Tag archive: Lie

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Travels In Trumpland: Yet More Trump Asteroids

Recently, some interestingly named asteroids came across my radar, thanks to a reader from Greece. With more than 17,000 named asteroids out there, it’s easy to miss a few! Some of these promise to be very useful going forward, but like anything new, they have to be tested. One of the best ways to do this is by putting them in charts the astrologer is familiar with, and seeing if they have a noticeable effect. Since I have, regrettably, been eating, sleeping and breathing Donald Trump for the past 18 months, it seemed a good place to start…

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From Russia with Love: Trump’s Moscow Ties Revisited

With the increased attention being paid to Trump’s Russian connections after that soul-crushing joint press conference with Vladdie Putin in Helsinki last Monday, I thought it was time to review what we know astrologically about Donald Trump’s oligarch obsession. We’ve given bits and pieces of this over the past year in several articles, but nowhere has it been assembled into a comprehensive overview.


Until now.

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Donald Trump’s Annual Performance Review

With his background in real estate, Donald J. Trump is doubtless aware of the concept of a “balloon payment”, a one-time last-minute huge increase in disbursement before a contract term expires. If the President’s outrageous remarks at the breakfast with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on July 11th, and his subsequent trashing of British Prime Minister Theresa May in a tabloid interview on July 12th, didn’t constitute just such a payment immediately before his annual performance review with his boss Vladimir Putin, then I don’t know what would.

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Happy Birthday, America!

Well, sort of. Not meaning to be the skunk at the garden party, I do have some philosophical issues with the US Sibly chart, the most commonly used version of the birth chart for the United States. It’s not the time I quibble with; it’s the date.

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Asteroid Sleuth: The Case of the Restaurant Refusal

On Friday evening, June 22nd, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party of seven others were asked to leave the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, without being served. The owner, Stephanie Wilkinson, politely ejected Sanders after restaurant staff expressed discomfort at serving the premiere spokesperson for the Trump administration.

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Donald Trump’s 2018 Solar Return: The Shit Hits the Fan

If Donald Trump maintains his grasp on the US presidency for the duration of his upcoming solar year, then he will likely complete his first term in office. He may even win reelection. But looking ahead at the year on tap, that’s a huge “if”. This appears to be the pivotal year for Trump, the one that decides how the remainder of his life unfolds.

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