The Georgia School Shooting
Ah, back to school! I remember it well – the bookbags and lunchpails that had to conform to what was currently “cool” to avoid merciless taunting; catching up with what friends did over the summer break; the new pens, pencils, notepads and markers; readjusting to subpar school cuisine; the new clothes that were another potential pitfall of derision; and of course, the mass shootings.
No, wait – that one’s new. Well, new-ish; it’s been a quarter century since Columbine inaugurated a whole new rite-of-passage for American schoolchildren, replacing dodgeball with dodgebullet, and each year since, it seems we just keep upping the ante.

I suppose we should be grateful that it took a full month after classes resumed at the Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia before there were any fatalities. But overachieving psychopath Colt Gray made up for that lost time on 4 September 2024, when his shooting spree claimed the lives of four teachers and classmates, wounding nine others, the deadliest mass shooting at a school in Georgia’s history. The AR-15 style rifle that 14-year-old Gray used for his rampage had been gifted to him by his father Colin, after police and FBI agents had questioned the boy and his family about threats he had posted online against the school a year ago. Colt Gray has been charged with four counts of felony murder and will be tried as an adult; the day after the shooting his father Colin Gray was also arrested, charged with second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter, as a facilitator of his son’s mayhem.
The tragedy unfolded mid-morning, with Gray leaving his algebra class, ostensibly to use the bathroom, at about 9:45 AM; when he knocked for readmittance, a student saw the gun he carried, and refused him entry. Gray thereupon directed his fire at a nearby classroom, getting off 10-15 rounds; school resource officers confronted him a few minutes later, and he surrendered peacefully. The school was placed on lockdown at 10:20 AM EDT, and police arrived three minutes later.

We’ll be using the 10:20 AM time for the analysis, which yields an Ascendant at 21 Libra, conjoined asteroids Coltrane 5893 (closest to Colt) at 19 Libra, Georgia 359 and Wildcat 17493, both at 26 Libra, and Tantalus 2102 at 28 Libra. This grouping tells the story in fine – a horrific act of pure evil (Tantalus, named for a mythic Greek king noted for committing heinous crimes) at the Apalachee High School (with mascots, the Wildcats) in Winder, Georgia (Georgia), perpetrated by Colt Gray (Coltrane).
Affirming this identity is asteroid Gray 236616 at 19 Capricorn, conjoined the 23 Capricorn IC. Gray is embedded at station, marking a pivotal “turning point” for persons of that name, and turned direct the day after the shooting. Gray is involved in a precise T-Square with Coltrane and an opposition to asteroid Karma 3811 at 19 Cancer, a sign that Fate had caught up with Colt Gray, and his victims. A Grand Cross is completed by TNO Eris 1386199, a point relating to strife and division, symbolizing those who feel themselves to be misused, disrespected or marginalized in some way.

Gray is further accompanied by additional stationary points which shed light upon the story. Also here is asteroid Osiris 1923, named for the Egyptian god of the dead; at 20 Capricorn, Osiris turned direct on September 6th; and an exact conjunction of asteroids Child 4580 (alluding to the suspected shooter’s youth) and Apache Point 90022 (closest phonetic match to “Apalachee,” the school’s name), both at 15 Capricorn. The grouping suggests a pivotal moment (stations) for students (Child) facing death (Osiris) at Apalachee High School (Apache Point).
The Sun at 12 Virgo is conjoined by asteroids Apophis 99942 at 6 Virgo, a point named for the ancient Egyptian personification of pure evil; and Nemesis 128 at 12 Virgo, noted for bringing ruin and destruction. These square asteroid Requiem 2254 at 16 Gemini, named for the funeral mass for the dead, and Jupiter at 19 Gemini, ruling education generally, in a T-Square with Saturn at 16 Pisces, ancient lord of death.

The Moon appears to have been the trigger for the incident; at 29 Virgo, it had just touched off a T-Square with an opposition to Neptune at 28 Pisces, and Mars on the fulcrum at 29 Gemini, accompanied by asteroids Gunn 18243 at 28 Gemini and Lachesis 120 at 3 Cancer. Neptune indicates unstable mental states and fanaticism; Mars is attacks and violence, and rules weaponry; Gunn is self-explanatory in this context; and Lachesis is named for the mythic Greek Fate who determines the span of life. A Grand Cross is completed with the addition of TNO Ixion 28978 at 3 Capricorn, named for the first murderer in Greek myth, exactly opposing Lachesis.
Mercury rules students, teachers, young people, and early education; at 24 Leo, Mercury anchors a Grand Cross, opposed asteroid Anubis 1912 at 20 Aquarius, named for the Egyptian deity governing funerary rites; and squared Uranus at 27 Taurus, ruling shootings, and asteroid Rip 7711 at 25 Scorpio, which acts as a death indicator in the form of the acronym RIP, “Rest In Peace,” a common tombstone inscription.

PNAs (Personal-Named Asteroids) representing the victims also appear prominently. Among the dead were two teachers: Richard Aspinwall, 39, and Christina Irimie, 53. Richard Aspinwall is seen as asteroid Richard 3972, which at 13 Leo conjoins asteroid Atropos 273 at 5 Leo, named for the Greek Fate who severs the thread of life at death, also opposed Anubis at 20 Aquarius and semisquare to both the Moon and the Mars/Gunn pairing, on their rough midpoint, feeding into that T-Square. Christina Irimie shows in multiple ways, as asteroid Kristina 4038 (alternate spelling) at 15 Gemini, conjunct Requiem and squared Sun/Nemesis, T-Squared Saturn; and as asteroids Christen 11823 at 24 Scorpio and Christine 628 at 1 Sagittarius, both conjoined Rip and opposed Uranus, T-Squared Anubis.
The slain students were Mason Schermerhorn and Christian Angulo, both 14. Mason is represented by asteroid Mason-Dixon 3131, which at 7 Pisces splits the distance between Saturn at 16 Pisces and Damocles 5335 at 0 Pisces, representing the doom or peril hanging unseen overhead. Mason is also seen as asteroid Masoncole 26699, an especially unsettling point, combining as it does approximations of both the shooter and his victim’s first names; Masoncole falls at 13 Gemini, conjunct Requiem and Kristina, squared Sun/Nemesis, T-Squared Saturn.

Christian Angulo is seen as asteroid Christian 192158, which at 19 Taurus conjoins Uranus, opposes Rip, and T-Squares Anubis. All of the Christina referents may be seen as representing him as well. The closest match to his surname is asteroid Angola 1712, which at 8 Virgo conjoins Sun/Apophis/Nemesis.
A third teacher was shot and critically wounded, but survived. David Phenix, a special education math teacher, was well-named, for he will rise one day from the ashes of his close encounter with death. At 14 Taurus, asteroid Davida 511 (feminine equivalent of David) is exactly sesquiquadrate the Moon and exactly semisquare Mars, accompanied by Gunn, also semisquare Neptune, while asteroid Phoinix 4543 (closest to Phenix) appears at 11 Virgo, conjunct the Sun/Nemesis/Apophis grouping. Phoinix also squares Jupiter at 19 Gemini, ruling educators and hips, with Phenix’s hip bone shattered by the shooting.

Colt Gray’s date of birth has not been released in the press, so far as I can determine. But a posting on the X account of Richard B. Long, who states he received the data from Gray’s grandmother Debbie Polhamus, lists 14 January 2010. An examination of that date seems to indicate that it may be the true one.
An almost infallible means of confirming a birth chart’s validity is to use the subject’s own PNA placements to verify. These will typically interact with the Sun, Moon, Ascendant or Mercury (as ruling the naming function). And while we don’t have a birth time, so Moon and Ascendant are unknown to us, even with that limited data, we see asteroid Coltrane at 14 Aries opposed asteroid Gray at 9 Libra, in a T-Square with Mercury at 5 Capricorn. Provisionally, I felt that was enough to go on with the analysis, and much of that bears out 14 January 2010 as the legitimate birthdate.

The Sun at 24 Capricorn is widely conjoined by asteroid Apophis (pure evil) at 4 Aquarius. Apophis, in turn, conjoins Gunn at 6 Aquarius, and together these square Wildcat at 0 Taurus, suggesting some form of atrocity (Apophis) perpetrated by a firearm (Gunn), directed at Apalachee students (Wildcat, the school mascot). Apophis and Gunn also oppose asteroid Atropos (death) at 12 Leo with Mars at 15 Leo, indicating the attack (Mars, Gunn) would be a fatal one (Atropos) (though Wildcat itself is too wide of the square to Atropos/Mars for this to be considered a T-Square).

Wildcat also finds itself at the Apex of a Thor’s Hammer, a fated pattern similar to a Yod, with sesquiquadrate aspects to asteroid Georgia at 15 Virgo, and asteroid Karma conjoined TNO Ixion at 14 and 16 Sagittarius, with these points squared each other. Georgia is of course the state in which the shooting occurred, Karma doubles down on the “fated” quality of the situation, and Ixion equates to murder.
Barring an exact conjunction with Venus, the Sun is isolated from all planetary energies except a sextile to Uranus at 23 Pisces, which represents volatility, excitability, nonconformity, and bizarre or shocking acts. But there is another solar pattern involving asteroids, one of the aforementioned Yods (AKA “Finger of Destiny”), with the Sun at its Apex, inconjunct to asteroids Nemesis at 21 Gemini and Child at 25 Leo (sextile each other). This affirms Colt Gray (Sun) as a potential hazard (Nemesis) to his peers (Child). A conjunction of Jupiter at 29 Aquarius with asteroid Anubis at 2 Pisces opposing Child signals some form of fame or celebrity (or at least, notoriety, fame’s flip side, all ruled by Jupiter) resulting from the deaths (Anubis) of minors (Child). A third repetition of the theme appears as Pluto (modern lord of death, planetary ruler of homicide and criminal behaviors) at 3 Capricorn, conjoined Mercury (students, young people) at 5 Capricorn and asteroid Tantalus (heinous acts) at 6 Capricorn, again pointing to something unthinkable (Tantalus) and lethal (Pluto) involving his classmates.

All of this is reasonable circumstantial evidence that we are dealing with the right chart, but it is the victim PNAs that seem to offer little doubt of its veracity. In particular, I would point to the pairing of asteroids Osiris and Requiem, both death indicators, at 11 and 15 Pisces, conjoining asteroids Apache Point (for Apalachee High School) at 13 Pisces and Mason-Dixon (for victim Mason Schermerhorn) at 17 Pisces, squared asteroid Christine at 5 Gemini (for victim Christina Irimie) and Richard at 8 Sagittarius (for victim Richard Aspinwall), and trine asteroid Davida at 12 Scorpio, sextile asteroid Phoinix at 15 Taurus (for wounded victim David Phenix). As well, asteroid Christian at 20 Libra (for victim Cristian Angulo) is inconjunct Requiem (though too wide to be in aspect to Osiris), and also squares the Sun and trines a Damocles/Rip pairing at 17 and 19 Aquarius (representing a looming threat (Damocles) of death (Rip)).
That makes all five victims, and the Apalachee student body generally, with connections to markers for death in Colt Gray’s chart. Consider further that at the time of the shooting, transit Saturn (death) was conjunct the Osiris/Requiem duo from 16 Pisces, and transit Requiem was in square from 16 Gemini, with the transit Sun/Nemesis conjunction opposed, creating a T-Square. Yes, that does look like the correct chart, doesn’t it?

The culpability of Colt Gray’s father Colin in the crime is also portrayed in the chart, with asteroid Colinstuart 15347 at 1 Libra, conjunct the 29 Virgo Moon and squared Mars/Gunn/Lachesis (family member/Moon as the source of the weaponry/Gunn for the fatal/Lachesis attack/Mars); asteroids Colineldridge 391496 and Collins 6471 at 23 and 26 Leo, conjunct Mercury at 24 Leo and T-Squared asteroids Rip at 25 Scorpio and Anubis at 20 Aquarius (the deaths/Rip/Anubis of students/Mercury); and asteroid Collinarnold 19411 at 2 Leo conjunct asteroid Atropos 5 Leo and opposed Pluto at 29 Capricorn (an agent of death/Atropos via homicide/Pluto).
It’s my fervent hope that this will be the last time I chronicle a mass shooting in the US, but realistically, with more than 430 so far in 2024, the best I can hope for is a brief respite.
2 comments, add yours.
I imagine that a father who chooses the name “Colt” for his son has some kind of unhealthy fondness for weapons going on?
I hope the families of the victims go after this whole family in a civil suit, to ensure that none of them EVER has enough cash to even buy a popgun…
I got a nasty frisson when I saw the surname of the one teacher: before my name was Charlotte, it was Irmi, and I changed it legally in 2001. I had my new name on the day before my birthday, with a new birth certificate to boot! And it wasn’t even expensive..
I noticed he was born a day before a solar eclipse on January 15, 2010. I only know this since I was looking at this birth year because on September 6th a 14-year-old girl in Saskatoon set a fellow student on fire. (Just think what would have happened if she’d had access to an assault rifle.) There has also been a jump in crimes in Canada involving kids around this age. Something for astrologers to ponder. Thanks Alex. I’m off to check what’s happening to my PNA again!