that both he and Melania had been exposed and tested positive, was hardly a shock, but it was a thunderous admission regardless.  With Trump’s age and corpulence, he was a prime candidate for a serious, if not deadly, COVID-19 infection, and with his re-elect pending just a month away, his turbulent campaign was thrown into a tailspin, while a shattered nation waited with bated breath for the outcome.

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