Tag archive: Whitehouse

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For Donald Trump, a New Milestone

On April 29th 2019 The Washington Post, whose Fact Checker database has been tracking Donald Trump’s lies, misrepresentations, and false or misleading claims, announced that the 45th President had reached a new milestone, with 10,000 falsehoods uttered. Apparently it took Trump some 601 days into his presidency to make 5000 such statements, an average of 8 per day, but only an additional 226 days to double that figure, raising his rate of deception to 23 per day over the ensuing seven month period, which included the buildup to the 2018 Midterms, the government shutdown, and the release of the Mueller Report.

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AAA Profile: Joe Biden

On Thursday 25 April 2019 former Vice President Joe Biden entered the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. Biden’s Macbeth routine, “letting ‘I dare not’ wait upon ‘I would’,” was wearing thin, and at his announcement Biden joined an already crowded field of some twenty rivals who dove into the political (cess)pool ahead of him. Before officially becoming a candidate, Biden’s name recognition kept him at the top of most polls; now that he’s an actual contender, that may change. Fast.

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AAA Profile: Mayor Pete

On Palm Sunday 2019 South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg became the first openly gay candidate for the Democratic nomination for US President, in a speech before more than 6,000 supporters. Known affectionately as “Mayor Pete”, Buttigieg had been turning heads with a $7 million haul for his campaign in the first quarter of 2019, even before making his candidacy official. Third place showings in recent polls of Iowa and New Hampshire, as well as several attention-grabbing interviews and speeches, mark him as a potential force to be reckoned with in the Democratic Primary contests.

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AAA Profile: Adam Schiff

The glow of Democratic keeper-of-the-flame Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA), former ranking member and now Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, flared brightly on Thursday March 28th, when the California congressman responded to his GOP colleagues’ calls for him to resign in the wake of the release of the Mueller Report, which Trump allies are wrongly asserting “exonerates” the President.


In a blistering five-minute takedown which brilliantly laid out the case for Trump’s culpability, malfeasance and unfitness for office, Schiff masterfully reminded Americans of exactly what the stakes are in this Constitutional crisis, the depths to which the Republic(ans) has sunk in condoning or tolerating this violation of presidential norms and common decency.

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Mueller Report Submitted

News broke at 5 PM EDT on March 22nd that Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller had finally submitted his report on Russian interference and collusion with the Trump Campaign in the 2016 US Presidential Election to Attorney General William Barr. It may take weeks, even months, for the full contents of the report to become public, if they ever do. AG Barr is only required under current law to submit a precis of the findings to Congress, which will likely lead to subpoenas and protracted legal battles, possibly rising as high as the US Supreme Court before they are resolved.


But in the meantime we can see the astrological groundwork for the report mirrored in the skies at the moment of its delivery. As ever, the stars say it all. Mueller was appointed Special Counsel on 16 May 2017, and we’ll reference that chart as well.

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Betting on Beto? Don’t.

Beto O’Rourke officially announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president on March 14th, in a taped announcement that was aired online and in several media outlets simultaneously, such as MSNBC. I kinda sorta hate technology at times like these, because it overly complicates matters, astrologically speaking.


Like, where do you cast a chart for an online announcement? I chose El Paso, Texas, since in the 3+ minute statement, O’Rourke specifically invites supporters to join him “here in El Paso” for a kick-off rally on the 30th. The implication is that, whenever it was actually recorded, the filming was done in El Paso, his home base, though since the release time there was 4 AM, and Beto was pressing the flesh in Iowa on the campaign trail a few hours later, I doubt he was in El Paso and awake at the time the statement aired.

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