Alex's Asteroid Astrology - Alex Miller






Trump and Bannon

White House Dramatis Personae, PNA Style

If you’ve ever wondered how certain people gravitate to certain positions, particularly in employment situations, then this expose of PNAs (Personal-Named Asteroids) representing significant White House staffers might prove enlightening.

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Achilles 588

Achilles Killing Hector (1875)

Achilles Killing Hector (1875)

Achilles was the son of Peleus, king of the Myrmidons, and the nymph Thetis, thus he was a mortal/divine hybrid. At his birth, his mother tried to make him immortal by dipping him in the River Styx in Hades, but he remained vulnerable at his heel, where she held him while he was immersed.

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Anubis 1912

AnubisAnubis is the ancient Egyptian deity governing funerary rites, including embalming, and was a protector of graves. Depicted as a having a human form with the head of a jackal, Anubis was also instrumental as a guide of souls, assisting them across the threshold between life and death.

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Aphrodite 1388

The Greek goddess of love, beauty and pleasure, Aphrodite was born of the blood and semen from her great-grandfather Cronos’ severed genitals, when they fell into the sea. Aphrodite emerged from the sea-foam fully grown, and floated ashore on a scallop shell.

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Apophis 99942

Apophis is the ancient Egyptian personification of pure evil, depicted as a huge serpent with a head of flint, with no redeeming quality whatsoever. An enemy of the solar deity Ra, bringer of light, who supported the truth and order represented by Maat, Apophis was an embodiment of chaos and disorder, fundamentally opposed to all they stood for.

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