Tag archive: Lie

The Skies, They Are a-Changin’: Troemper Comes to Station

On April 28, 2018, the rearward-traveling asteroid Troemper comes to a standstill in the heavens, turns, and resumes direct motion. Our celestial referent for Donald Trump, Troemper has been in retrograde motion since January 30th, when it stationed at 2 Libra, conjunct Trump’s natal Neptune at 5 Libra and squared natal Whitehouse at 4 Capricorn. This natal square says much about the ongoing muddle, disorder and deception proceeding from Trump’s Oval Office tenure, and the ensuing period has arguably been one of increased confusion, isolation and paranoia or perceived persecution (all Neptune keywords), affecting both the President (Troemper) and the administration (Whitehouse).

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cohen trump

Stand By Your Men, Part 2: Trump & Cohen

Early on Monday, April 9th, the FBI raided the Manhattan office and hotel room of Donald Trump’s personal lawyer and confidante, Michael Cohen, known as Trump’s “fixer.” For a decade Cohen has acted as Trump’s consigliere, smoothing rough patches and paying out hush money to who knows how many of his sexual partners (Steve Bannon once characterized this as “hundreds”). Cohen, in short, knows where all the bodies are buried.

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Stand By Your Men, Part 1: Trump & Pruitt


EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has come under heavy fire recently for alleged abuses of taxpayer money in his extravagant, sometimes paranoid, expenditures. Pruitt maintains a vast security detail of more than 20, operating on an expanded 24-hour schedule, and overtime pay for several agents has already reached the yearly cap, just four months into 2018.

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Hicks Hits the Bricks, Returns to the Sticks


On Wednesday, February 28th shock waves hit the White House as Communications Director Hope Hicks, a longtime Trump confidante, announced her resignation, a day after appearing before the House Intelligence Committee, where she confessed to telling “white lies” for the President.

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trump daniels

The President and the Porn Star

On Friday, January 12th, the “Wall Street Journal” reported that in October 2016, Donald Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen paid $130,000 in hush money to Stephanie Clifford, AKA “Stormy Daniels”, an adult film star with whom Trump allegedly had an affair in 2006, after his marriage to Melania.

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Moore Defeated; Trump Wins Biggest Loser

It’s the reddest of red states, but the red flowing in Alabama’s political streets today is the blood of the Republican Party. In a close, hotly contested race, Democrat Doug Jones defeated Republican Judge Roy Moore on Tuesday, sending political shockwaves through the country.

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