Tag archive: Academia

O 92 cover

2020 Oscar Recap

Well, one out of four ain’t bad. I’m referring to my pre-Oscar predictions, where I sussed out the chances of victory for the various contenders, based solely on their PNA (Personal-Named Asteroid) interactions with the chart for the 92nd Academy Awards on February 9th.   It was an incredibly tapped-in lineup, with 13 of the 20 acting award nominees connected to the Sun of the event, 14 connected to asteroid Oskar, 12 angular and 11 linked with the Moon. Of course, the day’s sky has a powerful impact, but in a field so evenly distributed with cosmic potential, a lot will come down to the natal chart. And now, with the winners firmly in hand, we can see just how that played out.

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The 2020 Oscar Nominations

The 2020 Academy Awards are already upon us! Weeks earlier than usual this year, the Oscars will be presented on Sunday, February 9, at 5 PM PST in Los Angeles. We’re fortunate to have a large number of nominees with exact PNA (Personal-Named Asteroid) matches to represent them; two of the contenders even have asteroids named specifically for them! By placing these in the chart for the 92nd Academy Awards, we can rate the chances of their terrestrial counterparts, pinpointing who may walk off with Oscar gold, and who has to rasp out, “It’s an honor just to be nominated.”

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1939: Best. Film. Year. Ever.

Recently I watched a documentary on TCM which reminded me just how unusual 1939 was for the US film industry. So many classics were released that year, including “Gone With the Wind”, “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” and “The Wizard of Oz”. Eighty years later now, I wondered why that should have been, so of course as an astrologer, for greater understanding, I reached for the ephemeris.

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O91 cover

Oscar Nominees 2019

When the curtain rings up on the 91st annual Academy Awards in Los Angles on February 24th, there may not be an official host below, but the celestial stage above will be crammed with asteroids representing the nominees, ready and waiting to collect Oscar gold for their performances. A disproportionately large number of Best Picture contenders have good PNA (Personal-Named Asteroids) matches, and a galaxy of mini-stars well reflects their human counterparts vying for Best Actress and Best Actor, lead and supporting.

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O2 oscars

And the Oscar Goes To…


The 90th Academy Awards are now history, and they’ve made some astrological history as well. Let’s take a look at the four acting award recipients, and see what stands out in their charts to make it a winning night for them.

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