Asteroid Sleuth: The Case of the Falling Formaggio
On the evening of Sunday, 6 August 2023, 74-year-old Giacomo Chiapparini entered the storage room of his family-run dairy farm’s cheese factory near Bergamo, Italy, to check the robot used to clean the wheels of Grana Padano as they aged, stacked on floor-to-ceiling shelves. No one knows what went wrong, but one of the metal shelves buckled, spilling its store of hundreds of 40 kg (approximately 88-pound) cheeses and creating a domino effect, whereby the entire stock came crashing down, crushing the septuagenarian.
The factory alarm that sounded at 9 PM local time brought firefighters and first responders racing to the scene, but the cheese, some 15,000 wheels of it, had to be shifted by hand, and Chiapparini’s body was not uncovered for more than 11 hours. A chart set for the alarm reveals the unorthodox “death by cheese.”

There are no exact asteroid matches for Giacomo Chiapparini, but asteroids Giacomel 21289, Giacomelli 15567 and Giacometti 11905 are close approximations of his first name, which is the Italian version of James, asteroid 2335. James in German is Jakob, yielding asteroids Jakoba 1893 (feminine version), Jacobi 12040 and Jacoby 25869; French for James is Jacques, with asteroid Jacqueline 1017 the feminine version. We’ll also be using asteroid Berg 4528 for Bergamo, the closest large city, and Lombardi 9397, for the village of Romano di Lombardia, where the farm was located. Asteroids Farmer 6271 and Agricola 3212 (Italian for “farmer”) will supply his profession, while asteroid Formigine 11360 relates to “formaggio”, Italina for “cheese” generally, and asteroid Grano 1451 identifies the Grana Padano variety specifically created by Giacomo Chiapparini’s dairy.

At 9 PM local time, 22 Aquarius was rising, with asteroid James conjoined from 19 Aquarius, opposing asteroid Farmer at 22 Leo, exact on the Descendant and within orb of the Sun at 14 Leo, already set. This establishes the victim and his profession, and places a spotlight (Sun) on the individual in the general timeframe. This polarity forms a Grand Cross with asteroid Anubis 1912 at 23 Scorpio (named for the ancient Egyptian deity governing funerary rites) and a cluster of asteroids Jacqueline (for Giacomo) and Atropos (named for the mythic Greek Fate who severs the thread of life at death) with Uranus (accidents, as well as something shocking, unexpected, unorthodox) at 20, 21 and 22 Taurus, respectively.
On the 11 Sagittarius MC is asteroid Giacomel at 18 Sag, another point approximating Giacomo, opposing asteroid Giacomelli at 12 Gemini (also for Giacomo) on the 11 Gemini IC, further highlighting the cheesemaker in angular potency. These form a Grand Cross with asteroid Karma 3811 at 12 Pisces and asteroid Jacobi at 14 Virgo, paired with Mercury, for a newsworthy event, at 11 Virgo, and Mars, ruler of violent death, at 16 Virgo.

The remaining markers for Giacomo Chiapparini personally include asteroid Giacometti, which at 28 Capricorn is exactly conjunct Pluto, modern ruler of death, also squaring the Moon (dairy, farms, cheese) at 23 Aries with asteroid Lachesis 120 at 29 Aries, named for the Fate who determines the span of life. Lachesis is embedded at station, turning retrograde August 23rd. Asteroid Jacoby at 6 Virgo conjoins asteroid Robot 15907 at 4 Virgo, uniting Giacomo with the proximate cause of his death, inspecting that cheese-cleaning robot. This pair opposes Saturn, ancient lord of death, at 5 Pisces, with Damocles 5335, the doom hanging overhead (in this case, quite literally) at 1 Pisces, and forms a T-Square with asteroid Requiem 2254, named for the funeral mass for the dead, at 7 Sagittarius.
Asteroid Jakoba at 13 Scorpio conjoins asteroid Agricola (“farmer”) at 15 Scorpio, squaring James at 19 Aquarius and more broadly drawn into that Anubis/Atropos opposition, also highlighted directly by the 14 Leo Sun in square.

The cheese makes its appearance as asteroid Formigine, which at 4 Cancer conjoins TNO Chaos 19521 at 1 Cancer and asteroid Nemesis 128 at 6 Cancer, describing the chaotic (Chaos) redistribution of cheese wheels (Formigine) which precipitated Chiapparini’s ruin and destruction (Nemesis). Also here is asteroid Lombardi at 26 Gemini, for the village of Romano di Lombardia, where the tragedy occurred; the group opposes asteroid Berg at 0 Capricorn, also embedded at station, for the nearby Bergamo metropolis. Berg turns direct August 20th. A loose Grand Cross (Berg is wide of some elements) is created by the addition of asteroid Fireman 4231 (for the first responders) at 10 Aries, opposed asteroids Grano (the Grana Padano cheese), Rip (“RIP”) and Osiris (Egyptian god of the dead) at 11, 14 and 15 Libra.
It all combines to celestially portray one of the cheesiest deaths on record, a grating reminder of the blood”curd”ling fact of human mortality, which always gets its whey.
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Thanks for looking into this event and showing there’s nothing that happens that isn’t reflected in the heavens, no matter how bizarre! I’d love to see this fellow’s natal chart and whether his death was foreshadowed there. Your final paragraph cracked me up. In life you have to laugh or you’ll cry. Thanks Alex!